ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Eco-friendly technology for the processing of livestock manure waste with greenhouse gas absorption

L.M. Maksishko
Section: Social ecology
A method of chemical absorption purification of manure biogas from harmful gases including greenhouse ones (carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide) is proposed, which provides its purification to obtain highcalorie combustible biogas with high (95%) methane content. In the process of biogas purification we obtain mineral fertilizers due to the absorption of harmful gases from biogas: liquid nitrogen fertilizer – ammonia water with the possibility of its concentration, ammonium sulfate and soda as a by-product of biogas purification. Biogas passes through a treatment plant with water, where it is purified from ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide. Moreover, repeated passage of biogas through water and chemical absorbent during several fermentation cycles, starting with the laying of manure for fermentation, increases the concentration of nutrients in water and chemical absorbents. To implement the tested method it is required a tight connection between the elements of the biogas installation and the device for purification of biogas – the first and second chemical absorbers with a storage tank. Water samples through which purified biogas was passed for 10 days contained 8 times more ammonium (20.8 mg/dm3 ), 2.3 times more free carbon dioxide, compared to water samples with biogas for 5 days, the level of hydrogen sulfide increased 10 to 15.6 times. That is, as the time of biogas passing through the water of the treatment plant increases, the water is saturated with ammonium compounds, which are suitable for soil fertilization. After reaching a nitrogen concentration of 16.4–20.5% in the water of the treatment plant through which the biogas passes, the liquid is taken into airtight containers and used for plant nutrition. For the formation of ammonia water, a quick effect will be achieved if the biogas from the fermentation of chicken manure is passed through the water, since it contains 52 times more ammonium than pork biogas. Between all treatment tanks there are discharge pipes with clamps in case it is necessary to check the composition of biogas during the process. Purification of biogas in the first chemical absorber is carried out by conversion carbon dioxide to soda with 10% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Purification in a second chemical scavenger using concentrated sulfuric acid is performed from ammonia to form ammonium sulfate, which will contain 21% nitrogen and 24% sulfur. In the case of acidic soils
Keywords: biogas, biogas treatment, biomethane, greenhouse gases, chemisorption, pH of fertilizer, useful elements, acid soils

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-205-209
Views: 35

The state of forest phytocenosis after thinning in violation of technology

E.V. Lelekova, I.A. Konovalova
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The article presents the data of a study of forest stands after thinning with violations of technology. These are the control indicators of the state of the phytocenosis in a series of further monitoring works that are currently relevant due to the increased cases of illegal logging. In the course of the work, the authors found a deterioration in the tree stand characteristics. This contradicts the very essence of the ongoing forestry activity. The trees left behind should be the best growing. It is for them that the optimal conditions for development and growth are created. Instead, the completeness in 60% of cases decreased to a critical minimum: 0.4 units. The species composition of the remaining stand is heterogeneous, unevenly distributed, with a large percentage of selection of the target (Pinus sylvestris L.) and the preservation of temporarily target (Betula pendula Roth) species. Instead of weakened and sick trees, healthy individuals were cut down. The overall viability of the remaining stand after care is weakened: the crown is sparse, the annual growth is reduced, there are separate dry branches. At 30% of the test sites, the main species is absent. Natural renewal is mainly represented by reliable young individuals of spruce, fir, birch and linden. Non-viable young individuals of these species were not found in the study area. The growing individuals of spruce were recorded in all the surveyed areas. Their number is 1110 units/ha. Other species grow in groups and are also reliable in terms of development. Young individuals of P. sylvestris L. in the amount of 40 pcs/ha were recorded on 20% of the plots; Abies sibirica Ledeb. – 180 pcs/ha on 10%; B. pendula – 160 pcs/ha on 20%; Tilia cordata Mill. – 120 pcs/ha on 10% of the plots. Taking into account the growth rate and the number of spruce undergrowth, in the future, a change in the species composition of the mother stand from pine-birch to spruce-birch is predicted in this area.
Keywords: thinning of plantings, thinning out, tree stand, fullness of the stand, vital state of the stand, natural renewal, undergrowth

