ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Actualization of the “green” image for territorial development

A.A. Sozinova, V.A. Bondarenko, М. Smokova, N.G. Rumyantsev
Section: Social ecology
The article explores the importance of forming a “green” image of the territory for the purpose of its successful development in the context of the formation of a “green” model of the economy. The study characterizes the situation of transition from the “brown” to the “green” economic model within the framework of generally accepted sustainable development targets. In this regard, the views of scientists on the use of marketing solutions are disclosed: “green” branding, “green” marketing strategies, “green” image in terms of enhancing territorial development. The need for a trinity of efforts for “green” development on the part of the authorities, business and the population has been clarified. Data on the development of a number of areas of environmental goods and services in Russia and abroad are given. In the Russian context, for the full manifestation of positive global trends in terms of the “green” development of the economy and the “green” positioning of territories for an appropriate positive image, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive work, coupled with the efforts of the authorities to form an appropriate institutional environment, the necessary infrastructure and actively implement “green” state procurement, as well as encouraging businesses that implement “green” marketing strategies and involve the population in conscious responsible consumption. The authors substantiate the need to form a “green” image of the territory, based on the involvement of the local population in the goals of the ecological development of the region, the growth in demand for environmental goods and services, the combination of the interests of government and business in this process based on the conjugation of the tasks of attracting investments and other resources, as well as growth satisfied local communities. The approach proposed by the authors can become the basis of marketing decisions in building a “green” image of Russian territories, which in the long run will form the basis of consumer satisfaction, the competitiveness of territories in terms of attracting various resources and conducting an environmentally oriented business.
Keywords: “green” image, “green” model of the economy, involvement of the population, “green” purchases, territory, development
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-228-233
Views: 35

An unconventional approach to solving the problem of restoring damaged ecosystems in the North

I.А. Likhanova, E.G. Kuznetsova, Е.М. Lapteva
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
The work is devoted to the problem of disturbed lands recovering in the north-east of the European part of Russia, where an intensive development of natural resources in recent decades has been made. The specialists of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed the concept of accelerated «nature restoration» taking into account the natural conditions of the northern territories. Nature restoration – is a system of similar to zonal ecosystems restoration approaches in the disturbed territories. The concept is based on the system principles (interrelations of the ecosystem components) and the concept of self-recovering ecosystems as succession process. The composition and structure of the plant community are used as an integral indicator of the state and dynamic status of the ecosystem. Based on the concept, we developed two-stage system of practical approaches of controlled «nature restoration». At the first stage («intensive»), an artificial ecosystem is created using the agro-technical methods. At the second stage («assimilation»), the ecosystem is replaced by the zonal type during the managing succession process. Based on the concept and «nature restoration» scheme, we prepared the structure of technological scheme of restoration. It includes a scientifically based algorithm for the restoration of zonal ecosystems (or those close to them), taking into account different types of disturbances in the tundra and taiga zones. The scheme consists of three main interrelated sections. Based on the section 1, an accelerated succession scheme is being developed, measures are formulated for the technical and biological stages of the «intensive» stage (Section 2), which depend on the bioclimatic conditions of the area, the characteristics of soils, the level and degree of their disturbance (pollution), and the regenerative capabilities of the ecosystem. Section 3 includes the monitoring of a restored ecosystem and the managing a succession process in order to fastest inclusion of the post-technogenic ecosystem to the biosphere dynamics. In the northern regions, the concept of «nature restoration» and its practical implementation are an alternative to traditional recultivation.
Keywords: North, Komi Republic, disturbed ecosystems, recultivation, nature restoration concept, technological map
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-145-151
Views: 35

