ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Experience of transplanting a population of a red book plant species in the conditions of the beginning of reconstruction works in the protected area of the oil pipeline

T.А. Trifonova, A.А. Martsev, O.G. Selivanov, O.V. Saveliev
Section: Population ecology
The article highlights the experience of transplanting Anemone nemorosa L. listed in the Red Book of Vladimir Region as a rare species (status category 3). A special feature of this work is the transplantation of A. nemorosa in the autumn period, in connection with the beginning of the reconstruction works in the protected zone of the oil pipeline at the place of A. nemorosa natural growth. To further preserve the native population of A. nemorosa in natural conditions, a new transplant site was chosen which is close in ecological and phytocenotic conditions to the place of natural growth and does not fall into the zone of reconstruction works. The work was coordinated with the relevant state environmental organizations. The article provides data on the geobotanical description of the source and recipient habitats of A. nemorosa, presents the results of chemical analysis of soils, assesses the viability of transplanted plants, and describes step-bystep the method of transplanting this type of plant. Over the next two years, spring phenological observations showed that A. nemorosa successfully underwent an autumn transplant and adapted to a new location. Monitoring studies have confirmed the stability of the formed artificial population of A. nemorosa, which is an important factor for self-renewal of the population, conservation of the biological diversity of rare and endangered plants, and the integrity of the ecosystem of this territory. The developed technique for transplanting Anemone nemorosa in late autumn allows, in some cases, to push the time limits for translocation of rare and endangered plant species, and to preserve valuable populations in the cases of a real anthropogenic impact.
Keywords: Anemone nemorosa, anthropogenic transformation, oil pipeline, rare and endangered species, translocation
Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-140-146
Views: 11

Study of metabolites of Streptomyces carpaticus RCAM04697 for the creation of environmentally friendly plant protection products

Yu.V. Bataeva, L.N. Grigoryan, E.A. Kurashov, J.V. Krylova, E.V. Fedorova, E.J. Iavid, V.V. Khodonovich, L.V. Yakovleva
Section: Agroecology
In the Astrakhan region, in the conditions of an arid extreme climate with a semi-desert landscape, communities of soil actinomycetes with specific properties are formed. The strain Streptomyces carpaticus RCAM04697 was isolated from saline soils in the arid zone. The qualitative and quantitative composition of low molecular weight organic compounds (LMWOCs) in suspension and extracts (hexanic, water-alcoholic (50/50), methanolic) of this strain, which has antiviral, insectoacaricidal, fungicidal and phytostimulating properties, was studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer SHIMADZU GCMS-QP2010 Ultra. Mass spectra were recorded in the scanning mode for the full mass range (30-1090 m/z) in the programmed temperature mode. The detected LMWOCs were identified using the mass spectrum libraries "NIST-2014" and " Wiley". GC/MS-analysis of metabolites of the strain showed that the identified LMWOCs have valuable properties from an agricultural point of view: bactericidal (2-methylpentane-2,4-diol); fungicidal (2-methylpentane-2,4-diol); insecticidal (propan-2-yl tetradecanoate). GC/MS analysis showed that the hexane extract of the strain S. carpaticus RCAM04697 had the largest number of metabolites-13 LMWOCs, whereas the methanol extract contained only 3 LMWOCs. It should be noted that the identified metabolites confirm our earlier information that the suspension and extracts (hexanic, water-alcoholic (50/50), methanolic) of S. carpaticus RCAM04697 strain can be used as a basis for creating biological plant protection products with high biological effectiveness with insecticidal, acaricidal, fungicidal, bactericidal properties. Streptomycetes are an inexhaustible source of new biologically active substances that can be used in plant protection, agronomy, medicine, and veterinary medicine. Thus, we consider it necessary to continue research in the field of studying the properties of actinomycete metabolites, in particular, streptomycetes, due to the need to decipher the ecological and biochemical mechanisms of their existence, characterized by the great potential in various industries, and especially in the field of environmental agrotechnologies.
Keywords: streptomycetes, metabolites, suspension, extract, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-172-178
Views: 15

Some aspects of the problem of the wolf’s (Canis lupus L.) penetration in the settlements of the Komi Republic