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-056-063
Views: 35

Urban air pollution modeling: a critical review

T.G. Krupnova, A.V. Bulanova, T.A. Makarovskikh, A.V. Herreinstein
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
Industrial and transport emissions are the main sources of air pollution in large cities, causing significant risks to human health. Minimizing risks requires information on the distribution and physico-chemical characteristics of emissions. Spatial and temporal detailed data are required because the intensity and composition of emissions varies greatly with time of day and local variations in wind, traffic composition and flow. There are modern mathematical models that simulate the behavior of emissions from industrial plants and traffic flows with a high degree of resolution. The chemistry of the simulated emissions has also been largely resolved by taking into account photochemical reactions as well as dry and wet deposition processes. This review present concepts of urban air pollution monitoring, and analyses and summarizes new insights of real-time air pollutants concentrations. This research is expected to open a door for creating smart cities and digital twins for effective management of environmental risks in an urbanized area. Fifty nine articles were included and studies were classified by various modeling approaches such as statistical and analytical models which give the best prediction results. We find that air pollution monitoring and assessment techniques for calculating air concentrations were successfully used to study temporal and spatial changes in pollutant concentrations. In the same time, it is impossible to create a universal analytical model for predicting the concentrations of pollutants anywhere and for any condition. It should be noted that the mathematical models are constantly being scaled to validate, optimize and expand experimental data. The outcome of this study will help engineers and researchers develop air pollution forecasts concept.
Keywords: mathematical models, air pollution, types of pollutants, environmental monitoring methods, air quality.

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-027-033
Views: 39

Strengthening of carbon sorbents by the introduction of mineral additives

E.S. Ushakova, L.V. Solovyova, A.G. Ushakov
Section: Ecologization of industry
The existing methods of strengthening carbon sorbents are considered, the method of introducing mineral additives is analyzed in detail. The research was carried out on carbon sorbents made on the basis of carbon-containing waste: sawdust and excess active sludge of biological treatment facilities. Mineral additives were added to the sorbent at the mixture preparation stage, after which the mixture was granulated. Preparing granules were dried and pyrolyzed at 600–650 о C. Hot sorbent were cooled to 200 о C by inert gas (CO2 ) and air to room temperature. The introduction of mineral additives in an amount of 4% by weight of the mixture, had a significant influence on the properties of sorbents: a 2-fold increase in the ash content and the density of the sorbents, because of increasing content of mineral impurities (calcium oxide, silica, alumina, iron and magnesium oxides), which have the relative dense lattice structure. Сompressive strength rose from 0.40 to 1.02 kg per granule due to the content of tricalcium silicate (for cement) and kaolinite (for clay) increasing. The moisture sorption decreased from 2.1 to 0.54 g/g for sorbent with cement and to 0.03 g/g for clay. The introduction of cement and clay in the sorbent composition in an amount of 4% by weight of the mixture greatly increases their strength, which can solve the problem of their destruction during water treatment, the collection of oilproducts and transportation, reduces the moisture sorption. It is necessary for collecting oil-products from water surface. But at the same time, the oil capacity of the sorbent decreases to 2.1 g/g for sorbent with cement and to 1.55 g/g for clay. The further research will be aimed at studying ways to increase the sorption capacity of hardened sorbents (modification with organic functional groups; demineralization with acid treatment and so on).
Keywords: carbon sorbent, waste, strengthening, oil

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-129-133
Views: 35

Assessment of snow cover pollution in urban ecosystems of the Kola North in the zone of influence of railway branches

N.V. Saltan, Е.А. Sviatkovskaya, N.N. Trostenyuk
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The chemical composition (pH, the content of the principal cations and anions, Ni, Cu, Pb, Fe) of snow cover on the territory of railway stations in the cities of the Murmansk region (Murmansk, Olenegorsk, Apatity, Polyarnye Zori, Kandalaksha) and in the background area was first studied. The snow sampling was carried out from late March to early April 2019 at a distance of 3–6 m from the railway track. It has been revealed that the acidity of urban melt water corresponded to weakly acidic and neutral values. Compared to the melt water of background territories, the concentrations of ions such as Na+, Са2+, НСО3-, Cl- significantly were increased, especially in Murmansk and Olenegorsk. Two forms of the presence of heavy metal (dissolved and solid) in the snow were analyzed. It has been established that metals during the winter period were received to the atmosphere mainly in solid form, which indicates the technogenic origin of their sources of supply. The highest proportion of solid phase is typical for Fe (>98%). Ecological and geochemical indicators (values of the concentration coefficients, the total contamination index - Zc) of snow pollution were considered. It has been found that the total concentrations of elements of hazard classes 1(Pb) and 2 (Ni, Cu) are 3–28 times higher than background values. According to the total contamination index, railway station territories of the cities Polyarnye Zori (Zc=19), Apatity (Zc=25), Kandalaksha (Zc=28) were characterized by a low level of pollution, Murmansk (Zc=77) – medium, Olenegorsk (Zc=183) – high (due to the functioning of the iron ore concentrate production plant). It has been shown that railway transport contributes to the entry into the atmosphere of solved forms of heavy metals, mainly Fe.
Keywords: snow cover pollution, urban ecosystem, railway transport, Kola North.

