The review is devoted to the problems of application of modern imidazolinone and ulfonylurea herbicides, as well as to the researches in the field of microbial iotechnology for remediation of contaminated soils. Data on the traits of the influence of residual amounts of herbicides from the classes of imidazolinones and sulfonylureas on target and subsequent crops in crop rotations are given in the article. The problems of monitoring of herbicide residues due to the variety of properties of components and decomposition mechanisms in the soil are shown. Ecological aspects of the influence of imidazolinones and sulfonylureas on soil microbiota and non-target organisms are considered. The results of studies of the biodegradation pathways of herbicide components, as well as conditions that contribute to the acceleration of destructive processes, are presented. The relevance of the search for microorganisms-destructors of imidazolinones and sulfonylureas for the production of biological products is substantiated. Microorganisms of different genera, such as Rhodococcus, Rahnella, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Methylopila, Ancylobacter, Hansschlegelia, Klebsiella, and Arthrobacter, possess destructive potential against imidazolinones and sulfonylureas. The current data on the development of biological products to eliminate residues of imidazolinones and sulfonylureas in soils to reduce the phytotoxic effect are given.
Article published in number 4 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-4-016-027
Views: 37
The study of the integral toxicity of oil-contaminated soil
Yu.N. Kurbatov, T.A. Trifonova
Section: Ecotoxicology
The effect of contamination with technical waste oil on the integral toxicity of sod-podzolic sandy loam soil under field experiment conditions was studied. The integral toxicity of the soil aqueous extract was determined using the «Ecolum» bacterial test, which is a luminescent gene-engineered Escherichia coli. Control soil samples show acceptable levels of toxicity. Soils contaminated with 10 or 20 g/kg doses of petroleum products are moderately toxic. The dose of 30 g/kg makes the soil highly toxic for luminescent microorganisms. The hydrocarbon composition of technical waste oil was determined using spectral coefficients obtained by infrared spectrometry. High content – 6.73% – of aromatic hydrocarbons (the most toxic fraction) was revealed. Correlation analysis between the soil toxicity index, the content of oil products, heavy metals (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb) and the pH of the soil aqueous extract showed a very strong positive correlation between toxicity and zinc content (r = 0.88) and oil products content (r = 0.83) in the soil, as well as a high negative correlation on soil pH (r = –0.61). The phytomass of plants growing on contaminated sites was determined. A very high inverse correlation (r = –0.82) between the content of oil hydrocarbons in the soil and phytomass confirms that soil contamination with an increased dose of oil products reduces the biomass of the aboveground part of plants. A general tendency to displacement of monocots and their replacement by dicots was observed for polluted soils.
Analysis of the list of liquid wastes of hazard classes I and II in the Federal Classification Catalog of waste (FCCW) showed that one of the most common wastes is wastewater, waste technological solutions containing chromium ions(III, VI). This type of waste accounts for up to 15% of the total amount of liquid technogenic waste of hazard classes I and II, formed as a result of the activities of electroplating and chemical enterprises. Hexavalent chromium compounds belong to the class of toxic, extremely dangerous substances, the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the water of drinking water bodies for chromium (VI) is 0.05 mg/L. A feature of this type of waste is the increased salt background characteristic of electrolytes used in electroplating industries.
The article presents experimental data, as well as basic technological solutions for the neutralization of chromium-containing wastewater and waste technological solutions. A technological scheme containing four main stages is proposed: reduction of hexavalent chromium, isolation of trivalent chromium from aqueous solutions, separation of accompanying compounds of heavy and non-ferrous metals, filtration post-treatment of the solution. Experimental studies have shown that, depending on the ionic composition of the medium, the efficiency of isolation of trivalent chromium compounds from aqueous solutions by electroflotation varies from 8 to 95%. The introduction of an anionic flocculant makes it possible
to increase the degree of extraction to 99% or more.
Keywords: industrial waste, wastewater, chromium(VI), chromium(III), heavy metal ions, technology, dispersed phase, flocculation, electroflotation, filtration
Article published in number 4 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-4-125-134
Views: 36
The quality improvement and products expansion on technical monocalcium phosphate base
Production of a low-grade phosphate raw materials-based line of products using economically and environmentally appropriate hydrochloric-phosphorus acid technology is a promising area. A double superphosphate (P2O5 = 46 wt. %) was obtained by isothermal re-crystallization due to removing iron(III) from impurities of the technical monocalcium phosphate (P2O5 = 35 wt. %). The obtained product is represented exclusively by a mobile (water-soluble) phosphorus form.
