Monitoring of parks in the coastal zone of the Neva bay with the snail Arianta arbustorum
N.N. Kamardin, S.V. Kholodkevich, V.M. Makeeva
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Analysis of environmental problems, assessment and prediction are closely related to the study of populations of widespread animal species, in our case, of mollusk Arianta arbustorum (Linnæus, 1758), mass invasion of which is known for the Leningrad region and in St. Petersburg since the second half of the 2000 years. The concentration of heavy metals (HM) in snail’s hepatopancreas was measured on an atomic absorption spectrophotometer and an atomic emission spectrometer using inductively coupled plasma emission. In order to monitor accumulated anthropogenic pollution in the parks on the coast of the Neva bay the thermoresistance of snails from various coastal biotopes was studied. The rate
of decrease in heart rate (HR) after switching off the heat exposure (lasting for 20 minutes) was compared in snails from the village of New Ropsha (reference location) and other locations: Alexandria Park, Oranienbaum Park, Dubki Park. According to the accumulation of HM in the snail’s hepatopancreas, in Oranienbaum Park significant (p ≤ 0.05) excess for all studied HM (Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb) was found in comparison with the reference location in the village of New Ropsha and with other locations. The potential environmental risk determined according to Hakanson in Oranienbaum Park was rated as high. The thermoresistance of snails from this location contaminated with HM is characterized as low, which suggests a possible violation of the protective system of heat shock proteins. This may reduce their ability to restore heat-denatured proteins, including contractile proteins of the heart, which usually leads to a rapid drop in HR in mollusks from polluted sites.
Keywords: Arianta arbustorum, accumulation of heavy metals, potential environmental risk, heart rate, thermo- resistance
Article published in number 3 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-3-075-081
Views: 35
Phyto-diversity as an indicator of the restoration of the Pinus sylvestris L. formation of the Usman forest after a forest fire
The analysis of the dynamics of phyto-diversity over 10 years of the Pinus sylvestris L. formation in the Usman forest of the Voronezh region on the territory of Russia is carried out. We used formalized methods for processing the data array when describing 140 accounting sites of 1 m2 on two test sites in the background and pyrogenic formations of P. sylvestris. Accounting for abundance was conducted according to O. Drude. The pyrogenic factor, along with temperature, light, humidification, and edaphic conditions, has a strong effect on the phyto-diversity of forest ecosystems. Four phases of succession of pyrogenic phytocenoses with determination of time intervals between them have been established. The first phase of 2010 is a pioneer group, random plant species are noted, separated among themselves; second phase 2011–2014 – the pioneer group is being transformed, plants are being introduced, they are breeding, consort relations between organisms are appearing, a weed-ruderal erigeron-pine community (Pinus sylvestris – Erigeron canadensis) has been recorded; third 2015–2018 – the initial phase is herb-shrub, there is a restructuring of the structure of the plant community, which is expressed in the replacement of the dominants of the phytocenosis tiers; the fourth phase begins in 2019 – the formation of the forest phytocenotic group is associated with dimming and, as a result, a change in temperature. The characteristic of anthropotolerant groups is given. In the ratio of species in the background and pyrogenic areas to the total number, the replenishment of species diversity in pyrogenic areas is observed. The obtained values of the regression coefficient for anthropotolerant groups emphasize the sensitivity of the flora to the pyrogenic effects of especially synanthropophytes and hemiapophytes.