A.N. Korolev
Section: Social ecology
We described the problem of wolves penetrations into the settlements of the Komi Republic in 2014–2020 based on the analysis of electronic media messages (n = 271). The frequency of its penetration into human settlement increased significantly on the background of growing of the wolf’s population. The predator was recorded in at least 106 settlements (14.7% of the number of settlements in the region with a non-zero population) and in 18 (out of 20) districts. It was recorded in villages as well as in cities, including the capital of the region – Syktyvkar. Approximately half (48.2%) of these settlements are located in four southern Komi Republic districts: Ust-Vymsky, Sysolsky, Syktyvdinsky and Kortkerossky. Settlements with the predator occurrences differed in population size from settlements without the predator occurrences. The median population size of the first settlements group (482 citizens, confidence interval CI = 93–3367, n = 106) was significantly higher (Mann-Whitney U-test, Z = -8.80, p < 0.001) than in second group (92 citizens, CI = 5–750, n = 614). The main negative consequences of the wolves invasions was its depredation on domestic animals (cows, calves, goats, sheep, cats and dogs). The main object of the wolves predation in settlements are dogs. Most of the attacks on dogs (70.4%) occur from October to January. The attacks was not recorded in April and May only. The number of the attacks on dogs varies greatly by region and year. The estimated size of the maximum annual death of dogs from wolf predation in rural areas of the Komi Republic is about 400–500 individuals or 1.5–2% of the total size of the ‘‘rural’’ dogs’ population in the region (our estimation is 24.2 thousand individuals). In some areas, the value of the annual death of dogs due to the wolf’s attacks reaches many tens (up to hundreds) of individuals.
Keywords: wolf, Canis lupus, Komi Republic, settlements, death of domestic animals

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-237-243
Views: 5

The effect of fullerenes C60 and C70 on the growth and photosynthesis of the algae culture Scenedesmus quadricauda

G.A. Dallakyan, V.I. Ipatova, I.V. Mikheev, A.M. Lazareva, S.I. Poghosyan
Section: Ecotoxicology
Because of the increasing production of fullerenes and the likelihood of their release into the environment, studies of the effects of their impact on biological systems, on aquatic organisms, are becoming especially relevant. The effects of the action of an aqueous dispersion of fullerenes C60 and C70 at concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 mg/L on the cell number, the efficiency of photosynthesis, and the proportion of living cells in the culture of a traditional test object Scenedesmus guadricauda are described. The experiments were carried out on Uspensky medium in 100 ml conical flasks with 50 ml of medium in triplicate for each concentration and control for 17 days. A significant stimulating effect on the change of the cell number and the efficiency of photosynthesis is shown during the experiment. In the presence of 10 mg/L fullerene C60 or C70, the stimulation of the photosynthesis efficiency of the culture was up to 25% and 14%, respectively, compared to the control, and concentrations of 1 mg/L and 5 mg/L did not cause a significant effect. At the same time, when exposed to 10 mg/L of fullerene C60 and C70, the cell number increased by 27% and 20%, respectively, and with 5 mg/L of fullerene C60, the stimulating effect was less expressed. When both fullerene C60 and fullerene C70 were added to the medium, in the range of 1–10 mg/L, the cells remained viable during the experiment, while the proportion of living cells was at the control level (98-99%).
Keywords: fullerene C60, fullerene C70, Scenedesmus guadricauda, photosynthesis efficiency, cell number

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-193-197
Views: 7

Technogenic halogenesis of oil-contaminated soils of floodplain ecosystems under conditions of humid soil formation and its environmental consequences

M.V. Nosova, V.P. Seredina
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The content and patterns of spatial distribution of readily soluble salts of technogenic origin in the soils of oil-contaminated floodplain ecosystems of Western Siberia within the middle taiga subzone (Tomsk region) are considered. Peculiarities of technogenic salinization – halogenesis processes that arise as a result of the operation of oilfield technological facilities (field pipelines), are not typical for humid soil formation conditions and consist in the appearance of specific compounds of toxic salts and signs of soil salinization. It is revealed that salinization leads to deterioration of soil fertility and the creation of adverse conditions for the growth and development of plants. In the studied soils, technogenic salts are represented by compounds of the toxic salts NaCl, Na2 SO4 , MgCl2 . The maximum amount of salts is recorded in the upper horizons of soils. Soils have medium salinization (at the epicenter), and weak salinization (impact zone, pollution boundary) with a sulfate type of salinity according to cationic composition, sodium type – according to anionic. The detected changes make it possible to assess the ecological state of oil-contaminated soils in areas prone to excessive moisture (Western Siberia) as unsatisfactory, and to develop a set of scientific recommendations for the implementation of the biological stage of remediation of floodplain soils. One of the scientifically based methods may be the use of rolled biomats at the final stage of biological soil remediation. This material is able to retain seeds of oil-resistant herbs, which are usually washed out by the rain from the soil, by creating a plant layer that is mature in density and area, and also isolates plants from the negative effects of toxic salts formed as a result of pollution.
Keywords: floodplain ecosystems, oil pollution, readily soluble salts, technogenic halogenesis

