Rational use of land resources in the placement of municipal solid waste disposal facilities
E.V. Gubar, O.A. Samarina, O.V. Tupicina
Section: Ecologization of industry
Within the framework of this article the criteria for assessment of economic, technological and environmental solutions for realization of waste management measures in respect of the objects, which are at the investment stage of their life cycle, are developed. The scientific and methodological foundations for substantiating the composition of structures in the design of municipal solid waste disposal facilities have been developed. The efficiency assessment of technological solutions of solid waste disposal facilities under the restriction of land plot area is presented. A comparative analysis of technical, economic and environmental characteristics of construction of the most common type of landfills (waste disposal area of 3 ha, annual capacity up to 30 thousand tons) for different structural schemes of organization – without breakdown into operation maps and with breakdown into operation maps with their turn-by-turn construction. The assessment of two constructive schemes of organization of waste disposal sites was based on the factors of environmental impact and cost characteristics of landfill construction. The obtained indicators allowed not only to justify the feasibility and assess the economic efficiency of investments for each construction scheme, but also to identify the redundancy of technological solutions, the use of which led to a significant increase in financial and time costs. Thus, the issue of dividing capital costs into years of commissioning of individual maps of landfills with reduction of one-time costs in the first year of object realization is economically feasible. However, forecast changes in price levels on the date of implementation of each map of the facility, increase in the unit cost of disposal of 1 m3 of waste and reduction in the mass of waste buried on 1 hectare, cast doubt on the economic benefit of a one-time reduction in capital costs.
Keywords: rational use of land resources, geoecological aspects of sustainable development of regions, regulation in the field of geoecological aspects of environmental management
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-148-157
Views: 4
Antifungal protection of building materials by humic acid derivatives as assessed by ATP-metry
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
Mycelial fungi are known by their biodestructive activity towards building material samples. In this work the
possibility of using various derivatives of natural humic acids as antifungal agents was evaluated using the method of bioluminescent luciferase determination of the adenosine triphosphate intracellular concentration in the mycelial fungi cells. In order to prevent fungal lesions in rooms with high humidity the fungal biocide ACTICIDE® OTP 10 containing 2-octyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one is added to the tile grout; it was used as a comparison sample in our study. Aspergillus niger F-1057 and Stachybotrys chartarum F-993 spores were used as test cultures as the most frequently detected fungal contaminants of building materials. The samples of extracted from coal (leonardite) potassium humate modified with 2-methylhydroquinone, or 1,4-hydroquinone or 2-hydroxy-1,4-hydroxynaphthoquinone were the studied substances. The antifungal activity of potassium humate modified with 2-hydroxy-1,4-hydroxynaphthoquinone to both fungal test objects was confirmed in experiments aimed at studying the condition of intertile joints. The same compound at a concentration of 0.5–5.0 g/L showed noticeable antifungal effect when applied to a universal wallpaper adhesive containing carboxymethylcellulose. Antifungal activity of the same additive was comparable with the action of commercial biocide at the initial stage of the study, and after 32 days of exposure of fungi in contact with the studied additive at a final concentration of 5 g/kg of building material was superior to its action.
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-056-063
Views: 6
Analysis of the carbon sequestration patterns by mountain-forest, mountain-steppe and steppe landscapes of Russia based on satellite data and meteorological observations
The parameters of vegetation cover – a tool for capturing carbon from the atmosphere – vary widely depending on the latitudinal-zonal conditions of the area and local microclimate features. In this regard, the most promising approach to assessing the carbon balance of the territory is the analysis of net primary productivity and, accordingly, the possibilities of capturing carbon from the atmosphere by landscapes of various natural zones, differing in the types of vegetation cover, soil, microclimate and other landscape-ecological characteristics. The aim of the study is to assess the possibilities and patterns of carbon sequestration by vegetation of mountain-forest, mountain-steppe and steppe landscapes of Russia. The research was carried out at seven study plots in the Chechnya Republic and the Orenburg region. At the first stage, the indicators of net carbon sequestration by vegetation for 2000–2020 were calculated on the basis of MOD17A3 products that allow estimating gross primary productivity and net primary productivity. At the second stage, the regularities of the formation of the ability to capture carbon by the vegetation cover of each study plot, depending on climatic and meteorological conditions, on the basis of regression modeling were revealed. It was found that the foothill plot with a multi-year mixed forest and the absence of anthropogenic impact demonstrates the maximum ability to capture carbon from the atmosphere – from 2.6 to 3.5 kg/m2/year. The plot of a natural perennial dry steppe is characterized by a minimum carbon capture capacity – from 0.5 to 1.5 kgF/m2/year. Regression models of the dependence of the sequestration carbon indicators on climatic and meteorological characteristics have been created. These models demonstrate the relative stability of the ability of long-term natural vegetation cover to absorb carbon from the atmosphere.