Keywords: formation, flora, pyrogenic factor, phases of succession, Usmansky pine forest, Pinus sylvestris L
Article published in number 3 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-3-192-198
Views: 35
Features of bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of the great false horse leech Haemopis sanguisuga L. in aquatic ecosystems of the Urals
L.V. Chernaya, L.A. Kovalchuk, N.V. Mikshevich
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Investigation into intense impact of industrial pollution on the aquatic ecosystems of the Ural region is one of
tasks of environmental monitoring. To estimate peculiarities of the bioaccumulation of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb in tissues of the leech Haemopis sanguisuga (L., 1758) from aquatic ecosystems of natural and anthropogenically disturbed territories of the Ural have been first studied. The studies were based on the verification of 100 samples of bottom sediments and 100 adults of H. sanguisuga from 10 water bodies of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. The gross contents of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb in the skin-muscle tissue of leeches and in the bottom sediments were estimated by atomic absorption method on an AAS-3 spectrophotometer and on an Analyst-100 instrument from Perkin Elmer. 800 element determinations were carried out. Еstimated ranges of background concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb for bottom sediments of water bodies of Ural region are determined. It was found that the content of Cu, Cd, Pb in the bottom sediments of water bodies located in anthropogenic disturbed areas is higher than in natural water bodies (p < 0.001), with the exception of Zn (p = 0.929). It is shown that in the tissues of H. sanguisuga individuals living under anthropogenic stress, the content of HM is significantly higher than that of leeches from natural water bodies (p < 0.001). Аnd the level of HM in tissues of leeches is directly related to their concentrations in bottom sediments: Cu (r = 0.69; p < 0.001), Zn (r = 0.67; p < 0.001), Cd (r = 0.75; p < 0.001), Pb (r = 0.52; p < 0.001). This indicates the fundamental possibility of using leeches as indicator organisms when monitoring the pollution of the aquatic ecosystems of the Ural by such pollutants as Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb.
Keywords: heavy metals, leeches, bottom sediments, bioaccumulation, indicator organisms
Article published in number 3 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-3-068-074
Views: 35
Chemical composition of the surface water in the Ob River
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
The Ob River is a multifunctional water body used for fishery purposes, shipping, irrigation, recreation and drinking water supply. The research on the river water quality related to the assessment of ecological state and studying the regularities of chemical composition dynamics is topical nowadays. The paper presents the results of investigation of the hydrochemical composition (major ions: Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO42–, Cl–,F–
, nutrients: N, P, Si and trace elements: Li, Be, B, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Mo, Cd, Ba, Pb, Fe, Mn) of the Ob River water near the city of Barnaul. The study was performed by Chemical-Analytical Center, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of Siberian Branch RAS. The content of ions PO43–, Si, and COD (chemical oxygen consumption) was determined using a DR-2800 Hach Lange spectrophotometer, while the mineral composition, NH4+, NO2–, NO3– ions – with a Dionex ICS-3000 ion chromatograph. The concentration of trace elements was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS) on an ICAP-Qc spectrometer. The dynamics of elements content in the Ob water was determined in different
hydrological seasons of 2018. The river water is enriched by major ions and nutrients due to increased runoff of more mineralized groundwater in winter. Based on the factor analysis, we revealed three main groups of components, which differ in content and spatial distribution within the Ob surface water. In addition, we made the assessment of water pollution and revealed the excess of MAC for fishing waters in organic matter content (COD), Al, Ti, Cu, Fe and Mn.
Keywords: the Ob River, surface water, hydrochemical characteristics, biogenic elements, trace elements
Article published in number 3 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-3-096-102
Views: 35
Reduction of technogenic geochemical fluxes during the operation of a polymineral deposit in the Far Eastern Region
N.P. Кhrunina, A.Yu. Cheban
Section: Ecologization of industry
Heavy metal oxides are potentially highly reactionary capable and cytotoxic. They cause direct DNA damage and decrease viability of the cells of a living organism. To ensure environmental safety impacts that accompany processing gold-bearing sands deposits, studies of microelement, phase and grain-size composition of rocks have been carried out. There are established elements prevailing by mass: phosphorus, lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, barium, zirconium, chromium, strontium, as well as clay minerals, complicating the process of selecting valuable components. The revealed
combination of mineral components has a high migration ability and toxicity.
It is developed the technology reducing operations of leaching and hydrometallurgical processing. The complex of tools allows you to effectively select valuable components by hydrodynamic and cavitation impact on the clay component. As a result of the implementation of the technology, dispersion fluxes and subsequent geochemical anomalies, the costs of monitoring residual concentrations of strong polyelectrolytes and systematic toxicological assessment will be significantly reduced. The developed technology includes new installations that ensure the destruction of the clay component through ultrasonic and cavitation, hydroacoustic or hydrodynamic effects.
