Electrochemical obtaining of nickel hydroxide from nickel plating waste water for application in the alkali secondary cells
V.L. Kovalenko, V.A. Kotok, V.V. Malyshev
Section: Ecologization of industry
The rinsing and wastewater of the plating industry, containing the heavy metal cations, are the source of environmental pollution. Nickel cushions have a strong biological hazard. At the same time, up to 30% of nickel compounds spent on nickel plating are irretrievably lost to the rinsing water. Purification of the rinsing and wastewater from heavy metal cations is expansive. It’s economical effective to develop the methods of local treatment of plating rinsing water with the recovery of the heavy metals in the easy utilizing forms. The hydroxide is the most perspective for nickel, which, if it has high electrochemical activity, can be used for alkaline secondary cell production. The method of electrochemical synthesis of the nickel hydroxide in the slit diaphragm electrolyzer from the rinsing water of bright nickel plating has been proposed. The treatment of rinsing water of the bright nickel plating for surfactants recovery has been made. The samples of nickel hydroxide, obtained from treated and untreated rinsing water, have been studied by XRD, voltammogram and charge-discharge cycling in the secondary cell regime. The comparative analysis shows that even the nickel hydroxide sample, obtained from untreated rinsing water, can be used as an active substance of the positive electrode of alkaline secondary cells. This sample’s specific capacity is 142 mА•h/g with cost is 4 $/kg (in comparison with 182 mА•h/g and 18-22 $/kg for industrial sample). It was detected that the nickel hydroxide sample, obtained from the rinsing water of bright nickel plating after purification from surfactant by bubble-film extraction, has the highest parameters. In this case specific capacity is 194 mА•h/g compared 182 mА•h/g for the industrial sample produced «Boсhemiе» (Czechia).
Modern problems of ensuring ecological safety of consumer products in the Russian Federation are considered, and also
measures for improvement of the mechanism of regulation of quality and ecological safety in the sphere of consumption are offered.
The methodological basis of the research is the analytical method, which allows to consider the practice of regulation of
the environmental safety of products, the formal legal method, which allows to reveal the systemic connections in legal regulation,
regulatory features of legal acts, law enforcement practice in Russia and abroad.
The directions of public administration in the field of environmental safety in terms of improving the legislation in the
field of environmental requirements for production are analyzed. The criteria for greener products are reviewed, the need to
raise awareness among consumers about the product’s properties is identified. Practical problems and directions of further
development of legislation on environmental safety of products are determined.
The problem in the regulation of quality and safety of products is the presence of a large number of evaluation concepts
that carry the initial risk in the regulation of relations between sellers and consumers. The social significance of food, its key
role in ensuring human activity causes an increased interest on the part of the state.
Product safety management is carried out by the state within the framework of technical regulation. Exceeding the
maximum permissible levels of product safety indicators makes it dangerous for consumption. The world food industry uses a
system of hazard analysis according to established criteria. Through the system of hazard analysis at critical points, a technology
for the safety of the products was created. In a free market, the legislature has significantly reduced the degree of public
danger for violations in the field of environmental safety of products.
The model of legal regulation of product safety issues is based on mandatory technical regulations as framework for regulatory
documents. According to the authors, the legislation should be developed in the direction of regulation of environmental
protection from the effects of hazardous products. For environmentally hazardous products, all production processes should
be regulated, including product operation, transportation, storage, disposal, i.e. at all stages of the life cycle. In solving this
problem, it is important to ensure the optimal combination
Article published in number 2 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-2-131-136
Views: 38
Biosorption of heavy metals by micromycetes: specificity of the process, mechanisms, kinetics
Skugoreva S.G., Kantor G.Ya., Domracheva L.I.
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
One of the ways to remove heavy metal (HM) compounds from the environment is biosorption. Most studies on
biosorption are carried out on microorganisms, among which micromycetes occupy leading positions. They have a high
degree of adaptation and resistance to the action of HM, are able to accumulate and transform HM compounds, show high sorption activity in relation to them. A feature of the cell wall of micromycetes is the predominance of polysaccharides
(in particular, chitin), and the presence of melanins. Fungi biomolecules have different functional groups in
their composition, the donor atoms of which (binding sites) cause binding to the HM ions. The nature of the binding
can be explained from the standpoint of the Pearson acid-base principle (concept of HSAB – hard and soft acids and
bases). The article provides an overview of the literature data on the sorption capacity of micromycetes of various classes,
genera and species to various HM.