Zoobenthos and zooplankton of the foothill lakes of Subpolar Urals

O.A. Loskutova, O.N. Kononova
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The article presents data on composition, structure and quantitative parameters of aquatic invertebrates from four small foothill lakes at the Subpolar Urals. The lakes are located in the “Yugyd va” national park in remote swampy areas. 55 zooplankton taxa were revealed: Rotifera 22, Cladocera 22 and Copepoda 11. All species are common species of plankton animals of the Russian European Northeast. In each lake, 28-34 taxa were registered with the prevalence of cladocerans. Quantitative parameters of zooplankton varied significantly, averaging 70.6-143.9 thousand ind.-m3 and 0.5–16.4 g-m3 in deep lakes and 23.7 thousand ind.-m3 and 0.4 g-m3 – in shallow lakes. The prevalence of crustacean plankton against rotifer plankton both in species composition and quantitatively distinguishes these lakes from the majority of those surveyed in this area. Species diversity and quantitative parameters of benthic invertebrates’ assemblages are poor in the most lakes under study. Zoobenthos includes 23 taxonomic groups of hydrobionts. In each lake, we found from 13 to 21 groups of benthos. The highest taxonomic diversity was found in a shallow flowing lake. During late June – early July, the abundance of zoobenthos ranged from 1.4 to 5.2 thousand ind.-m2, and was significantly higher in August (43.6 thousand ind.-m2) due to the occurrence of juvenile insects. The most abundant groups are chironomids, oligochaetes, amphipods and nematodes. Biomass ranged from 2.2 to 5.5 g-m2, and mainly included chironomids, oligochaetes, amphipods and leeches. Silty grounds were characterized by highest density. Benthic biomass was maximal in the gravel habitats. A feature of the bottom population of the studied lakes is the habitation of dragonfly larvae. Zooplankton and zoobenthos of the studied lakes are distinguished from water bodies located in the Maliy Patok river basin, located upstream the Schugor River, by higher species richness and quantitative parameters.
Keywords: western slopes of the Urals, aquatic ecosystems, lakes, fauna, invertebrates
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-056-062
Views: 35

Analysis of the cytogenetic status of children and adolescents in the living in areas with different environmental conditions

S.V. Ermolaeva, Е.О. Ivanov
Section: Social ecology
Cytogenetic status can be a marker of ecological trouble in a certain area.Cytogenetic status is determined by the frequency of micronuclei in buccal epithelial cells. The largest amount of pollutants enters the atmospheric air of Ulyanovsk and the Sengileevsky district. In the drinking water of the Sengileevsky and Cherdaklinsky districts, iron appeared to be up to 10 times higher than the MAC, manganese – up to 2.5 times. The content Pb, Zn, Ni in the soil were up to 12 times higher than the MPC. This study aims to evaluate the frequency of micronuclei in the cells of the buccal epithelium of children and adolescents living in an industrialized zone, compared with that inside children living in areas without significant anthropogenic impacts. The preparations were made according to standard methods. 1000 cells per individual were analyzed. As a control measure we used indicators of the frequency of micronuclei in the cells of children and adolescents from the Veshkaimsky and Sursky districts, in which no excess of the MPC of toxic substances was detected. The analysis was carried out in 418 people aged 9–15 years, permanently residing in the study areas. The frequency of cells with micronuclei in schoolchildren of the Zasviyazhsky district of the city of Ulyanovsk was 1.46±0.87‰ is 7 times higher than the control, in the second group (Cherdaklinsky district) 1.22±0.95‰ is 6 times higher than the control, in the 3rd sample (Sengileevsky district) 1.19±0.44‰, 5 times more than control. The index of cytogenetic disorders in group 1 – 4.18 (high risk), in group 2 – 3.42 (moderate risk), in group 3 – 4.00 (high risk). The genotoxic effect of pollutants in the environment of Ulyanovsk (Zasviyazhsky district) and Sengileevsky district was established.
Keywords: ecological safety, cytogenetic status, buccal epithelium, accumulation of cytogenetic disorders, risk groups
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-234-240
Views: 35

Contamination of soil cover with compounds of metals, arsenic and antimony in the area of impact of fuel and energy complex

D.G. Sycheva, N.E. Kosheleva, I.V. Timofeev
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The relevance of the study is caused by a significant amount of toxic emissions from thermal power plants (TPPs) operating on brown coal, which can precipitate from the atmosphere and accumulate in urban soils. To assess the impact of TPP emissions on soil pollution in the city of Gusinoozyorsk (Republic of Buryatia), samples were taken from the upper (0–10 cm) horizons on a regular grid. With the help of the ICP-MS and ICP-AES methods the content of Zn, As, Cd, Bi, Pb, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Sb, Mo, V, W, Sr, Ag were analyzed in 79 soil samples, as well as in brown coal and ash of Gusinoozyorsk TPP, whose emissions are the main source of pollution. Brown coals contain concentrations of Mo, W, Sr, Zn, V 1.5–2.9 times higher than the clarkes for coals of the world. Ash is enriched with Mo, Sr, V, Cu, Co compared to world clarkes. The ability of soils to adsorb heavy metals, arsenic and antimony is determined by their physicochemical properties: a slightly alkaline reaction, a medium loamy texture and an average content of organic matter (2.7%). The soils of the industrial operating and one-storey residential land use subzones are the most contaminated. In the first zone Cu, Ag, As, Sr, Co, V, Ni, Sb accumulate which are associated with emissions from the Gusinoozyorsk TPP and the influence of coal dust. In the second zone Sb, Cu, Sr, Zn, Ag, Cd, Pb accumulate which enter the soils with fly ash from the TPP, household waste and car emissions. Heavy metals and metalloids in the soil cover have formed several local anthropogenic anomalies of high and moderate contrast, which occupy 7% of the city’s area.
Keywords: heavy metals, metalloids, urban soils, environmental geochemistry, thermal power plant, brown coal, fly ash
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-048-055
Views: 36