Keywords: carbon sequestration by vegetation, climatic and meteorological characteristics, functional dependence, regression model, satellite data, mountain-forest and steppe landscapes of Russia
The analysis of the taxonomic structure of the flora of water bodies located in the zone of influence of the largest forestry enterprise in the European North-East of Russia – joint stock company (JSC) “SLPC”. The flora of impact reservoirs in the zone of influence of JSC “SLPC” unites 119 species of macrophytes belonging to 77 genera and 43 families. Flowering plants in its composition are represented by 114 species, and cryptogamic ones by five: vascular spore plants by two, bryophytes by three. It was found that the role of the Potamogetonaceae family and the genus Potamogeton was significantly reduced in the floras of impact reservoirs, while the role of the Asteraceae and Poaceae families was simultaneously increased. The flora of reservoirs located in the zone of influence of JSC “SLPC” have a high degree of transformation: the flora of anthropogenic reservoirs is 100.0% composed of synanthropic species. The most active among them are Bidens cernua L., Bidens tripartita L., Lycopus europaeus L. and Typha latifolia L. The flora of anthropogenically transformed reservoirs are also significantly synanthropized (Is=98.4–100.0%), the basis of their flora is apophytes. In anthropogenic reservoirs, vascular spore and moss-like plants are completely absent. The taxonomic structure of the flora of anthropogenically transformed reservoirs retains similarities with the flora of
the reservoirs of the region. The analyzed flora includes species protected on the territory of the Komi Republic: Riccia cavernosa Hoffm. and Carex pseudocyperus L.
Keywords: flora of water bodies, synanthropization.
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-158-167
Views: 3
Indicators of chronic exposure to elevated concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 on the parameters of children’s red blood cells
N.V. Zaitseva, M.A. Zemlianova, A.M. Ignatov, Yu.V. Koldibekova, M.S. Stepankov, E.V. Peskova
Section: Ecotoxicology
The study was conducted to identify the effects of elevated concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 particles in the air
on the morphometric parameters of erythrocytes in children. Two areas with similar geoclimatic conditions but different exposure to these particles were selected. The concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were measured using scanning electron microscopy. In-depth investigations were conducted on 360 children, and general clinical indicators of whole blood were analyzed. Statistical analysis tools in the Python programming environment were used for data analysis, and a two-layer neural network was employed to predict morphometric changes in erythrocytes. Evans models and a complex surface model were also applied to simulate erythrocyte shape. The average daily concentration of PM10 exceeded the observed level but did not reach the permissible limit (MPC=0.060 mg/m3). The content of PM2.5 was significantly higher in the comparison area and exceeded the average daily permissible concentration (MPC=0.035 mg/m3). The research results
revealed significant differences (р=0,0001) between the observation and comparison groups in the indicators of whole blood, especially in color index and mean erythrocyte volume. Correlation analysis established a connection between various blood parameters, hemoglobin concentration, and the level of PM2.5 and PM10 particle concentrations in the air. Based on neural network modeling, a mathematical model was developed to predict the influence of various factors on the mean erythrocyte volume. The model showed that increased PM2.5 concentration is associated with a decrease in mean erythrocyte volume, which may indicate premature aging. Overall, this study contributes to new scientific findings on the relationship between air pollution and morphometric parameters of erythrocytes in children. It can aid in the development of more effective health protection strategies and the reduction of the negative impact of air pollution on the population.