Fundamental to understanding the process of biosorption is knowledge about the mechanism of the process. Based
on cell metabolism, biosorption mechanisms can be classified into metabolism-independent and metabolism-dependent.
Based on the location of biosorption, the following are distinguished: 1) intracellular accumulation; 2) extracellular
accumulation and sedimentation; 3) sorption and precipitation on the cell surface. The mechanisms belonging to the
first two groups are dependent on metabolism and are due to the processes of complex formation, precipitation, and ion
exchange; and the last group of mechanisms is also adsorption (physical and chemical sorption). The article discusses
the basics of the mechanisms, their causes, features and examples of micromycetes, in which this mechanism prevails.
One of the most important characteristics of the HM sorption by biological objects is the dependence of the sorption
rate on the process parameters, which is described by the kinetic sorption equation. The article discusses the most
common models for the description of bisorption: the pseudo-first and pseudo-second order model, the Elovich equation,
and the parabolic diffusion model.
Keywords: micromycetes, heavy metal ions, biosorption, mechanisms of biosorption, kinetics of biosorption
Article published in number 2 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-2-014-031
Views: 35
Problems of state regulation of the organization of protection zones for hunting resources
I.A. Grebnev
Section: Social ecology
The subject of the research is the legislation regulating the organization of zones of protection of hunting resources.
On the basis of theoretical assumptions, analysis of normative-legal acts, the author identifies areas and proposes
concrete measures to improve legislation and law enforcement practice in the field of territorial protection of hunting
resources (wild animals being objects of hunting). Work was carried out on the basis of a systematic approach using
formal-logical and comparative legal research methods. The author comes to the conclusion about the absence of Federal
legislation defining zones of protection of hunting resources, their inventory, and regulatory uncertainty of their legal
status. Therefore, at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation there is a wide practice of organization of
natural-territorial complexes as zones of protection of hunting resources, self-determination of the regions of their legal
regime that does not always meet the requirements of Federal law and is based on a single evidence-based paradigm.
The study identified a conflict of norms of the Federal faunistic legislation, the effect of having a different understanding
of the order of creation of such territories. In particular, it is shown on concrete examples that the zone of protection of
hunting resources can be established by decisions of the Supreme officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation,
higher Executive bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, competent Executive authorities of
special competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, long-term hunting users (business entities,
which hunting resources made available for a period of 20 to 49 years). Based on the analysis of legal acts in the field of
protection and use of objects of the animal world, it is concluded that only decisions on the organization of these territories
accepted by the Federal executive bodies or the highest executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation are valid.
Defects of legal matter do not contribute to ensuring the sustainability and rational use of hunting resources, which is
a violation of public environmental interests in order to improve legal regulation in this field. It is offered to define the list of protection zones of hunting resources in the branch normative-legal acts, their legal status, fix the organization
of zones of protection of hunting resources as suggested in the articl
Keywords: zone of protection of hunting resources, biotechnical measures, hunting, biological diversity
Article published in number 1 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-122-128
Views: 35
“Smart” state regulation in the sphere of environmental protection and nature management
M.A. Kostenko, O.V. Popova, M. Lutovac
Section: Social ecology
The main purpose of spreading the concept of “smart” state regulation to the environment area is natural protection
for future generations. A special place in the solution of problems of environmental sustainability, environmental protection
and nature management belongs to legal means, and norm-setting in this area should be outstripping in nature.
Important legal acts have already been adopted to address environmental problems, the central one being the development
of the list of “best available technologies”, and their implementation will make a significant step in achieving sanitary
standards of harmful environmental impact indicators. At the same time, the change of Russia’s main environmental indexes
show an increase in the negative impact on the environment and this growth will continue in parallel with the development
of the economy, which requires the development of new measures of influence based on the ideas of the concept of “smart”
state regulation.
