Improving the efficiency of biological treatment of industrial wastewater as part of urban wastewater
M.Yu. Dyagelev
Section: Ecologization of industry
The article presents the results of studies of treatment of industrial wastewater as a part of urban wastewater. A biosorption method using powdered activated carbon was used as a method to increase the efficiency of biological purification. The research was carried out on a pilot plant consisting of four tanks simulating the operation of an aerotank. In each series of experiments, wastewater, activated sludge and special solutions simulating industrial effluents of different origin were added in equal proportions to the tank. Based on the presented results, an assessment of the effectiveness of biological wastewater treatment in the presence of powdered activated carbon with a different content of industrial effluents in the composition of urban wastewater was carried out. At the concentration of coal in the tank 0.1 g/dm3 efficiency of wastewater treatment of simulated effluent from the food industry on the generalized indicator “chemical oxygen demand’’ was 67.9%, and the efficiency of treatment of wastewater containing petroleum products reached 95.5%.
Article published in number 2 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-096-103
Views: 36
Potential of three plant species for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils in northern conditions
D.V. Tarabukin
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
The aim of this work was to assess the potential of three plant species (Brassica juncea L., Trifolium repens L., Agrostis stolonifera L.) for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils. The germination time of seeds and their survival rate after sowing into the model oil-contaminated soil were found. The influence of the procedure of encapsulation of seeds in alginate gel was assessed. Green manure plants seeds are preferably added after 30 days of self-cleaning of the soil due to the absence of a continuous oil film and restoration of air exchange. Brassica juncea L. was found to have the shortest germination time, at the same time the encapsulation of seeds in a polymeric complex increased the time for the development of vegetative organs. The encapsulation of T. repens L. and A. stolonifera L. seeds in alginate gels, on the contrary, reduced the germination time. A. stolonifera was also found to be more drought-resistant. It was concluded that the use of an auxiliary gel coat is most effective for small plant seeds and increases the survival rate on oil-contaminated soil.
The contribution of the green manure plants root rhizosphere to the processes of biochemical transformation of oil was assessed by comparing such diagnostic indicators of the state of the soil as the activity of dehydrogenase and urease. The dehydrogenase activity in all versions of the experiment was higher than in the oil-free soil. Moreover, for T. repens and A. stolonifera the values were 20–25% higher than in the contaminated soil without plants. The urease activity also increased, however, in the experiments with plants it was less than in the control experiment with the oil. In general, the selected plants can act as green manures for the accelerated formation of phytomass and restoration of species diversity on the recultivation territories.
Article published in number 2 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-120-125
Views: 36
Status of coenopopulations of legumes (Fabaceae) on steppe pastures of the Altai Republic
N.A. Karnaukhova, G.K. Zvereva
Section: Population ecology
The influence of grazing on the species of the Fabaceae family in the steppe communities of the Altai Republic was studied. It was found that on the steppe pastures of the middle mountains, there is a wide manifestation of signs of pasture digression, which mainly indicate the presence of intensive grazing of farm animals. The participation of leguminous plants in living aboveground phytomass in emerging transitional communities ranges from 25–50% in meadow steppes to 5–28% in real ones and up to 11–17% in desertified cenoses, which is largely determined by the peculiarities of their adaptation to pasture load and to natural and climatic factors. Under the influence of intensive grazing on the steppe pastures of the Altai Republic, accelerated aging and a decrease in the productivity of the aboveground mass are observed in most legume species. Enhanced grazing negatively affects both the morphometric parameters of all studied species and the ontogenetic structure of their coenopopulations. The degree of resistance to anthropogenic impact of each species is largely determined by its belonging to a particular life form and its lability. The least resistant to grazing and mowing were long-shoot caudex perennials, which are found only in the initial stages of herbage suppression, since with regular alienation of shoots they do not form seeds and quickly fall out of the herbage. Rhizomatous (Medicago falcata, Astragalus tibetanus) species can be kept in communities in the absence of seed renewal. Semi-rosette (Astragalus austrosibiricus, Hedysarum gmelinii) and rosette (Astragalus laguroides, A. testiculatus, A. dilutus, Gueldenstaedtia monophylla, Oxytropis pumila) tap-rooted perennials are capable of restoring cenopopulations after cessation of pasture load due to renewal
buds remaining on perennial parts of the caudex. When growing conditions change (temporary cessation or reduction of pasture load, good moisture), adaptive reactions are activated aimed at the rapid growth of shoots after the removal of the negative factor.
