ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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To estimation of the probability of human primary incidence growth in the conditions of a natural biogeochemical province without endemic diseases

E.A. Malkova, E.V. Mikheeva, I.A. Kshnyasev
Section: Social ecology
The article is dedicated to the human population primary morbidity in the natural biogeochemical province with heavy metal abundance (nickel, cobalt, chromium). In the studied region the concentrations of chemical elements, which form province, do not reach the endemic diseases limits. To investigate a five-year period human morbidity, the retrospective method was used. To classify the studied diseases, the International Classification of Diseases of the tenth revision was applied. The primary morbidity investigations were carried through three territories: nickel-cobalt-chromium natural biogeochemical province, the Ekaterinburg megapolis, the biogeochemical background region, that are situated in the Sverdlovsk region of Russian Federation. The abnormal soil concentrations of heave metal are from natural ultrabasic rocks chemistry origin. For morbidity odds analysis the generalized linear model was used; and canonical correspondence analysis was used for the investigation of morbidity structure. Statistically significant differences in the structure of primary morbidity of three investigated territories were found. The maximum level of primary morbidity odds was found in the natural biogeochemical province. The odds of the primary occurrence of the circulatory system diseases in the province are 3.44 times higher than in megapolis (Ekaterinburg) and 2.57 times higher than in a biogeochemical background with a similar age structure of the studied population. The respiratory diseases odds in the provinces are 1.49 and 1.85 times higher than in the Ekaterinburg and biogeochemical background respectively. The musculoskeletal system diseases risk in the biogeochemical province is 2.5 and 1.38 times higher than in the Ekaterinburg and biogeochemical background respectively. The differences between the populations of the natural biogeochemical province, megapolis, and geochemical background territory are more significant than interannual primary morbidity fluctuations in the each studied population. This indicates a significant risk of non-endemic diseases caused by the natural geochemical factor.
Keywords: biogeochemical province, primary morbidity, geochemical anomaly, disease groups, megalopolis

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Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-186-193
Views: 35

Microscopic fungi in the soils of forest ecosystems of the Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve

N.N. Nazarenko, I.D. Svistova
Section: Population ecology
The species diversity is estimated and the composition of soil microscopic fungi (micromycetes) characteristic of forest ecosystems of the typical forest-steppe subzone is revealed. The study of mycobiota was carried out in various biotopes of mixed and broad-leaved forests located on the territory of the Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve (Russia). 43 species of micromycetes from 20 genera belonging to 6 families and 3 classes were isolated and identified from forest soils. The complex of typical soil micromycetes of the reserve includes 19 species. These are nontoxigenic, slow-growing oligotrophic, mesophilic, and psychrophilic species. The composition of the group included 24 species, mainly fast-growing saprotrophs, among which there are potentially phytopathogenic and toxigenic species. The state of the complex of micromycetes of the reserve’s soils is characterized by high indicators of biodiversity and equalization, and a low index of dominance. According to the gradation accepted in mycology, this corresponds to the adaptive zone of “homeostasis . The results obtained can be used to assess and predict the ecological state of the soils of forest ecosystems using mycoindication in this natural and climatic zone.
Keywords: forest ecosystems, soil micromycetes, biodiversity, taxonomic structure
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-133-139
Views: 35

Morphological variation in round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Actinopterygii, Gobiidae) from the Black Sea

R.E. Belogurova
Section: Population ecology
The article is focused on the morphological variation in the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) from the western coast of the Crimean Peninsula (Black Sea). A total of thirty-five plastic and seven meristic characters were measured in similar-sized males of the round goby. On average, gobies from the eastern part of the Karkinitsky Bay (the water area of the Bakalskaya Spit and the Samarchik Bay) were larger than those from the other two areas (SLavr = 109.2±0.9 mm and SLavr = 111.0±1.9 mm, respectively), which probably indicates the best trophic conditions in these areas. Gobies from the Donuzlav Lyman were smaller by the average values of the standard length (SLavr = 87.6±1.3 mm). The differences between average values of the quantitative characteristics of compared samples were statistically significant. It was found that the heterogeneity of the ecological conditions of the habitats made it possible to form various variations of characters in the round goby. It was revealed that at least three population groups of round goby were formed near the western coast of Crimea: one of them was formed by fish from the Donuzlav estuary, the second – by gobies from the Samarchik Bay, the third – by a group of fish from the water area of the Bakalskaya Spit and Yarylgachskaya Bay. As the analysis of the correlations between the plastic characters and the values of the coordinates of the two canonical variables has shown, practically all the studied measurements ensure the discrimination of the samples of the round goby, however, the best discrimination along the first canonical axis (correlation coefficients more than 0.5) is provided by measurements on the body associated with the location of the pectoral, pelvic and anal fins, as well as the parameters of the jaw (length of the upper and lower jaws, distance between the eye and the angle of the mouth, and the width of the mouth). Such differences in the structure of the species population are associated, among other things, with the transformations of the fish population in the eastern part of the Karkinitsky Bay and the Donuzlav Lyman, caused by human economic activity.
Keywords: Round goby, Black Sea, plastic and meristic characters, variability, population
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-125-132
Views: 35