The concept of “smart” state regulation in the sphere of environmental protection and nature management is aimed at
the introduction of integrated assessment procedures of decisions and allows purposeful influencing the economic activities
of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, to build as a matter of fact the individual trajectory of legal regulation of their
activities in this area. Authors are encouraged to use the Assessment of the Negative Environmental Impact (ANEI) and
the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in preparing regulatory and law enforcement decisions. This allows “flexibly” to
influence environmental decisions, more rational use of legal means and synchronize legal regulation with tasks in the field
of environmental protection and nature management. It also helps to form an eco-consciousness in the business community.
Keywords: policy of “smart” state regulation, legislation, best available techniques, assessment of the negative environmental impact, regulatory impact assessment, eco-consciousness
Article published in number 1 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-116-121
Views: 36
Ethnoecology of the Slavic World: application significance on the Eurasian space
I.Yu. Trushkova, T.Ya. Ashikhmina, L.V. Kondakova
Section: Social ecology
Ecology is a science dealing with relations of living organisms with the environment and the ways of sustaining the
harmonious balance in the world. Ecological approach determines the attitude of the people to the environment, it is the
basis of their worldview, their behavior and culture. Ecologically oriented economy management and human behavior
mean tendency of the mankind to nature preserving and keeping their environment healthy. Using ethnocultural experience
helps to save financial, human, and natural resources, contributes to ecologization of industry and agriculture, and
to spread ecological culture among the population. It was stated that ethnocultural inheritance of the Slavs contains a
whole set of economic and everyday-life domestic rules of dealing with the environment, with the nature. “Ecological
inclusion” of people in the natural environment helped to avoid stress, strain, conflicts in the society and conflicts of the
society with the nature. Ecological experience of the Slavs is to be used in the process of ecologization of agricultural
production and everyday life, as well as in development of ecological education and enlightening.
Keywords: ethnoculture of the Slavs, sustainable nature management, ecology of the living space, ecology of clothing, art-therapy, ethnoecological education
Article published in number 1 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-111-115
Views: 35
Microbial transformation of organic matter of sod-podzolic soils in the Pre-Urals under conditions of different use and application of mineral fertilizers
Microbiological parameters and character of transformation of humic substances of sod-podzolic soil at the end
of five rotations of eight-full crop rotation in long-term stationary field experiment (1978–2017) are investigated.
The direction of microbiological processes due to the effect of long-term application of mineral fertilizers in increasing
doses – 30 to 150 kg/ha of NPK was determined. A comparison of the arable soil with its virgin analogs (mixed forest
and natural meadow) as well as with the planting of goatling (Galegae orientalis L.). It was found that the different use
of sod-podzolic soil led to a change in the direction of soil microbial processes. Plowing the soil reduced the content of
total humus and increased the number and variety of actinomycetes involved in the mineralization of semi-decomposed
plant residues, i. e. detritus. In the variants with application of mineral fertilizers for cereal crops in doses 90–150 kg/
ha of NPK it was observed the preservation of the original content of humus and a decrease of the index of pedotrophy
compared to virgin counterparts and arable soil without fertilizers or treated with fertilizer in low doses. With the
long-term cultivation of perennial leguminous culture without applying fertilizers, a microbial community is formed
in the soil which is close in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators to the microbial community of virgin soil
analogs and its humus state is stabilized.
Keywords: ecological and trophic groups, microorganisms, crop rotation, virgin soil analogs, Galegae orientalis L., mineral fertilizers, humus
Article published in number 1 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-102-110
Views: 35
Optimization of the microbiological composition of the biological product for cultivation of Lotus corniculatus
In a field experiment the effectiveness of presowing treatment of seeds of Lotus corniculatus by mono- and multicomponent
microbial associations has been investigated. The associations were based on the nodule bacteria (NB)
of Rhizobium loti, cyanobacteria (CB) Fischerella muscicola and actinobacteria (AB) Streptomyces hygroscopicus A4.