Article published in number 3 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-3-128-134
Views: 35
Using digital maps to identify areas of mass development of phytoplankton in small freshwater reservoirs
Т.I. Kutyavina, V.V. Rutman, Т.Ya. Аshikhmina
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
Based on the results of field observations and interpretation of space images, the authors of the article have analyzed
the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton development in four reservoirs of the Kirov region
(Russia) from 2015 to 2021. Characteristic features of reservoirs are high color and turbidity of water, high content of
organic substances in water. To identify areas of mass development of phytoplankton, the authors calculated four spectral
vegetation indices. These are the normalized difference algoindex (NDAI), the normalized difference vegetation index
(NDVI), the chlorophyll a concentration index (TBDO) and the normalized difference turbidity index (NDTI). The
initial data for the calculation were satellite images from the Sentinel-2 satellite, posted on the resource EarthExplorer
(U.S. Geological Survey). Based on the results of the calculation of spectral indices in the QGIS software product, the
authors built digital maps of the studied reservoirs. They noted that phytoplankton developed mainly in coastal shallow
areas of reservoirs. The mass development of algae and cyanobacteria was most often observed in July and August. This
is typical for reservoirs of temperate zone. The most intense “blooming” of water was in July and August 2016, 2018,
2020 and 2021. At the same time, the following species dominated in phytoplankton samples: Anabaena lemmermannii
P.G. Richter, A. spiroides Klebahn, A. planctonica Brunnthaler, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Bornet & Flahault.
Keywords: reservoir, eutrophication, phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, remote sensing of the Earth, spectral indices
Article published in number 2 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-035-041
Views: 35
Forest carbon offsets in Russia: current legal infrastructure
Y.M. Gordeeva, I.E. Vedernikova
Section: Ecology and climate change
Achieving “climate neutrality” (or “net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions”) remains as one of the most relevant targets worldwide. Yet, today, when countries implement the Paris Agreement into their national legal systems, important practical questions arise and call for solutions both at the international and national levels. For the Russian Federation, the role of forests in achieving “carbon neutrality”, the creation of conditions in the country for increasing the absorption of GHGs by forests, the implementation of forest climate projects (FCP) in the country and the recognition at the international level of the results achieved by such projects ‒ are of particular significance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of the current legal infrastructure in the Russian Federation on the implementation of the FCP. Such projects serve as a supplementary tool for achieving “carbon neutrality”, i. e. they only help to offset those GHG emissions that cannot be avoided by technological solutions. At the international level, the popularity and the number of such projects are growing, as well as prices for emission reduction units (ERUs) issued during the implementation of such projects in international carbon markets are rising. Paradoxically, in the Russian Federation, despite the colossal absorbing potential of forests, tundra, agricultural lands, there is almost no CFP. The study identifies legal issues that (up until now) have been holding back a more active implementation of the CFP in the country, and proposes solutions that, in the opinion of the authors, may contribute to the launch of an entire “industry” of the CFP in the Russian Federation in the future.
The problem of identification, determination and regulation of transformation products of pesticides and veterinary drugs that transfer into food as a result of production processes persists open. Not all possible metabolites are included in the lists of regulated pollutants because of the unavailability of approved methods for their determination or any information about them in principle (about their structure, toxicity, potential danger for consumer health). The transformation products of pesticides and veterinary drugs, particularly antibiotics, contained in food and raw materials both plant and animal origin may generate a danger for live organisms no less than the parent compounds, and even greater in some cases. Using of incomplete or incorrect information about the specificity of the pollutants’ transformation and accumulation in food and raw materials represents an additional risk in the food safety.
Their identification and determination still are an actual problem, which requires the development and introduction into laboratory practice of new effective analytical procedures and knowledge-intensive methodological approaches. This paper presents a literature and presented in scientific databases information analysis about the most studied transformation products of 18 pesticides and 13 veterinary drugs used in agricultural practice, some of which are unregistered or prohibited for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the preliminary data of a retrospective analysis of livestock products obtained during the 2020 year by The Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian State Center for Animal Feed and Drug Standardization and Quality» (FGBU «VGNKI») on risk assessment within the framework of food safety monitoring program.