Keywords: air quality, air pollution, erythrocytes, erythrocyte aging, erythrocyte volume, morphology, neural network
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-184-191
Views: 5
Technology prospects for plasma-chemical air purification from formaldehyde and formic acid in industry
The effectiveness of plasma-chemical air purification technology was studied in comparison with some technologies
for suppressing waste gases (adsorption, catalysis). We use proven approaches (environmental-economic, expert, hierarchical evaluation procedure and the criterion of relative overall benefit) to selecting systems for neutralizing volatile pollutants. Thus, environmental-economic and expert approaches, as well as the criterion of relative overall benefit, make it possible to compare technologies based on operating costs (technological risk, energy efficiency, reliability and cost of production assets). At the same time, the hierarchical evaluation procedure, in addition to the listed indicators, takes into account ergonomics and resistance to external influences. It is shown that plasma-chemical cleaning technology is not a priority when choosing systems for neutralizing waste gases from formaldehyde, since 3 out of 4 approaches indicate the ineffectiveness of this technology relative to the adsorption method. When cleaning air from formic acid vapors, plasmachemical technology in 2 out of 4 cases is as effective as the adsorption method. The effectiveness of plasma-chemical, catalytic and adsorption technologies is considered from the point of view of the methodology for assessing the “carbon footprint”, which makes it possible to quantitatively study the emission of “greenhouse gas” not only at the stage of equipment operation, but also at the stages of production, transportation and disposal. However, the obtained carbon footprint values for low-temperature plasma are the best among comparable available technologies, because the total amount of CO2 emissions when using it is reduced by 80% (on average) due to the fact the relative total energy costs are lower.
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-138-147
Views: 4
Content of biologically active substances in aqueous extracts of bark-wood waste degradation products
T.I. Shirshova, K.G. Ufimtsev, I.V. Beshley, А.G. Dontsov
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
The chemical composition of the destruction products of bark-wood waste (BWW) from the dump of JSC “Syktyvkar
Timber Processing Company” was studied. The content of water-soluble fractions in samples from two wells ranged from 0.1 to 1.1% of the dry matter mass and depended on the depth of occurrence. These differences may be related to different time of occurrence, heterogeneity of waste, degree of decomposition and moisture content. Sequential treatment of the dry water-soluble residue with solvents of increasing polarity yielded hexane, ether and chloroform extracts. The content of dihydroquercetin (tR=28.6 min), vanillic acid (tR=11.6 min) and trans-p-coumaric acid (tR=17.7 min) were confirmed by TLC and HPLC methods. The above substances were previously detected in ethyl acetate and hexane extracts. Arabinose, mannose, glucose and galactose were detected when analyzing BWW samples for polysaccharide and rabinogalactan content in the hydrolysis products of water-soluble hemicellulose by HPLC. This allows us to characterize the isolated fraction as a mixture of water-soluble hemicelluloses – arabinogalactan and glucomannan. The same components – dihydroquercetin, vanillic and trans-p-coumaric acids – were found in all studied BWW samples regardless of the depth of occurrence and the use of water or organic solvents of different polarity for extraction. The detection of such strong antioxidants as dihydroquercetin, phenolic acids and arabinogalactan in BWW samples opens prospects for the development of substances based on them for medicine, animal husbandry and other sectors of national economy.
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-115-121
Views: 4
Ensuring quality and safety for the process of drinking water treatment: case-study of the Ganges River
A.Yu. Kurbatov, E.D. Murzina, M.A. Vetrova, N.A. Ivantsova
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Drinking water quality is an acute problem all over the world. Unauthorized discharges of contaminated wastewater
into life-sustaining water sources make the latter undrinkable. The Ganges River is the main artery of India’s economic and domestic use with the numerous industries located on its banks. This paper is devoted to studying the possibility of improving the quality of drinking water in the Ganges River, India. The studied water is already chemically and microbiologically contaminated at the entrance to the city. The hydrodynamic method of water treatment using ozone in small doses is proposed to minimize the chemical load on the Ganges River. The study confirmed the high efficiency of combined hydrodynamic water treatment and the ozonation process. It is established that the application of cavitation hydrodynamic device for water treatment allows reducing ozone consumption on average by 20–25%, which affects the positive economic effect and the final cost of purified water. Hydrodynamic purification of the Ganges River water with the addition of ozone in small doses allows obtaining water of drinking quality without the introduction of other chemical reagents. The latter makes this method environmentally friendly and does not result in secondary environmental pollution. The low cost of the purification process occurs due to the efficient mixing of ozone with the water being purified using a hydrodynamic cavitation device. By increasing the contact area of the phases and additionally arising cavitation effects, the water purification process is intensified. Application of the combined method of hydrodynamic treatment using ozone significantly reduces water color index, remove most of the suspended particles from the system, oxidize iron and nickel, and reduce the surfactant, petroleum products, and ammonia nitrogen concentrations; with twice the number of cleaning cycles – completely eliminate bacteria. Ceramic membrane filters remove insoluble compounds obtained during cavitation hydrodynamic treatment with ozone. The work also presents the results of studying the chemical and biological initial composition of water and water after using this technology with calculation of the effectiveness of the method and cost characteristics.