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-074-079
Views: 14

Dynamics of intestinal helminth fauna Perca fluviatilis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) in conditions of long-term ecosystem succession

M.V. Rubanova, O.V. Mukhortova
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
Modern methods of research on reservoir ecosystems are based on integrated data on the structure of communities and populations of hydrobionts. An effective way of studying changes in the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems is to analyze the collections of fish parasites. The work presents the results of studies of the dynamics of the fauna of intestinal helminths Perca fluviatilis and its relationships with some fodder objects (zooplankton, alien fish species) in the Saratov reservoir. The possibility of practical use of helminths of predatory fish occupying the upper level of trophic chains as “biological markers” is shown, which allow determining the degree of participation of invader species in trophic chains and successional changes in biocenosis. Based on a comprehensive analysis of parasitological and hydrobiological data, the trends and specifics of the 30-year period of succession of the Saratov reservoir ecosystem associated with the spread of alien species were determined. This process includes phased introduction, naturalization, an increase in the number of invader species, the activation of their participation in the trophic chains of hydrobionts, and a change in the ecology of fish and parasites. An increase in the number of individual alien species and related changes in the ecology of host species, structural and functional restructuring of populations and communities (fish, zooplankton, zoobenthos, parasites) are predicted.
Keywords: parasites on perch, crustacean, water ecosystem transformation, reservoir, biological markers, alien species

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-031-037
Views: 3

Seed productivity and features of biology of Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. (Orchidaceae) on the northern distribution border

I.A. Kirillova, D.V. Kirillov
Section: Population ecology
The article presents the results of studying some aspects of Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. (Orchidaceae) reproductive biology in the Komi Republic (northeast Russia), where the northern border of this species distribution area passes. The research was carried out in 2010–2019 in the Syktyvdinskiy and Ust’-Kulomskiy administrative districts of the Komi Republic. We have found that M. monophyllos usually occurs in wet forests and swamps, and sometimes occupied the disturbed habitats with low competition (old forest motorways). It usually forms small coenopopulations (up to 100 plants), with a high proportion of generative shoots. Within the coenopopulations, individual plants form small groups or grow as single plants. The efficiency of pollination (46%) in the study area corresponds to the average fruit set in the whole species distribution area. This parameter varies highly within one community, depending on the weather and climatic conditions in different years. We found statistically significant negative correlation between fruit setting and the number of seeds in fruit. So, the lower fruit set is compensated by numerous seeds in the fruit. Seed productivity is high. In the Komi Republic, one fruit of M. monophyllos contains an average of 3338±219 seeds, with more than 94% of seeds with embryo. The mean index of conditionally-real seed productivity (i. e. the mean number of seeds per a generative shoot) is 53000 psc. In the Komi Republic, the seed productivity of M. monophyllos was found to be higher than in the southern parts of its distribution area. It can be assumed that, in the northern part of M. monophyllos distribution area, the increased number of seeds in the fruit is one of additional mechanisms of the implementation of seed renewal, which is the main way of reproduction for this species. The seeds of M. monophyllos are very small – 0.33–0.09 mm, and contain 88.4% empty air space, which provides them with volatility and increases the chance to reach suitable places for germination.
Keywords: Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw., Orchidaceae, the Komi Republic, northern distribution border, fruit set, seed productivity

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-133-139
Views: 7

Influence of air pollution on the ecophysiological parameters of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Siberian spruce Picea obovata Ledeb.) in the urban ecosystems of Southern Siberia