Evaluation of effectiveness was carried out by the analysis of morphometric parameters of the aerial part and the plants
biomass, as well as the intensity of the tubercles formation. The results obtained during two years of studying the effect
of different microbes-introducents on the formation of the crop of Lotus corniculatus undoubtedly showed that the most
effective option was the treatment of seeds with a three-component association based on KB, CB and AB. The biomass
yield in this variant, both in the first year and in the second year of vegetation, was higher by 80.0% compared with the
control, while the nodulation intensity was also higher by 37.6% in the variant with three-component bacterization of seeds. The results of quantitative accounting of microorganisms showed that certain changes occur in the composition
of microbial complexes. Thus, in some variants, sharp fluctuations in the number of ammonifiers and actinomycetes
are noted. Least of all microbial introduction affected the number of nitrogen fixers. All these changes can be caused by
the influence of introduced microbes on the native microflora, and are probably associated with the volumes of isolated
root exometabolites, which, in turn, are affected by the species composition of inoculant microbes. It is shown that the
introduction of microorganisms into the soil with seeds stimulates the development of agronomically useful native soil
microbiota. CB and AB can be attributed to the set of promising biological agents for the creation of a complex preparation
designed to increase the productivity and yield of Lotus corniculatus.
Article published in number 1 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-094-101
Views: 37
The possibility of reducing the toxicity of gaseous emissions of power plants by the effect of an electrostatic field on the organic fuel combustion zone
Electric power generation based on combustion of organic fuel is one of the largest sources of air pollution by toxic
substances, including products of incomplete combustion. To reduce the negative impact of power plants on the environment,
various methods are used to optimize the regimes for burning fuel and cleaning the emissions of combustion
products into the atmosphere. One of the promising ways to regulate the combustion of fuels in order to reduce emissions
is the effect of the electrostatic field on the combustion zone. This article presents the results of experimental studies in
which the influence of the electrostatic field on the combustion of various types of gaseous, liquid and solid organic fuels
in various configurations and directions of the electric field was studied. The change in temperature and completeness
of combustion in a diffusion flame can be explained as follows: the electric field causes a shift of active charged particles
to those torch regions where their presence was previously impossible. The field directed along the flow of fuel leads to
a slight increase in the length of the reaction zone, and also causes the displacement of charged particles to the flame
front, where they are oxidized. This leads to a change in the mechanism of chemical reactions, which in turn increases
the temperature and completeness of fuel combustion. The field directed against the flow of fuel reduces the length of the
reaction zone, with the result that the fuel does not have time to react completely. This leads to a decrease in temperature
and combustion. So, it is shown that the influence of the electric field on the combustion zone can both reduce and raise
the temperature of the flame, which can be used to optimize the combustion regimes with the aim of both improving
energy efficiency and reducing the negative impact on the environment.
Keywords: energy, organic fuel, combustion, electric field, toxicity of combustion products
Article published in number 1 for 2019 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-088-093
Views: 35
Development and optimization of biological treatment of quarry waters from mineral nitrogen in the Arctic
The new concept of bioremediation of anthropogenic water bodies and quarry wastewaters treatment by phytoextraction
and phytotransformation in the Arctic conditions is presented. This technology is based on transformating
the man-caused water reservoirs into nature-like marsh ecosystems. At the first stage, a new patented method for
advanced waste treatment using floating bioplato was developed and implemented. After implementing the bioplato,
the concentration of ammonium ions in water decreased by 53–90%, nitrate nitrogen reduced by 15–20%. At the
second stage, the floating bioplato technology was modified into the highly efficient purificating marsh ecosystem,
which allowed to cover the waterbody territory to the greatest possible extent. The technology is based on the creation
of phytomats enabling in the accelerated mode to form plant blocks of three different types. They are aimed
both at local grassing down, and at swamping deep and shallow areas of sediment ponds. In forming phytomats,
two soil substitutional substrates (thermovermiculite, wood sawdust) and regionally-optimized assortment of 24
plant species are used. The proposed technology does not require energy, chemicals and soil components which
are scarce in the region. The predominance of natural ecosystem processes in the formed phytocenoses allows to
achieve maximum efficiency, and the use of available materials contributes to minimizing the costs of creating and
maintaining the system. The introduction of this technology and formation of the artificial phytocenosis with the
area of about 30% of the man-caused reservoirs territory made it possible to increase the efficiency of wastewater
treating from mineral nitrogen compounds by 22%.