Keywords: metabolites of pesticides and antibiotics, control, livestock production, regulatory documentation
Article published in number 2 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-015-025
Views: 35
Influence of phytopathogens on the content of plastid pigments and the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes in the leaves of woody plants
Data on leaf damage by pathogenic organisms and the effect of phytopathogens on the content of plastid pigments and the intensity of lipid peroxidation (LPO) processes in the leaves of woody plants are presented. The studies were carried out in the city of Kirov and its environs (southern taiga subzone). The assessment of damage to the leaves of woody plants by pathogens was carried out in different parts of the city in parks and on the territory of the experimental garden of the FGBNU FARC of the North-East. To determine the degree of damage to woody plants, 100 leaves were collected from each plot (10 leaves from 10 trees or shrubs). Leaves were sampled in the first half of the day to determine photosynthetic pigments and the intensity of LPO processes. The content of chlorophylls and carotenoids was determined in acetone extract.
The intensity of lipid peroxidation processes was assessed by the accumulation of malonic dialdehyde (MDA). Photometric measurements were carried out on a ПЭ-5300 ВИ spectrophotometer (Russia). During the study period, 25 species of phytopathogenic fungi were found on 17 species of woody plants, the most common groups of infectious diseases are spotting, rust and powdery mildew are less common. Virus infections (mosaics) make an insignificant contribution to the total number of infectious diseases of woody plants. Diseases caused by fungi and viruses induced similar non-specific responses in the leaves of woody plants, which manifested themselves in a decrease in the level of photosynthetic pigments. In infected leaves, the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids was lower than in healthy leaves, the ratio of pigments in most cases did not change. An increased accumulation of MDA in infected plant cells indicates a progressive destruction of membranes. A change in the color of leaves affected by phytopathogens may be a result of the oxidative degradation of pigment molecules under the action of active radicals formed during LPO. Differences in the intensity of biochemical changes in leaves in response to the action of phytopathogens are determined by the physiological, biochemical and morphological characteristics of different types of woody plants.
Article published in number 2 for 2022 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-084-092
Views: 35
Degradation of poly(ε-caprolactone) under laboratory conditions during exposure to air and soil
E.S. Shirokova, E.V. Tovstik, A.V. Sazanov
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
Various aliphatic polyesters are used to provide biodegradable compostable packaging materials. They are a group of materials with a wide range of thermal, mechanical and biodegradability properties that can be easily adapted to a specific application. However, when using such materials for packaging solutions,their release into the environment after the end of the product’s service life is not excluded. In this regard, the assessment of changes occurring with polymeric material in soil and in air is of interest. The paper presents the results of assessing the degradation of films made from poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), one of the representatives of polyesters used for the production of flexible packaging, as well as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which served as a reference sample. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions (natural light; temperature 20±2 оC) with exposure of the samples in the soil and in the air for 12 months. The changes in the polymer materials assessed by the appearance of the samples, the loss of their absolute mass, as well as IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetry data. The number of micromycetes in the soil in which the polymer samples were kept was indirectly judged to be biodegradable. The safety of degradation products was judged by the results of contact biotesting of soil us- ing radish (variety Zhara), carried out according to certified methods, taking into account international standards. The ability of polymeric materials to biodegrade under the action of micromycetes was confirmed in a fungus resistance test. A strain of mycelial fungus Fusarium proliferatum AC was a test culture. Degradation in the soil over the studied period was typical only for samples of PCL films. At the same time, the phytotoxic effect of PCL degradation products in the soil was not established. Signs of HDPE oxidation were indicated on the 3rd month of its air incubation. HDPE showed resistance to degradation in the soil. Based on the results of the work, a conclusion was made about the need to create special conditions for the disposal of PCL, despite its biodegradability proven in laboratory experiments.