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
The number of studies on the detection of antibiotics in urban wastewater and in surface waterbodies is increasing
every year, as the increase of antibiotic-resistance of microorganisms is one of the most urgent public health problems. This paper presents the results of study on the detection of the antibiotic Cefotaxime (CFX) in model solutions using the spectrophotometric method. In several series of experiments we determined the minimal CFX concentrations in the model solutions, which can be detected with the spectrophotometer PE-5400 UV. The optical density peak in the ultraviolet range at 300 nm is established. The shift of absorption spectrum from 300 to 280 nm in the model solution samples with increasing storage time of the solution was fixed. We determined the CFX peculiarities: increase of optical density peak in samples at pH shift to acidic medium, especially at pH values from 0.2 to 2.0 as well as reduction of the optical density peak with minimum pH values from 6.0 to 6.4 in the wavelength range from 280 to 300 nm. The effect of metal ions added to the model solution of CFX is considered in detail. The results of two series of experiments are presented, in which the possibility of complex compounds with Al3+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ formation was determined by changing the concentration ratios of CFX and metal ions. There was an increase in optical density in samples with Zn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ with increasing in metal ions content. In model solutions with Al3+ and Fe3+ there was no change in optical density. The obtained values of optical density and absorption spectra of CFX model solution can be used when developing methods of antibiotic detection in various media, including urban wastewater.
Article published in number 4 for 2024 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-4-064-072
Views: 15
Assessment of energy, resource saving, environmental, product and economic potential of farm animal products
B.V. Ermolenko, M.S. Prutskikh
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
The paper is devoted to the analysis of environmental problems of farm animal waste management and the energy direction of their use to obtain high-quality organic fertilizers as by-products. The analysis of the population of the main types of farm animals in various regions of the Russian Federation allows us to estimate the annual volumes of formation of their vital products using appropriate specific indicators. This information forms the basis for determining the mass of emissions of various pollutants into the atmosphere (including greenhouse gases), contaminated wastewater into water bodies, waste disposal on agricultural land rejected from circulation in the processes of formation and storage of manure, litter and manure wastewater in livestock farms. The results of the calculations indicate the significance of the environmental damage caused. Calculations were performed using certified techniques and software products. The production of biogas, thermal and electric energy, and high-quality organic fertilizers is chosen as a possible direction of waste disposal in order to reduce their impact on the environment and solve resource-saving problems. The investment design of biogas energy complexes and the development of regional renewable energy development programs require an environmental and economic justification. Its information basis is the system of fuel, electric power, thermal energy, resource-saving, ecological, ecological-economic, economic and product potentials developed by the authors of this paper. A step-by-step methodology for their assessment is presented. Information and computing system created at the Department of Industrial Ecology of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology was used for the assessment. The system is designed to assess the potentials of solar and wind energy, energy use of various types of waste, plant biomass and other types of renewable energy sources. The potentials of energy utilization of farm animal waste products for various types
of animal husbandry with differentiation by regions, subjects and federal districts of Russia have been calculated. With
this information, each separate administrative-territorial unit can carry out an ecological and economic justification of
investment in programs of farm animal waste products utilization.
Keywords: farm animals, waste products, assessment, potentials (fuel, electric power, thermal energy, resourcesaving, environmental, economic, product), information and computing system