The development of greenhouses and requirements for closed soils impose strict restrictions on the impurities composition in the mineral fertilizers. The current State standards regulate such physico-chemical and physico-mechanical
parameters of phosphorus-containing fertilizers as nutrients’ concentration, moisture content, pH of 10% solution, granulometric composition, granules’ strength, friability, heavy metals’ concentration. But they ignore a number of
impurities, for example, iron(III), that can lead to phosphorus retrogradation. The simple enough technology makes it possible to obtain cheap effective product –monocalcium phosphate (MCP) – from low-grade ores (phosphorites). This explains the high demand for it among farmers. MCP can also be used in animal husbandry, provided that the sanitary regulations and norms requirements on MPC of controlled impurities are met. The development of the “Green Chemistry”
involves the use of water-soluble fertilizers and eliminates the toxic elements content that can accumulate in the soil. The iron(III) extracted from impurity minerals binds to phosphorus and forms FePO4 with the citrate-soluble form of P2O5, thereby reducing its mobile form (P2O5 wat.) in the product. A more concentrated product corresponding to the double superphosphate in the main component (P2O5 wat.) content was produced by isothermal re-crystallization of MCP with ballast impurity. In addition, the final product was purified from iron compounds to trace amounts.
Thus, purification of technical MCP by isothermal recrystallization method due to the removal of iron impurities to trace amounts expands the field of its application.
One of modern humanity’s global scourges is air pollution on account not only of its influence on climate change but also its significant impact on public health. A review of current data on the effects of priority atmospheric air pollutants on human health was carried out. The search was performed using eLIBRARY.RU, Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed, in a time span of 2017–2022. Particulate matter (with a diameter of 2.5 μm (PM2.5) or less and 10 μm (PM10) or less) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were the most widely investigated pollutants in the context of health effects. Recently, however, there has been growing interest in the health effects of ozone. Despite the fact that most of the works were devoted to the study of the influence of pollutants on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, recently the vector of scientific interests shifted to determine the possible role of pollutants in the formation of mental disorders, pathologies of central nervous and endocrine systems, reproductive function. Data on the association of prolonged exposure to nitrogen dioxide, PM2.5, carbon monoxide and ozone with increased morbidity and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 were provided. Prolonged exposure to concentrations well below current standards has been found to have a significant negative impact on the health of both adults and children. Further research in this area is needed to address the possible correction of modern air quality standards.
Keywords: pollutants, atmospheric air, human health, morbidity
Article published in number 4 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-4-006-020
Views: 41
New hydrogel complex with immobilized microalgae cells for removal ammonium and phosphate ions from wastewater
D.V. Tarabukin, E.N. Patova, I.V. Novakovskaya
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
The aim of the work was to create a stable hydrogel complex containing microalgae cells to remove ammonium and phosphate ions from an experimental solution simulating domestic wastewater. A new polymer matrix based on sodium alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose, polyacrylic acid, retained the integrity of the structure in a solution with a high content of ammonium and phosphate ions, and also proved to be resistant to alkali metals. To increase the stability of hydrogel complexes, we proposed an increase in the number of chemical bonds in the polymer environment due to the crosslinking of alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose with Ca2+ and Fe3+ ions, as wellпа as the introduction of an additional external stabilizer – cationic polyacrylamide. Due to the combination of several polymers, only slight swelling was observed and, as a result, the preservation of the hydrogel matrix in integrity for a long time. The two most commonly used algae in biotesting were selected for the experiment: Tetradesmus obliquus and Chlorella vulgaris from the live microalgae strains collection of the Institute of Biology (Syktyvkar, Russia). The formation conditions of the hydrogel complex made it possible to preserve the viability, reproduction and development of the microalgae cells in the polymer matrix. The cell viability of both cultures was over 95%. It was found that living cells of microalgae are mainly involved in the process of nitrogen uptake. Microalgae immobilized cells, in the presence of carbonate ions, provided the best degree of removal of ammonium nitrogen, which reached 90%. The greatest contribution to the phosphorus removal (> 95%) was made by the polymer component of the hydrogel complex.
Keywords: [Ca2+–Fe3+] hydrogel complexes, microalgae, cell viability, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, model wastewater
Article published in number 4 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-4-061-069
Views: 36
Mechanism of biosorption of metals from e-waste by microscopic algae
A.A. Chugainova, L.V. Rudakova
Section: Ecologization of industry
The development of technologies for extracting metals from waste is an urgent task. In this study, a poorly studied technology for the extraction of metals from electronic waste by microscopic algae, based on the biosorption method, was considered. The efficiency of the technology is determined both by the parameters of the biosorption process (properties and dose of biomass, temperature, pH, contact time of the adsorbate with the biosorbent), and the chemical composition of the solution obtained during the leaching of prepared electronic waste and containing metals. In the course of the study, the presence of functional groups in the biosorbent that could enter into chemical interaction with the recovered metals, the chemical properties of metals in the test solution were identified, and the leaching of the sorbed metals from the biosorbent was assessed. Microscopic algae of the species Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella spirulina, and the genus Scenedesmus sp. were used as a biosorbent. The metal was sourced from mobile phone/smartphone screens and computer monitors. Analysis of the component composition of screens and monitors showed that it is represented by more than 10 different metals belonging to the group of basic metals and 7 metals belonging to the group of rare earth, rare and precious metals. Using the method of IR spectroscopy, the presence of the following functional groups in the cell walls and organoids of microscopic algae was proved: amino groups, hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. The results of experimental studies have established a mixed mechanism of biosorption, including physical sorption and chemisorption. As evidence, we used data on the partial leaching of sorbed metals from microscopic algae after the completion of the process.