N.V. Pakharkova, A.D. Shkaruba, G.A. Sorokina, N.A. Gaevskiy, Yu.S. Grigoriev, O.P. Kalyakina, A.A. Shubin, M.A. Polosukhina
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
This research aims towards a better understanding of the responses of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and the Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) to air pollution stress in urban and semi-urban conditions. One of the most reliable tests for the depth of winter dormancy is measuring the concentration of abscisic acid in needles. An alternative method for determining the depth of winter dormancy is based on the measurements of heat-induced changes in chlorophyll fluorescence. Our research confirms that the depth of winter dormancy of P. sylvestris and P. obovata is highly sensitive to air pollution stress. In polluted environments, in late winter and early spring, the final release from dormancy is controlled only by low temperatures and it can be easily triggered by the first warm period or even a quick daytime thawing. Our data demonstrate that the trees growing in industrial areas are easier to release from dormancy and to be affected by late winter or spring frost. In urban environments, the risk of frost injuries is even higher due to early spring warm spells associated with the heat island effect. P. sylvestris is less susceptible to air pollution and temperature fluctuations than P. obovata, and therefore represents a better choice for urban forestry projects.
Keywords: air pollution, Pinus sylvestris, Picea obovata, chlorophyll fluorescence, abscisic acid

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-090-097
Views: 9

Effect of the cultivation medium composition on Dunaliella tertiolecta sensitivity to potassium dichromate

E.S. Stravinskene, Yu.S. Grigor’ev, T.L. Shashkova, M.A. Subbotin, M.A. Polosukhina
Section: Ecotoxicology
The effect of a model toxicant on the growth of the algae Dunaliella tertiolecta in Goldberg medium, prepared on the basis of solutions of various sea salt complexes, as well as NaCl alone solution, has been studied. The growth of algae in the controls was 10–15 times after 48 hours in all variants of media. Potassium dichromate at a concentration of 5 mg/L had little or no effect on the growth of the test culture in media prepared from the sea salt solutions. Simultaneously, the same concentration of potassium dichromate completely suppressed the algae growth in NaCl-media. The results of the chemical analysis of all the studied sea salt solutions showed a ratio of the main ions close to that of natural sea water. All studied samples of sea salt solutions contained 5 to 8% magnesium and calcium ions, which is a possible explanation for the lower sensitivity of Dunaliella tertiolecta to potassium dichromate in these media, since the hardness of the medium affects the bioavailability of toxicants for test organisms.
Keywords: Dunaliella tertiolecta, bioassay, potassium dichromate, cultivation medium, sea salts

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-186-192
Views: 3

Evaluation of anthropogenic load on water bodies within the city limits

T.V. Noskova, M.S. Panina, O.M. Labuzova, T.S. Papina, E.G. Ilina
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The fluorimetric analysis of the content of formaldehyde, volatile phenols and oil has been performed in the samples of atmospheric precipitation. Atmospheric precipitation (rain and snow) were collected in Barnaul from October 2013 until September 2018. The average concentration of oil in atmospheric precipitation was 0.07 ppm, volatile phenols – 0.006 ppm and formaldehyde – 0.1 ppm. A seasonal increase of the oil concentration was revealed in the cold period of the year. For formaldehyde a seasonal increase of the concentration has been revealed in the warm period of the year. Volatile phenols are characterized by a constant emission into the atmosphere of the Barnaul regardless of the time of year. The anthropogenic load of the formaldehyde, volatile phenols and oil on surface waters within the boundaries of the city of Barnaul was calculated taking into account average rivers’ discharge. Full-flowing the Ob River does not experience significant anthropogenic load within the boundaries of the city of Barnaul, as regards of the studied pollutants. Its waters are able to dilute the concentration of incoming studied organic pollutants from urban stormwater runoff to before MAC. For the Barnaulka River, the stormwater runoff within the boundaries of the city of Barnaul is a serious source of pollution with oil and volatile phenols. Phenolic compounds pose especially high risk of pollution of the Barnaulka River. Contamination of the Barnaulka River with formaldehyde is not observed. For the improvement current unfavorable environmental situation, it will be necessary to construct the urban treatment plants.
Keywords: atmospheric deposition, water body, anthropogenic load, formaldehyde, volatile phenols, oil

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Article published in number 3 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-3-098-103
Views: 22

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