Lithophage Alces alces L. in the protected territories of Yakutia

V.V. Stepanova, A.V. Argunov, D.I. Tirskiy, R.A. Kirillin, I.M. Okhlopkov
Section: Population ecology
Registration of moose lithophagy by means of photo traps was carried out on six salt lick in the protected territories of Southern and Central Yakutia. The duration of moose lithophagy is up to 132 minutes, with an average of 9-12 minutes. Females salted longer than males. In Southern Yakutia, half of the visits to lick occur at the darkest time of the day from 24 am to 4 am (50.5%), and in Central Yakutia from 20 am to 24 pm (42.5%). The lowest attendance of lick was observed in both cases during daylight hours from 8 am to 20 pm (5.6% and 8.6%). In both parts of the range, females are more likely than males to visit lick at dawn from 4 am to 8 am. The highest activity of salting in both areas is observed in June: in Southern Yakutia – 5.7 moose per day, in Central Yakutia – 2.1 moose per day. This circumstance is explained by the period of calving in females and the development of horns in males. For the entire observation period, the average number of visits per day by animals was: in Southern Yakutia – 3.7 (in the period from May to July), in Central Yakutia – 1.0 (in the period from June to August). In southern Yakutia, there is a sharp increase in male visits to lick in the month of June, which falls sharply in July. In Central Yakutia, this is not observed. The sex ratio of individuals who visited salt lick was: in Central Yakutia, males – 60.9%, females – 39.1%; in Southern Yakutia, males – 45.7%, females – 54.3%. The percentage of calves was: in Southern Yakutia – 10.2%, in Central Yakutia – 30.3%. In Southern Yakutia, females with moose calves accounted for 3.4% of all visits, and in Central Yakutia – 11.2%.
Keywords: moose, salt lick attendance, duration of salt licking, lithophage time distribution

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Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-138-144
Views: 35

Dynamics of vegetation of the phytomeliorated deflation zone on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia

L.P. Rybashlykova
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
The state-of-the-art of the vegetation cover and plant communities composition of the restored phytomeliorated deflation zone has been studied. Forest reclamation arrangement of the “Green zone – Komsomol’skij village” deflation zone was carried out in 1998 in a destructive-accumulative zone by continuous planting of Calligonum aphyllum without preliminary soil preparation. Tree-planting machine MLB-1 was used for these purposes. Forb-cereal and white wormwood-cereal communities with a projective cover of 65% is currently dominated in the vegetation cover of the lower grassy tier (age is 20–23 years). The species composition has stabilized to 10–15 years. About 30 species have been included in the species composition. The formation and stabilization of phytocenosis occurs under the protection of Calligonum aphyllum planting for 18–20-years period of succession. Conditions for the introduction of species, the growth of which required a certain level of soil fertility, as well as more comfortable microclimate than on degraded soils and open sands, have been created in the same period. There are changes in the ecobiomorphic composition of phytocenosis, a decrease in the share of annual species, an increase in the number of forbs with an increasing in the duration of successions. It was found that progressive successions of the site vegetation cover inhibit by overgrazing and pyrogenic factor. Under the influence of overgrazing in the species composition in a competitive environment, species are replaced by other species in approximately equal relation. There is a decrease in the feed value of phytocenoses with the development of monocultures (low-value plant species) The obtained data on the flora, abundance, and structure of vegetation cover demonstrate the current state in the "exhausted" centers of deflation in the pastures of the Republic of Kalmykia.
Keywords: arid zone, land degradation, phytomelioration, succession, plant community

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Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-152-158
Views: 37

The chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, throughfall and surface waters in the middle taiga deciduous stands of post-cutting origin