Keywords: electronic waste, microscopic algae, biosorption, metal extraction
Article published in number 4 for 2023 DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-4-118-124
Views: 36
Associations of myxomycetes in forest biocenoses (on the example of the Nurgush Nature Reserve)
A.A. Shirokikh, I.G. Shirokikh
Section: Population ecology
Myxomycete communities are an integral component of forest biocenoses. For the first time, a comparative study of the composition and biodiversity of myxomycete complexes was carried out on the example of two sites of the Nurgush Reserve. It was found that the species diversity of myxomycetes is higher at the Nurgush site, and the interspecific associations of these organisms are more diverse at the Tulashor site. An important component of the myxomycete communities are lower and higher fungi. Micromycetes act as parasites, and higher fungi act as organisms that help myxomycetes develop new substrates, in particular, decomposing wood. An important component of communities are bacteria, which are not only a trophic resource for myxomycetes, but also contribute to their adaptation to the environment. Among the bacteria dominating in the composition of myxomycete communities, species synthesizing indole-3-acetic acid – a phytohormone of auxin nature are identified, in connection with which the sporophores of myxomycetes can be potential sources of biotechnologically valuable strains.
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The article deals with the problem of distribution and the possibility of monitoring Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.) in certain areas of the urban environment using Earth remote sensing data. The Sentinel-2 images with a resolution of 10 m were used as the initial satellite information. Identifying, tracking, analysis and mapping the distribution areas of Sosnowsky’s hogweed were carried out using satellite data. The choice of mass growing areas of Sosnovsky’s hogweed for monitoring was carried out during the preliminary field studies of the urban territory of Kirov. The monitoring studies were based on differences in the reflectivity between the hogweed and other environmental objects. Satellite data processing was carried out using the QGIS-3.26 program. Based on the results of the work, maps were obtained, on which areas of mass growth of Sosnowsky’s hogweed were visualized. The built-in tools of the program allowed calculating the area of distribution of the studied invasive species in certain areas of Kirov. The identified areas were represented by plots of continuous overgrowth and its distribution in small groups. The paper describes a technique that makes it possible to calculate changes in the areas of plots of continuous overgrowth of Sosnowsky’s hogweed in the study area. The technique enables to identify periods of maximum growth of hogweed, to determine the trends in the area of its continuous overgrowth.
The results of the work demonstrate the effectiveness of a combination of Earth remote sensing methods and satellite image processing algorithms in monitoring the distribution of Sosnowsky’s hogweed.
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Various surfactants are widely used in modern industrial animal husbandry. As part of detergents and pharmacological veterinary preparations, surfactants inevitably fall into manure effluents (ME), resulting in a change in the properties of ME. The study of the effect of various types of surfactants on the gas release and microbiota of the liquid fraction (LF) of ME was carried out on the example of surfactants with different biocidal activity: sodium laureth sulfate – anionactive surfactant (AS), lauryldimethylamine oxide – nonionic surfactant (NS) and benzalkonium chloride – cationic surfactant (CS). The studies were conducted under laboratory conditions. The total observation time since the introduction of additives in the LF (0,01 g per 1 liter) was 14 days. The obtained data shows changes in the dynamics of greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) and odor-forming substances (H2S, NH3, RSH) emission, as well as in the composition of the microbiota of biofilms and bacterioplankton, under the influence of surfactants. The dynamics of the CH4 emission differ from those of other gases. The use of CS leads to a gradual increase in CH4 emission a week after application. This may be due to increased permeability of the cytoplasmic membranes of methanogenic archaea with increased chemical resistance. The application of various types of surfactants into the LF has different effects on the dynamics of the odor-forming substances emission, and the active emission period of mercaptans becomes longer. The highest level of ethyl mercaptan was observed in the option with NS. There was no significant difference in the effect of low concentrations of various surfactants on the microbiota of LF, however the AS has a more pronounced bacteriostatic effect on set of indicators. The most tolerant to the effects of all types of surfactants were Clostridia, which dominates the microbiota biofilms and bacterioplankton. Fungi were the second most abundant in biofilms of the LF.