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-078-083
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The influence of modern climate warming on the water flow and major ion flux of the Northern Dvina

A.O. Danilenko, A.G. Geоrgiadi
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Modern global warming has changed the water flow in the basins of the Arctic rivers. It’s manifested in the alternation of relatively long phases of increased and decreased water flow. In turn, water runoff variations could change the major ions flux of rivers of this region. In this regard, the goal of the work was a quantitative assessment of the modern warming impact on the annual and seasonal water flow and ion flux of the Northern Dvina river at Ust’-Pinega vlg. during 1947–2016 years considering the separation of this period into relatively cold (1947–1988) and relatively warm (1989–2016). Climatic periods were determined by the cumulative deviation curves of annual and winter air temperature in basin. The ions flux was calculated using close statistically significant relationships between observed concentration and daily water discharges. It was shown that modern climate warming increased the annual and seasonal water flow by 3–15%. The most noticeable increase of major ions flux was observed in winter. The scale of ion flux changes is less noticeable than water flow changes. Statistically significant increase of ion flux was also revealed only in the winter, which is associated with growth of the flow of relatively more mineralized waters. In general, the homeostasis of the geochemical load on the White Sea by the Northern Dvina regardless of its water flow fluctuations, is determined by the inverse relationship between water flow and chemical concentration.
Keywords: the Northern Dvina river, water flow, ion flux, climate warming

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-064-069
Views: 37

Macro- and microelemental composition and properties specificity of Cambisols of plain and mountain landscapes of Russia

G.V. Nesteruk, T.M. Minkina, Yu.A. Fedorov, O.S. Bezuglova, L.Yu. Goncharova, D.G. Nevidomskaya, Yu.A. Litvinov
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The role of Cambisol soil microparticles as possible storage of heavy metals able to mass-transfer in the Azov sea – Black sea basin and the Baltic sea basin environments was studied. The physical and chemical properties of soils, content and distribution features of elements in soil profiles have been defined. The studied soils are in the mountain (Caucasian Natural Reserve) and plain (Polistovsky Natural Reserve) soil-forming conditions. In mountainous territory the higher content of trace elements Pb, As, Cu, Co, Zn, V and macroelements were set up, and enhanced microelemental values in textural horizon and parent rock were defined. The influence of parent rock and particle size distribution on elemental accumulation and allocation within the profiles of studied soils have been observed. In soils of the plain territory the lithological heterogeneity of soil profiles with the elemental value increasing in underlying deposits were indicated. In the mountain area the significance of the relief for the character of profile distribution of elements was set up. It was diagnosed more marked transformation of primary minerals in the brown forest soils of the mountainous territory, and the movement of silty particles without the mineral mass changing in ones of the plain. The obtained content of Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, Cr, Mn, Co, Sr, V in the studied soil could be used to define these ingredients regional background values and levels of their emission as a result of the water and wind erosion. The clarks of concentration and clarks of dispersion of elements were calculated and the geochemical specters were constructed.
Keywords: burozems, particle size, micro- and macroelements, content, distribution

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-070-077
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Structure and productivity of herbaceous plant communities of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe

