ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Thermotechnical properties of municipal solid waste depending upon component and fractional composition

S. V. Polygalov, G. V. Ilinykh, V. N. Korotaev
Section: Ecologization of industry
Thermotechnical properties of municipal solid waste (MSW), in particular their moisture, ash content and heating value, determine the effectiveness of methods of thermal utilization of waste, interest in which is currently growing in Russia. The MSW heterogeneity leads to difficulties in determining their thermotechnical properties and causes the urgency of carrying out complex researches of MSW fractional and component composition with the isolation of sufficiently homogeneous components, the selection and laboratory researches of samples of such components. The article presents an approved methodological approach to MSW analysis, which includes full-scale field investigation of MSW component and fractional composition and analysis of their moisture and ash content in a laboratory with the subsequent calculation of the thermotechnical properties of the MSW flow as a whole. A distinctive feature of this approach is the provision of representative samples of MSW and individual components, consideration of seasonal and weekly fluctuations in waste composition, as well as the allocation of a large number of MSW components and separate investigation of their moisture and ash content in fractions of different sizes. Moisture and ash content of individual components within the same category differ significantly from each other and depend on the component’s material, properties and size. Heating value an individual component category depends on the component composition within the category and vary with the same water and ash content of the individual components. The obtained results allow modeling of MSW composition, heating value and other properties after different treatment technologies, including mechanical, manual and optical sorting, and select technologies and equipment for achieving specified waste quality parameters.
Keywords: component composition of waste, fractional composition of waste, moisture, ash content, heating value
Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-070-078
Views: 11

Assessment of the composition and the microstructure of aluminiumcontaining waste for the substantiation of the directions of its use

A. A. Martynova, G. M. Batrakova
Section: Ecologization of industry
Complex recycling of industrial wastes involves the extraction of valuable components and the use of waste as secondary material resources. Implementation of resource-saving technologies reduces the anthropogenic load on the environment. In the process of thermal destruction of calorific materials, waste with a high content of aluminum oxide is generated. In order to determine the directions of usage of alumina-containing waste the initial study of its composition and structure was made. The methods of scanning electron microscopy and quantitative physicochemical analysis were used. The following samples were studied: construction samples with waste additives (15 and 30%), and a series of samples purified with mineral acids and water. The mineral composition of the alumina waste corresponded to the requirements for raw materials for use as a reinforcing additive in cement mixtures, heat-resistant concretes and for the manufacture of binders. Compaction of the structure by spherical particles Al2O3 affects the strength characteristics of gypsum binder samples. A comparison is made between the physico-mechanical characteristics of samples with different waste content and control sample of gypsum. A study of the microstructure and element analysis of waste, purified by mineral acids, was made. The analysis showed an inhomogeneous composition of impurities. Treatment of waste with acids and water is effectively remove impurities, at the same time mass content of aluminum in the purified samples is increasing. The results of evaluation of waste structure and composition can be used for explanation of materials formation with new structure on aluminum-oxygen basis and ceramic materials formation that can be manufactured using this type of waste.
Keywords: aluminum-containing wastes, aluminium oxide, sludge, energy-dispersive microanalysis

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Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-062-069
Views: 7

Production of organic matter and carbon stock in ground vegetation of spruce and birch phytocenoses in the Foothills of the Subpolar Urals

T. A. Pristova, S. V. Zagirova, A. V. Manov
Section: Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed areas
The reserves of phytomass and carbon in the ground cover of spruce and birch phytocenoses in the foothills of the Subpolar Urals in Komi Republic are determined. The concentration and carbon stocks of these forests are currently poorly understood. Three types of forest were studied: bilberry green moss spruce forest, sphagnum spruce forest, polytric birch forest. These forests consist of spruce, birch and fir, stands of different ages and low productivity. It is established that the concentration of carbon in plant species varies from 39 to 50% of absolutely dry matter. High concentration of carbon in bilberry shrubs, low in horsetail, medium in herbs. Carbon content in plants of one species or group of species growing in different forests was similar. Ground vegetation plants accumulate 512–960 g/m2 organic matter, including carbon 250–409 g/m2. Carbon accumulation in ground vegetation plants of the sphagnum spruce forest was the highest. More than 50% of the phytomass carbon concentrated in aboveground part of plants. The aboveground parts of shrubs accumulated carbon 8–49 g/m2, herbs – 54–68 g/m2, mosses – 62–140 g/m2. Aboveground phytomass contents 44–62%,underground phytomass – 31–36% of the total carbon reserve in annual production, 86–95% of it returns to the litter. The leading role in the accumulation of carbon in the growth of ground cover belongs to grasses. Annual carbon stock in ground vegetation of spruce forests is 11–20 gC/m2, in birch forest – 9 gC/m2. Thus, a significant part of the carbon accumulated in annual production of plant cover is included in the destructive process of the carbon cycle.
Keywords: Subpolar Urals, spruce and birch forest, ground vegetation, organic matter, carbon stock
Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-053/2-061
Views: 14