The use of fertilizer mixtures based on sewage sludge and zeolite in oilseed agrocenoses

D.V. Vinogradov, M.P. Makarova, T.V. Zubkova
Section: Agroecology
The article presents the results of research devoted to the study of the effect of fertilizer mixtures based on sewage sludge and zeolite in agrocenoses of oil crops (spring rapeseed variety Ratnik and sunflower variety Poseidon 625). The use of fertilizer mixtures based on sewage sludge and zeolite has intensified the development of the leaf apparatus and generative organs. In spring rape agrocenoses, the number of pods per plant increased from 16.9 to 22.4 and the number of seeds from 196 to 326. In variants with fertilizer mixtures, the productivity of agrocenoses of spring rapeseed was 1.31–1.49 t/ha (plus 17.1–41.9% of the control).When using fertilizer mixtures in sunflower agrocenoses, 1194–1247 seeds were obtained from one basket, which is 17.6–22.9% more than in the control. The yield of oilseeds was 2.37–2.68 t/ha. The highest productivity of oilseeds was noted in the variant with the introduction of sewage sludge and zeolite in a ratio of 1 : 0.75. An important agroecological technique that reduces the negative impact of heavy metals contained in sewage sludge is the use of zeolite, a natural sorbent with a high cation exchange capacity. The use of fertilizer mixtures based on sewage sludge and zeolite led to a decrease in the accumulation of heavy metals in plant products. The total pollution factor decreased by 0.11–0.41 units in variants with spring rape, by 0.10–0.47 units in variants with sunflower. As a result of the studies, conclusions were drawn about the possibility of using fertilizer mixtures consisting of sewage sludge and zeolite in agrocenoses of oilseeds (spring rapeseed and sunflower), provided that the obtained seeds are used for technical purposes.
Keywords: spring rapeseed, sunflower, sewage sludge, zeolite
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-093-100
Views: 39

Phytoremediation potential of willow herb and reed canary grass under conditions of polyelemental pollution

L.M. Shaposhnikova, O.V. Raskosha, N.G. Rachkova
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
We investigated elemental composition of alluvial-sod soil, which was polluted by spilling radium enriched highly mineralized ground waters (Komi Republic) in 1930–1950s. It was revealed that content of more than 20 chemical elements, including U and 226Ra, some essential and potentially toxic elements, was higher compared to uncontaminated background. Accumulation of these elements in canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) and willow herb (Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop.) was estimated by bioconcentration factor (BCF) equal to the ratio of the concentrations of chemical elements in the aboveground parts of plants and soils, as well as root barrier factor (RBF), equal to the ratio of the concentration of elements in the underground and aboveground parts of plants. The highest BCFs were more than 11 for potassium in both species and 3.7 and 10.5 for phosphorus in canary grass and willow herb, respectively. BCF for copper in both cases were close to 1. BCFs for Mg, Ca, Zn, Na, Mn and Sr ranged from 0.06 to 0.37. The minimal BCFs (< 0.03) were observed in the case of 226Ra for canary grass and U, Fe, Ba, V, Al, and Pb for both plant species. Transfer from roots to aboveground parts of plants was highest for essential elements K, P, Mg, and Ca (RBF < 1). RBFs of Zn and Cu were < 1 in case of willow herb and > 1 for canary grass. Roots of both plant species accumulated U, 226Ra, Pb, V, As, Al, Fe, Na, Ba, and Sr in higher concentrations than aboveground parts. The obtained data suggests that both plants contribute to decrease in bioavailability of pollutants due to root barrier that reduces the migration of potentially toxic elements from soil to plants and can be potential phytostabilizers for these pollutants. In the case of canary grass, root barrier function observed to greater extent.
Keywords: highly mineralized ground water, uranium, radium, soil, elemental composition, Phalaris arundinacea, Chamaenerion angustifolium, phytoremediation
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-162-169
Views: 37