Article published in number 2 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-172-180
Views: 35
Spatio-temporal changes of macrophytobenthos in coastal landscapes at Cape Kosa Severnaya (Sevastopol)
T.V. Pankeeva, N.V. Mironova
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Using a landscape approach, the paper presents for the first time the results of a comparative analysis of spatiotemporal changes in the macrophytobenthos, performed at Cape Kosa Severnaya for the period from 1964 to 2020 with landscape maps compiled by the authors. In addition, it describes the distribution of the bottom natural complexes (BNC) with key Black Sea phytocoenoses (Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata и Phyllophora crispa). It was found that during this period a dramatic increase in the biomass of the phytocoenosiswas recorded in the BNC block-boulder bench with dominance of E. crinita, while the proportion of its edificator remained high. The maximum contribution of epiphytic sinusia to biomass of algocoenosis over the entire study period was recorded in 2006. For the BNC upper shoreface slope consisting of coarse-grained deposits with dominance of E. crinita и G. barbata, an increase in phytocoenosis biomass was recorded only at the upper boundary during the study period. For the BNC of gently dipping accumulation plain consisting gravel-psammitic sediments with inclusion of shell fragments and dominance ofPhyllophora crispa, a catastrophic decline in the productivity of the phytocenosis and its edificator is typical. The total biomass of macrophytes decreased by more than an order of magnitude during the study period. It was found that over a span of 50 years, the plant components of bottom natural complexes at Cape Kosa Severnaya underwent significant restructuring and degradation due to natural factors and anthropogenic activity in the coastal zone. The high degree of preservation of indigenous phytocenoses, the presence of red book species (P. crispa and Stilophora tenella) allow us to recommend the site at the Cape Kosa Severnaya as a promising reserve.
Article published in number 2 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-066-072
Views: 37
Zoobentos of the Severnaya Dvina River
M.A. Studenova, I.I. Studenov, D.V. Chupov
Section: Population ecology
The Northern Branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (FSBNU VNIRO) began comprehensive research on zoobenthos in the mainstream of the Severnaya Dvina River in 1995. Systematic
studies of zoobenthos at the Severnaya Dvina River for the first time made it possible to obtain the most complete information about the taxonomic composition of the invertebrates, the number and frequency of taxons across different sections of the mainstream, the number and biomass of each taxon. As part of the zoobenthos for the entire study period (1995–2019), 20 taxons belonging to 6 types and 8 invertebrates classes were discovered. The average number of invertebrates taxons found in samples for the entire study period was 9 in the upper and middle parts of the mainstream of the Severnaya Dvina River, 8 in the lower parts, varying in significant ranges from 2 to 15 in different
years. Every year at all stations in the samples there were oligochaetes and larvae of chironomids (or lake flies), which dominated in frequency. The lowest frequency of occurrence (5.3% each) was found in the upper part of the mainstream of the Severnaya Dvina river for the larvaes of stoneflies and springtail, in the middle parts – 5.6% for gastropods, leeches, water bugs, beetle larvaes and turbellarians. In the lower part of the mainstream of the Severnaya Dvina water spiders, water bugs and beetle larvae were rarely found in samples (5.3% each). The number of invertebrates in the mainstream of the Severnaya Dvina River varied within very wide limits, averaging 3052 units/m2 for the entire observation period. The average biomass of invertebrates in the mainstream of the Severnaya Dvina rive amounted to 2.35 g/m2. The biomass base was also formed by oligochaetes and larvaes of chironomids. Obviously, interannual changes in the number and biomass of zoobenthos and changes in these parameters along the length of the river are more associated with the hydrological features of each year of observations in the Severnaya Dvina River and its largest tributaries than with the influence of human activity. Clarification of the relationship of hydrological parameters, and above all – the water content of the river year to year requires additional research.
Keywords: the Severnaya Dvina River, zoobenthos, abundance, biomass
Article published in number 2 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-147-154
Views: 35
Spatio-temporal analysis of soil moisture in the experimental agricultural fields
D.S. Fomin, A.N. Chashchin
Section: Agroecology
Studies of the spatial-temporal variability of the field soil moisture content of three experimental fields located in the Perm district of the Perm region were carried out. The experimental conditions were pure fallow. The purpose of the work is to perform a spatio-temporal analysis of soil moisture in experimental fields using mathematical-cartographic and remote sensing methods. Field soil moisture was measured by points placed taking into account the heterogeneity of the soil cover and topography conditions. Based on the measurements performed, maps of field soil moisture were created using the “Ordinary Kriging” geostatistical method, using the Geostatistical Analyst module of the ArcGIS 10.1 program. The assessment of the influence of the relief on the moisture was performed using the SRTM global digital elevation model. Indicators calculated were topographic humidity index and closed depressions. Based on the obtained geostatistical layers, the relationship between humidity and Sentinel 2 satellite data was established through the spectral index NDVI. For the initial and final dates of measurements, correlation coefficients 0.8 and 0.9 were obtained. The nature of dependence turned out to be changeable over
Article published in number 2 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-113-119
Views: 37
Phytoextraction of lead and cadmium from soils of landfills by some agricultural crops
L.V. Mosina, Yu.A. Kholopov, Yu.A. Zhandarova
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
The results of the study of the accumulation of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) by various agricultural crops grown on soils selected from a depth of 0–10 cm of the landfill of municipal solid waste (MSW) “Salarievoˮ in comparison with the control sod-podzolic soil, as well as their stability within 30 days from the moment of emergence are presented.
The studied phytoextractor plants were meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), white mustard (Sinapis alba), annual sunflower (Helianthus annus), seed peas (Pisum sativum), common corn (Zea mays).