The response of lichens to the environmental pollution under the bauxite mining in the taiga zone

T. K. Golovko, M. А. Shelyakin, I. G. Zakhozhiy, G. N. Tabalenkova, T. N. Pystina
Section: Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed areas
The activity of the mineral complex enterprises resulted in the pollution of the biosphere by the products of mining and processing of minerals. The open method of mining is the most vulnerable for the landscapes. Northern ecosystems have relatively low capacity of self-purification and self-healing, which increases their vulnerability to anthropogenic impact. The functional status of the three lichen species (Hypogimnia physodes, Lobaria pulmonaria and Peltigera aphthosa)from the areas with different degree of pollution in the zone of influence of the largest in Eurasia Middle Timan bauxite mine was studied. It is shown that the bauxite dust pollution led to the accumulation of metal compounds in the thalli,especially aluminum and iron. Their content in the lichen samples collected on the plot located near the concentrating mill, reached 16000–20000 μg/g of dry weight (DW). It is 40 times more compared to relatively clean (background)site. The significant part of the metal compounds was localized in the surface fraction. In the intracellular fraction it was detected from 3–10% (Mn, Fe, Al, Cr, Pb) to 40% (Cu) of their total amount. The content of organogenic elements (carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) was lower by 10–15% in the thalli from impact areas. These thalli showed a high level of lipid peroxidation and increased activity of antioxidant enzymes that indicate the development of oxidative stress. The lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase activities were increased by 1.5–2 times. Judging by these parameter values, the reaction of three-component cyano-lichens L. pulmonaria and P. aphthosa to pollution were expressed more strongly in comparison with chloro-lichen H. physodes. It was concluded that the application of physiological approaches increases the efficiency of lichenoindication and allows us to identify the first signs of defects long before significant reduction in vitality and taxonomic diversity of lichens will become apparent.
Keywords: lichens, lichen-indications, bauxite dust, metals, compartmentalization of elements, oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase

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Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-044/2-053/1
Views: 11

Characteristics of cryogenic calcite from cave Grandioznaya (V. A. Anufrieva), Southern Ural

O. I. Kadebskaya, Y. V. Dublyansky
Section: Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed areas
Cave Grandioznaya, discovered in 1999 in Republic Bashkortostan is one of the largest natural caves in Ural Mountains.Speleological research of the cave is conducted by the Salavat club of speleologists (Republic of Bashkortostan).Unusual calcite formations were found in the cave in 2016, as on large blocks, and on a clay bottom in free space were discovered. Using the temperature data logger HOBO Water Temp Pro v2, it was found that stable positive temperatures are observed throughout the year in the grotto where calcite was found (fluctuations do not exceed 0.5 оC). On the basis morphological, chemical and stable isotope studies, as well as the 230Th/234U dating, this calcite was found to be of cryogenic origin. Crusts are aggregates (up to 6 cm in size) of differently oriented calcite crystals with clay primers. The color tone of the crusts depends on the amount of clay particles. Finding of such calcite, formed on the transition from Younger Dryas to the Preboreal stage of the Holocene epoch is indicative of the presence of degrading permafrost in this part of Ural at the time. During this, rather sharp, warming of the climate, an active thawing of the permafrost existed, which is a prerequisite for the formation of cryogenic calcite in caves. Methods of identification of cryogenic calcite, as well as other speleothems that remained after disappearance of underground ice, developed by the authors allows assessing the extent of ancient permafrost and its effect on karst ecosystems in the study region.
Keywords: carbonates, caves, cryogenesis, isotope composition, geochronology, paleoclimate

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Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-038-044/1
Views: 11

Identification of the thickets of Heracleum sosnowskyi using Earth remote sensing data

E. V. Tovstik, T. A. Adamovich, V. V. Rutman, G. Ya. Kantor, T. Ya. Ashikhmina
Section: Research methods. Models and projects
Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.) is one of the most dangerous invasive plant species,common in the European part of Russia and some European countries. Its spread threatens the biological diversity of natural ecosystems. The danger of H. sosnowskyi for the human health lies in its ability to cause skin burns. Large populations of H. sosnowskyi can be found in uncultivated fields, meadows, on the banks and in the vicinity of watercourses and reservoirs, on the outskirts of forests, and along roads. Currently in Russia, in connection with the massive spread of H. sosnowskyi, the question is raised about the need to create a special federal target program to control this dangerous species. The data of the Earth remote sensing can provide essential assistance in planning the measures to control the spread of H. sosnowskyi. Satellite imagery provide information about localization and areas of plant communities in large areas. To monitor the distribution of H. sosnowskyi, it is possible to use multispectral as well as monochrome satellite images of high and medium resolution. In our study we used images from the Sentinel-2 satellitewith a resolution of 10 m. The detection of the foci was carried out on the territory of certain districts of the Kirov region of Russian Federation. The populations of Sosnowsky’s hogweed are well recognized visually on synthesized color images using either three channels of the visible range (blue, green, red), or two visible (blue and green) and near infrared channel. Both variants give very close results, providing reliable identification of thickets of the hogweed.
Keywords: Heracleum sosnowskyi, invasion, remote sensing data, Sentinel 2