Wheat crops weediness assessment based on geobotanical, ground and satellite spectral data

T.I. Pisman, I.Y. Botvich, M.G. Erunova, D.V. Emelyanov, N.А. Оgorodov, А.А. Shpedt, А.P. Shevyrnogov
Section: Agroecology
The paper describes the possibility of using land spectrometry data and high-resolution satellite images of the PlanetScope grouping to assess weediness of cereal crops. The objects of monitoring were on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Research Institute of Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center of SB RAS” (Middle Siberia, Krasnoyarsk region). For interpretation satellite images, the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) vegetation index was used. Biological assessment of the degree of crops weediness was determined on a four-level scale. As the result of monitoring wheat crops the influence of weed vegetation on the value of NDVI of agricultural crops was revealed. The average NDVI for wheat planting with a low degree of weediness is higher than the NDVI of wheat plantings with a high degree of weediness. As the result of the analysis of the spectra of cultural and weed vegetation on July 09, 2019, a difference in the value of the spectral brightness coefficient in the near-infrared region was noted, which is mainly connected with different structure of plants. For wheat planting with a strong degree of weediness (3 level) in the near-infrared region, the spectral brightness coefficient reaches 50%, while with a weak degree of weediness (1 level) below 40%. The NDVI analysis of wheat plantings with different levels of weediness during the whole vegetation period showed the same dynamics. However, for fields with a low degree of weediness, the NDVI value reaches 0.5 in the middle of the growing season, while for fields with a high degree of weediness, the NDVI value reaches only 0.35. According to the satellite data, spatial distribution maps of NDVI were constructed in different time of growing season (July 09, 2019 and August 02, 2019). The areas of wheat plantings with different degrees of weediness are reliably revealed on them.
Keywords: wheat, weediness, PlanetScope, NDVI, land spectral measurement, spectral brightness coefficient
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-110-116
Views: 39

The development of an industrial environmental control and monitoring system for large-scale industrial waste advanced recycling facility “Maradykovsky”

N.M. Makarova, A.I. Polyakov, G.A. Kuzmina, A.M. Toygildin
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The features of a complex multi-level system of environmental safety for industrial waste treatment facility (WTF) “Maradykovsky’’ are presented. Such a system provides for the industrial environmental control (monitoring), the purpose of which is to assess agreement of the results obtained with environmental standards (pollutant emissions into the air, waste generation standards, noise) and hygienic standards of pollutant content in environmental components (atmospheric air, soil, snow cover, groundwater) at the border of the sanitary protection zone of the waste treatment facility and settlements. The functioning of the environmental control (monitoring) system is expected both at the stage of construction of the WTF and during its operation.
Keywords: industrial waste, waste treatment, waste treatment facility, industrial environmental control, industrial environmental monitoring
Article published in number 4 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-4-052-059
Views: 36

A comprehensive study of the components of post-extraction residues of spruce woody greens

Yu.V. Martakova, E.V. Udoratina
Section: Ecologization of industry
In this work, we conducted a comprehensive physicochemical study of the post-extraction residues of woody greens of Picea abies obtained in the production of the commercial biopreparation “Verva-spruсe”. The component composition of spruce woody greenery and its post-extraction residue was determined by chemical methods. It is shown that the biomass of P. abies woody greens and the residue after its emulsion processing are multicomponent system, the composition of which is represented by polymeric (lignocarbohydrate), low-molecular and mineral parts. Cellulose (36 mass.%) and lignin (29 mass.%) are the predominant fractions of post-extraction residues of spruce woody greenery. The functional composition of cellulose and lignin was studied by FTIR spectroscopy, chemical and elemental analysis in detail. It is shown that the spruce wood waste is characterized by a smaller amount of carboxyl and carbonyl groups, compared with woody greens. This is due to the fact that some of the hemicelluloses, pectin and lignin are removed during the alkaline extraction of woody greens. During the water-alkaline treatment of woody greens, a part of the water- and alkali-soluble fractions of proteins is removed, as evidenced by a decrease in the nitrogen content in the post-extraction residue. The supramolecular structure and morphology of the waste was studied by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. It is shown that the extraction of woody greens with a solution of alkali leads to loosening of the surface of the waste cellulose. The particle size of the waste lignin is reduced, and its surface becomes more homogeneous compared to woody green lignin.The obtained information is significant in the search for alternative sources of lignocellulose, which is the basis of valuable chemical and agricultural products, as well as for solving the problem of rational use of wood waste, and in particular coniferous woody greenery.
Keywords: Picea abies, woody greens, post-extraction residue, lignocellulosic complex, chemical composition, supramolecular structure, microstructure