N.A. Kononova
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Forest-steppes zone was often regarded as a passing zone between the forest and steppe types. However, floristic studies conducted in recent years made it possible to identify the forest-steppe as an independent type with characteristic structural features of vegetation cover. On the example of secondary by origin herbaceous plant communities of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe (the South of Middle Siberia, left Bank of the Yenisei river, 56°35´12´´N, 93°01´20´´E), their structural organization and dynamics of accumulation of aboveground phytomass during the growing season are shown. The formation of grass stand depends on the type and intensity of anthropogenic influence. On the territory of the research, the zonal upland meadow of the Bromus inermis (Leyss) Holub + heteroherbae association was identified as the leading plant community. On the southern slopes, the meadow-steppe Stipa pennata L. + heteroherbae association is noted. The analysis of the species composition of the study area showed that almost the whole territory belongs to long-fallow lands of the late recovery stage. It is indicated by the dominance of the terminal species of meadow steppes Bromus inermis, as well as the absence of weed species among the dominants. At the beginning of September, due to active development of high grasses in the upland meadow, the maximum productivity of green and dry mass for the season is formed, which is 224.8 and 111.9 g/m2, respectively. In the feather grass meadow steppe, the maximum productivity 338 g/m2 was recorded in June. The structure of phytomass is simple. The predominant botanical groups are cereals and various grasses. Introduction of forest species (Anemone sylvestris L.) and shrubs (Rosa acicularis Lindl.) indicates the restoration of zonal vegetation, as by decrease of the anthropogenic pressure, conditions for formation of productive meadow communities, and for further reforestation, occur.
Keywords: forest-steppe; productivity; species composition; phytomass structure

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-091-096
Views: 35

The use of carbonate sludge for cleaning karst Lake Bol’shoye Goluboye

L.A. Nikolaeva, R.Ya. Iskhakova
Section: Problems of environmental protection
The technology for cleaning lake Bol’shoye Goluboe (Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan) with carbonate sludge, a waste of water treatment generated at thermal power plants is proposed. Inadequate water works, that are held on Bol’shoye Goluboe lake had a strong anthropogenic impact. The destruction of habitats and representatives of aquatic vegetation and benthic organisms themselves, as well as a change in the chemical composition of water are the consequences of the negative impact. The article presents experimental results of Bol’shoye Goluboe lake’s waters in the values changings of total hardness, permanganate oxidizability, concentration of sulfates, iron, pH value, biological oxygen demand five days (BOD5) over 20 years. The surface introduction of carbonate sludge into the lake’s water will allow changing the chemical composition of the water by neutralizing the acidified waters of the lake. It will entail the restoration of the natural flora and fauna of the lake’s waters. The sorption capacity of the sludge with respect to various impurities was also established. It allows to increase the efficiency of the natural biological treatment and the adsorption cleaning of the lake from various impurities. The article presents a toxicological assessment of waters containing carbonate sludge on the basis of water quality express control for acute lethal toxicity of the fish species Poecillia reticulata Pet. and crustaceans Daphnia magna Str. Based on the results of the conducted biotesting, it was found that the water extract of the sludge does not have an acute toxic effect on fish and crustaceans of these species. The sludge is proposed to be introduced into the lake by surface application using two-disc spreaders. According to the results of the studies, the prevented environmental damage to the reservoir of Bol’shoye Goluboe lake will amount to 390.6 thousand rubles / year.
Keywords: purification of natural waters, carbonate sludge, alkalization of waters, sorption material, calcareous material.

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-109-114
Views: 35

Climate modeling of the potential distribution area of Pulsatilla turczaninovii Kryl. et Serg. (Ranunculaceae) in Eurasia

V.F. Zaykov, V.Vaganov, A.I. Shmakov
Section: Population ecology
Pulsatilla turczaninovii Kryl. et Serg. is an early flowering, ornamental plant species collected actively by people. Due to the medicinal properties of the species, the raw material is used in traditional medicine. In this regard, P. turczaninovii is rare and is listed in some regional Red Data Books of the Russian Federation. A study of the funds of the leading Eurasian Herbaria (LE, MW, B, VLA, NS (NSK), ALTB, PE), special literary sources and personal observations of the authors in nature made it possible to detail the current distribution area of the species. P. turczaninovii occupies the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, China and Mongolia, without going beyond the borders of North Asia. The potential area of P. turczaninovii was obtained using the climate modeling method based on the data of the modern distribution of the species and eight bioclimatic variables (screening of correlating variables was done in the SDMtoolbox application) in the MaxEnt program. According to the AUC index of the test sample, the predictive model showed high quality of the result interpretation. The AUC value was 0.879 ± 0.016. The permutation test revealed the factors with the greatest influence on the distribution of P. turczaninovii. The most important factors were: BIO1 (32.5 %) – an average annual temperature, BIO12 (21.9 %) – an average annual precipitation, BIO15 (16.1 %) – a precipitation seasonality, BIO19 (11.5 %) – a precipitation of the coldest quarter, the lowest factor was BIO8 (0.4 %) – an average temperature of the wettest quarter.
Keywords: climate, distribution area, Herbarium, rare species

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Article published in number 1 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-1-140-144
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007