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Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-035-037
Views: 23

A multi-factor model as the basis for the environmental quality management of urban аreas

E. V. Sokolskaya, B. I. Kochurov, Yu. A. Dolgov, V. A. Lobkovsky
Section: Research methods. Models and projects
The article considers mathematical approach to environmental quality management to improve the ecological comfort of living for the population. The problem of environmental management is described using a multi-factor model of quality of the environment with the weight coefficients of the importance of its components: atmospheric air, acoustic impact, soil, water resources, and green spaces, accessibility of natural and recreational areas. The values of weight coefficients of importance of influencing factors for environmentally comfortable living are determined by the method of expert assessment. A multi-factor model is used for detailed assessment of the ecological quality of the urban environment. The proposed quantitative approach also allows to compare the environmental comfort of the different residential districts or to study the dynamics of environmental comfort of specific urban area. Much attention is paid to scientific and methodological principles of management and the formation of the concept of «environmental quality». The strategy of environmental management with ecological foundation of various practical solution is shown. The plan of measures on organization of optimal management of quality of the environment to improve comfort of living for the population of the residential microdistrict of Tiraspol is presented. Graphical scheme of the results of integral analysis of various environmental indicators and assessments for improving the comfort of the environment is given. Realization of environmental quality management of the urban areas on the basis of a multi-factor model contributes to the gradual change of dangerous ecological conditions of environmental factors, to increase a comfort of the territory taking into account the real preferences and needs of the population.
Keywords: environmental quality management, environmental factors, ecological comfort, generalized desirability function, expert assessment, complex indicator
Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-026-034
Views: 51

Analysis of Kramer’s coral-reef food web model

M. Solomonovich, I. Bica, L. Gao, А. Hailu
Section: Research methods. Models and projects
The model of a coral reef ecosystem, proposed by D.B. Kramer and published in Ecology and Society in 2008, explored the implications of changes in biological parameters and changes in economic and social interaction variables governing the fishing behaviour of anglers targeting the two fish species included in the model, herbivore and piscivore fish. This model is parametrized based on evidence provided in the literature. The recognition of multiple species in the model as well as the inclusion of adaptive harvesting behaviour may supposedly allow to explore policy or management options. This paper reviews, extends and sharpens the analysis undertaken in original article, and reveals both mathematical and interpretational mistakes in it. We use analytical and numerical methods to show that, contrary to the assertion in discussed article, some of the equilibrium outcomes are independent of the parameter values that were identified as important in this paper. At the same time the model is highly sensitive to the setting of some parameter values as well as to the structures representing interactions in the model. We suggest ways in which the model can be modified so that it would become interpretable.
Keywords: coral reef ecosystems, dynamical system, ecosystem simulation, equilibria, fisheries management, socio-economic values
Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-016-025
Views: 14

Genetic engineering in solving “unsolvable” problems of soil remediation

A. A. Gulevich, E. N. Baranova, I. G. Shirokikh, A. A. Shirokikh
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
Many centuries of cultivation of plants allowed human civilization to significantly increase the population of the planet. However, as a result of economic activity, many areas have turned into waterless deserts, salt heaths, dumps and waste pits that remain after mining. Classical technology has been developed for many decades, but this has not led to an effective solution of the problems that have arisen, and humanistic values do not allow for the reduction of the population. In this review, new approaches are considered that can significantly improve the efficiency of remediation. The solution involves combining biotechnologies: genetic engineering of plants, fungi and microorganisms; in the compartment with the application of nanotechnology recultivation and creation of artificial analogues of soil and new materials of geoplastics for the creation of an artificial landscape. The principal possibility of creation of plant complexes and microbes-rescuers on the basis of potentially resistant organisms capable of effective interaction is considered. The review deals with the genetic modification of plant and bacterial organisms that allow to accelerate in principle the formation of biogenic matter on disturbed and remediated soils, including man-made soils. This can restore the ecology of the abandoned lands destroyed by mankind over the centuries of its existence.
Keywords: soil degradation, waste pollution, ecobiotechnology, phytoremediation, rhizosphere microorganisms, genetic engineering, landscape reconstruction

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Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-005-015
Views: 31

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The journal was founded in 2007