Т.А. Pristova
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
The chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation (rainfall), throughfall and surface (stream) waters are studied. The studies were conducted in the Knyazhpogost district of the Komi Republic (62̊18’ N 50̊55’ E). Studies were conducted on the terrain in which from 1970 to the 1990. spruce forests were cut down and now represented by deciduous and deciduous-coniferous forest of different ages, which are formed after natural reforestation. Water samples were taken monthly at constant points for 2 years: in a stream, atmospheric precipitation (rainfall), throughfall the crowns of birch, aspen, spruce and between crowns in 10-15 replicates. The chemical composition of the waters is transformed in the series: atmospheric precipitation (rainfall) – throughfall – stream. It is established that when throughfall the crowns of trees, the content of most components of the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation increases. The chemical composition of the throughfall is affected by the age and tree composition of the stand. The studied natural waters are slightly acidic, low salinity, hydrocarbonate class and differ in hydrochemical type. A series of decreasing ion concentrations in atmospheric precipitation: HCO3->SO42->K+>Ca2+>Cl-, throughfall of birch-spruce young forest: HCO3->K+>Ca2+>SO42->Cl-, throughfall aspen-birch stand: HCO3->K+>Ca2+>PO42->Cl-, in the stream waters: HCO3->Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Cl-. As the mineralization increases, the studied waters are arranged in a row: atmospheric precipitation (rainfall) < throughfall of birch-spruce young forest < throughfall of aspen-birch stand
Keywords: middle taiga zone, deciduous forests, chemical composition of precipitation and water stream
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-063-069
Views: 35

Specifics of biogeocenoses restoration during overgrowth of coal-mine dumps of the Gorlovsky basin

A.N. Bespalov, N.A. Sokolova, D.A. Sokolov
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
Due to the increasing volume of anthracite production in the Novosibirsk region, the area of disturbed territories is also increasing. In this regard, the problem of restoring ecosystems on dumps is acute. The vast majority of researches on the restoration of man-made ecosystems is aimed at studying any one of their components. The purpose of this work was a comprehensive assessment of the specifics of recovery of waste dumps of the Gorlovsky anthracite deposit (Novosibirsk region). It included a study of the development of soil and vegetation cover, as well as an assessment of the biodiversity of soil invertebrates (on example of ground beetles). It was revealed that three types of soil are formed in the composition of the soil cover of the studied objects – initial, organo-accumulative and turf embryozems. The soil-ecological condition of sample areas was evaluated quantitatively in bonus points, taking into account the topography of the dumps (leveled and hilly areas), the density of the top layer of soil (0-10 cm), and the stage of evolution of young soils. It is shown that the succession of vegetation cover proceeds in the direction from pioneer groups to closed phytocenoses simultaneously with the development of young soils. The population of ground beetles was studied. 43 species belonging to 17 genera were found. The interaction between ecosystem components is studied. Using statistical methods, it is shown that along with the restoration of plant communities and the formation of soil cover on the studied dumps, both the number of species of ground beetles and the indices of diversity increase. Species are replaced by specialized ones, and the number of dominants increases. The species diversity of ground beetles increases syngenetically to the improvement of the soil-ecological condition.
Keywords: coal-mine dumps, embryozems, soil-ecologic condition, mesofauna, Carabidae
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-159-164
Views: 36

Problems of legal regulation of commercial use and conservation of fishery resources

A.M. Tortsev
Section: Social ecology
Fish, aquatic animals and plants are an important part of ecosystems. They are involved as a resource in economic activity by humans. The fishery resources are an important source of income and welfare of coastal communities and a driver of the socio-economic development of the regions. Balanced long-term management and conservation of fisheries resources for future generations is the basis for regulating commercial activities. Fishery resources are an element of direct and indirect economic activity of entrepreneurs who carry out fishing and use the shores of water areas. The study of the legal regulation of the use of fishery resources, identifying problems and suggesting ways to solve them is the aim of the research. The methods of content analysis, systematization and structuring of information were used in the research. Analysis of legal norms and scientific publications, interviews with economic entities were carried out. The study of the regulation of economic activity revealed a multiplicity of problems associated with the interaction of various branches of law and departmental documents in the field of fishery resources. We have prepared proposals for the development of regulatory standards, including: the creation of intersectional expert groups with the involvement of specialists in various fields and stakeholders, verification of the developed regulatory standards and improvement of contract law in the use of fishery resources. Thus, harmonization of economic regulation will remove administrative barriers to economic growth and preserve natural resources at the same time.
Keywords: fishery resources, commercial activity, legal regulation
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-216-221
Views: 35

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