Article published in number 4 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-4-151-158
Views: 35

The assessment of potential risks of solid municipal waste landfill

V.V. Elsakov, E.M. Lapteva, M.I. Vasilevich, E.V. Gabova, D.A. Kaverin, S.K. Kochanov, E.V. Panyukova, T.P. Mityusheva, T.N. Pystina, N.A. Semenova, T.V. Tikhonova
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The field ecosystem studies of researchers by Komi Federal Research Center in the area of the proposed construction of solid industrial and household waste landfill (ecotechnopark “Shies”, near railway station Shies, Arkhangelsk Region) have revealed limitations and possible potential risks in the implementation of the project. The characteristics of soil and vegetation cover, features of the chemical composition of surface waters (high content of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu related with swamping and peat water saturation) of the area were established on the territory. The peat thickness according to geo-radar sounding at bogs exceeds 1.5–2.0 m. Thematic mapping of the work areas based on the materials of modern and archival satellite images demonstrates the ratio of the areas of the dominant landscape complexes and classes of vegetation cover. A model of potential atmospheric circulation and transfer of pollution was made for the assumed source of atmospheric emission. The identified limitations are mainly associated with a high watering of the territory and the dominance of old-growth spruce stands with the presence of indicator species of intact areas, often including rare species of plants, animals and lichens of different levels of protection. Four species of lichens included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008) are presented at the planning polygon area. There is a probability to meet with representatives of 15 species of rare and protected animals. A preliminary calculation of damage to the environment shows that loss of ecosystem services exceeds the economic benefits.
Keywords: municipal solid waste landfill, old-age forest communities, red book species, swampiness, remote sensing

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Article published in number 4 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-4-072-079
Views: 37

The content of extractive substances in the products of destruction of bark-woods wastes generated during long-term storage, taking into account the vertical gradient

K.G. Ufimtsev, I.V. Beshley, T.I. Shirshova
Section: Ecologization of industry
The content of extractive substances in the products of the destruction of bark-wood waste (BWW) from the bark dump of JSC Syktyvkar LDK, located in the microdistrict Lesozavod of the Syktyvkar was determined. The chemical composition of the phenolic complex isolated from ethyl acetate extract after removal of resinous substances when infused with hexane was studied. Using the methods of thin-layer and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, the change in the content and component composition of phenolic compounds depending on the depth of occurrence was traced.
Samples were taken from different depths of the BWW dumps, the thickness of which is 20 m (borehole 1) and 27 m (borehole 2). Extractive substances were extracted from crushed samples by extraction with ethyl acetate at the boiling point of the solvent for four hours. Resinous substances were isolated from the dry residue obtained after distillation of ethyl acetate by infusion with hexane for three days. Quantitative indicators of the content of extractive substances extracted by ethyl acetate from BWW, depending on the depth of occurrence, lie mainly in the range of 1.8–2.9% of dry matter (borehole 1) and 1.4–4.4% (borehole 2). The content of phenolic compounds in ethyl acetate extract after removal of resinous substances mainly lies in the range of 49–64 (borehole 1) and 45–57% (borehole 2).
The phenolic fraction (6–7 m, dump 2) containing the maximum amount of the substance was separated on a column with silica gel using a mixture of chloroform-acetone as an eluent with an increase in the proportion of the latter (from 0 to 100%).
Based on the data of thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatography, it was found that the composition of the phenolic fraction includes 4 to 8 compounds, one of which is identified by chromatographic and spectral characteristics as dihydroquercetin, considered as a reference antioxidant, and four compounds are classified as hydroxycinnamic and phenolic acids.
Keywords: bark-wood wastes, ethyl acetate, hexane extracts, phenolic compounds, quercetin, dihydroquercetin, apigenin, gallic acid, rosemarinic acid
Article published in number 4 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-4-144-150
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007