It was found that when grown on the soil of the landfill, agricultural crops accumulate about twice as much heavy metals as compared to the control soil. A series to increase the extracting ability of plants for Pb has the form: seed peas – cocksfoot – sunflower annual – meadow bluegrass – white mustard – common corn. Row for Cd: seed peas – white mustard – meadow bluegrass – common corn – annual sunflower – cocksfoot. With regard to the extracting ability of the studied heavy metals, the minimum accumulating ability of the pea culture is common. The rest of the cultures exhibit different extractive ability, which does not fit into the general series. In relation to cadmium, the most optimal phytoextractor is the hedgehog team, which is also characterized by a high degree of stability. The crops of annual sunflower and common corn are also characterized by a high cleaning ability. Common corn is also recommended for phytoextraction of lead.
Keywords: bioaccumulation, municipal solid waste landfills, heavy metals, sustainability, phytoremediation, ecological state of the environment
Article published in number 1 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-154-161
Views: 36
Modeling of the vertical structure of shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems
B. Sánchez-Díaz, L. Ríos-Rodas, A. Sol-Sanchez, A. del Rosario Fraire-Vazquez, J. del Carmen Geronimo-Torres, R. Solís-Silvan
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
Cacao agrosystems can provide available habitats for wildlife species, due to the structure and diversity of established shade trees in plantations. The objective of this research is to calculate the index of importance and forest value of shade trees used in cacao agrosystems. Field sampling was carried out to collect data on breast height diameter, canopy diameter and canopy height, these variables were used to estimate the importance value index and the forest value index. The trees
with the best indexes of importance and forest value are Erythrina americana (IVI = 62.34 and FVI = 50.94), Bursera simaruba (IVI = 62.53 and FVI = 66.99) and Samanea saman (IVI = 56, 85 and FVI = 42.93). The vertical structure of cacao agrosystems is important since it could be used as an input variable to evaluate and predict, through an ecological niche model, the quality of the available habitat for the conservation of wildlife such as birds, reptiles and arboreal mammals.
Keywords: biodiversity conservation, canopy height, Forest value index
Article published in number 1 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-028-037
Views: 37
Atmospheric air monitoring in the area of enterprises for the disposal of hazardous industrial waste
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Based on the materials of engineering and environmental surveys for the design of an industrial and technical complex (ITC) for the processing, disposal and neutralization of waste of I and II hazard classes ‘‘Mirny’’, an analysis of the calculated emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air was made, the list of which includes 49 substances of various chemical nature and degree of danger. The pollutants were ranked according to the magnitude of the hazard criterion of these substances, taking into account their toxicity and volumes of emissions into the atmosphere. According to the data received, it is recommended to include 22 priority indicators in the program of environmental monitoring of atmospheric air. In addition to general industrial pollutants (oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, suspended solids), they include specific pollutants characteristic of enterprises for the disposal and disposal of hazardous industrial waste – these are dioxins, benzo[a]pyrene, oxides of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, aluminum, zinc, iron(III), mercury, as well as ammonia, gaseous fluorine compounds, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide. It is proposed to include snow cover monitoring and indicators of biota response to technogenic atmospheric impact into the atmospheric air monitoring program. A map-scheme of the network has been developed and a regulation for conducting environmental monitoring of atmospheric air has been proposed.
Keywords: atmospheric air monitoring, utilization and neutralization of industrial waste, priority pollutants
Article published in number 1 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-038-046
Views: 41
Bioprotection of wood from microbial damage (review)
A review and analysis of literature data on the use of biological methods in the protection of wood from the action of wood-destructing microorganisms has been carried out. Antagonist microbes such as cyanobacteria, bacilli and micromycetes of g. Trichoderma play an important role in protecting wood from destruction. Their antagonistic activity against biodegrading microbes is associated with the synthesis of volatile and nonvolatile antibiotics, lipoproteins and hydrolase enzymes that destroy certain components of cells of wood-destructing microbes or disrupt their metabolic processes.
Many natural compounds of vegetable (essential oils, tannins, extractive substances of wood) and animal origin (propolis, chitosan) have great potential in the bioprotection of wood from biodamage, due to their unique natural composition, which leads to disruption of the vital activity of destructor microbes. The advantages of natural compounds over synthetic antiseptics are their renewability, cost-effectiveness of obtaining from waste, non-toxicity and environmental friendliness. Disadvantages that limit the use of natural antiseptics are high heterogeneity depending on the source from which they are obtained, easy leaching, uneven activity against certain fungal species, high susceptibility to biodegradation. Some of these shortcomings can be overcome by combining organic biocides with other wood preservatives.
A brief review of the literature data shows that, along with chemical methods of protecting wood from biodamage, it is advisable to use biological methods, which, although inferior in efficiency to the first, do not have a harmful effect on the environment. The combined use of synthetic and natural antiseptics can be especially effective.
Keywords: wood, biodamage, biosecurity, antiseptics of microbial, plant and animal origin
Article published in number 1 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-006-015