ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and other toxic elements in the muscles of fish in the Volga River basin

A.V. Gorbunov, B.V. Ermolaev, D.B. Petrenko, O.I. Okina, G.A. Granovskaya
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
The purpose of this work was to study the accumulation of heavy and toxic elements in the muscles of the main commercial fish of the Volga River basin. Sampling was carried out throughout the Volga River, in areas that are characterized by varying degrees of industrial development. In the course of the work, tissue samples of the main species of commercial fish were selected (about 300 samples in total). The analysis of the selected material was carried out by a set of methods: induction coupled plasma mass spectrometry, flamу atomic absorption spectroscopy and cold steam atomic absorption. Based on this analysis, the levels of accumulation of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Sr, Cd, Sb, I, Hg, Pb in the muscles of the main species of commercial fish were determined. Graphs of the distribution of the concentration of elements in the muscles of perch depending on the area of fishing are given: the maximum concentration of the sum of toxic elements in the muscles of perch is characteristic of the Rybinsk reservoir and the area of the village of TsaganAman, and the minimum – for the upper Volga and delta. The dependence of accumulation of As, Cd, Hg, Se, I and Br in the muscles of perch on the mass of fish has been assessed. It was found that the concentration of Hg and Se in the muscles of the perch is directly proportional to the weight of the fish.
Keywords: heavy metals, toxic elements,bioaccumulation, fish tissues, accumulation features, the Volga River
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-080-088
Views: 21

Heavy metals in soils of various functional zones of urbanized territories: assessment of the content and environmental risk

T.A. Trifonova, I.N. Kurochkin, Yu.N. Kurbatov
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
In order to analyze heavy metal pollution of urbanized soils of the city of Vladimir, the selection and study of soil samples was carried out. Soil samples were analyzed for lead, zinc, copper, nickel, manganese, cobalt and chromium. The obtained indicators were compared with the maximum permissible concentrations and background values. The regularities between the proximity of the studied sites to industrial enterprises and the concentration of heavy metals in the soil are established. The coefficients of accumulation of heavy metals in soils have been calculated and metals that are priority pollutants with the highest accumulation coefficient have been identified. By calculating the total accumulation index, the territory of the city is differentiated by the degree of danger. The calculation of such indicators as: the general pollution index PLI, the indicator of potential environmental risk PERI, the Nemerow pollution index (NPI). It has been established that lead, arsenic and zinc are priority pollutants. The degree of soil contamination of various functional zones according to the indicator of potential environmental risk and the general pollution index PLI increases in the following series: zones of multi-storey buildings < zones of green spaces < zones of transport infrastructure < zones of low-rise buildings < industrial zones.
Keywords: heavy metals, functional zoning, soil pollution, urbanized soils, anthropogenic impact, geoinformation systems
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-038-046
Views: 53

Ecological features and biotechnological possibilities of soil actinobacteria (review)

L.N. Grigoryan, Yu.V. Bataeva
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
Actinobacteria are gram-positive aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria that tend to form branching hyphae capable of developing into mycelium. Their main role is in the decomposition of complex polymers in the soil: lignin, cellulose, chitin, humus substances; fertility formation; production of antibiotic substances; accumulation of biologically active compounds. Actinobacteria secrete into the environment a complex of secondary exometabolites of various compositions with aliphatic, carbocyclic, heterocyclic, nitrogenous, oxygen-containing and sulfur-containing compounds. Most of the isolated secondary metabolites have antibiotic, antimicrobial, antiviral, herbicidal, insecticidal properties. Biotechnological capabilities of soil actinobacteria producing biologically active substances with a wide range of environmental effects are used in the development of multifunctional biologics for various industries. Actinobacteria play a crucial role in optimizing the growing conditions of plants, and therefore there is a natural interest in studying the factors that influence the relationship between actinobacteria and various crops in specific soil conditions. The development of this issue is an important link in the ecological characterization of the soil microbial complex and it will help to develop the theoretical foundations for the targeted regulation of the interactions of actinobacteria with phytopathogenic microorganisms and insect pests. The purpose of this work is to analyze the ecological features and biotechnological capabilities of soil actinobacteria. The review describes the distribution of actinobacteria in various types of soils, including those with the presence of pollutant; the composition of the metabolites produced; relationships with other microorganisms, as well as biotechnological properties and the possibility of using actinobacteria for the development of biological products for agroecosystems.
Keywords: actinobacteria, soil ecosystems, antagonistic activity, biotechnological potential
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-006-019
Views: 34

Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in commercial fish in the Russian Arctic

Yu.I. Varakina, A.S. Aksenov, D.E. Lakhmanov, T.Yu. Sorokina, L.F. Popova
Section: Population ecology
The manuscript discusses the results of the analysis of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in commercial fish species (atlantic salmon Salmo salar, rainbow smelt Osmerus dentex Steindachner et Kner, herring Clupea sp., arctic char Salvelinus alpinus) living in the waters of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) and used in the diet nutrition of the inhabitants of the Russian Arctic. This study lays the foundation for monitoring of POPs, taking into accounts the possible risks and norms of daily consumption of traditional foods that affect human health in the Arctic. The authors determined the temporal trends in the content of POPs in Arctic fish species, as well as analyzed and compared published data on the content of POPs in traditional food. In the studied fish samples, p,p’-DDE, PCB 153 and hexachlorobenzene dominated among POPs, which corresponds to the trends in the accumulation of organic pollutants in Arctic hydrobionts. The total content of POPs in atlantic salmon, herring, arctic char and rainbow smelt was 15,01; 7,89; 2,38; 2,02 ng/g wet weight, respectively, which is tens to hundreds times lower than the established standard values. For all fish species, in the amount of at least 7 samples, the DDE/DDT ratio was high, which indicates early DDT contamination of fish habitats. Atlantic salmon and herring are the most contaminated fish species in the entire list of studied compounds. A decrease of POPs concentration in the studied fish species was noted in comparison with earlier studies conducted in similar areas. Despite the large amount of fish in the diet of peoples from the NAO, no significant risks have been identified. However, it was found that the level of PCBs in concentrations below the MPC carries a potential risk of cancer, especially with long-term consumption of atlantic salmon more than 45 g/day by the local population in one of the settlements of the NAO.
Keywords: polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, commercial fish species, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Arctic, ecological risk
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-135-146
Views: 23

Formaldehyde air pollution and risk assessment of carcinogenic effects

V.A. Sedykh, S.A. Kurolap, L.N. Belyaeva, G.I. Mazurov, A.T. Kozlov, V.P. Zakusilov
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
This article discusses the issues of air pollution with formaldehyde and the impact of this pollutant on the health of the population of the city of Lipetsk. The study revealed patterns of increase in the concentration of formaldehyde in the warm season (May–September). In the daily dynamics of concentrations, peak values occur during daytime and evening hours, which is associated with the cumulative effect of pollution and traffic congestion in the evening rush hour. The minimum values are recorded in the cold season and in the morning hours. The morning “rush hour” does not affect the concentrations as the sampling takes place earlier. It has been established that meteorological conditions influence the concentration of formaldehyde. An increase in air temperature correlates with an increase in the concentration of formaldehyde, especially in the daytime and evening hours, which is explained by increased solar insolation and warming of the atmospheric air. An increase in wind strength and air humidity, on the contrary, reduces the content of pollutants in the air. An assessment of the impact of formaldehyde on the health of the population, associated with the presence of a carcinogen in the atmosphere, showed that the city of Lipetsk is characterized by the maximum acceptable risk. The individual carcinogenic risk for the Traktorny District and areas near busy highways (the Ring of the Pipe Plant intersection) is 6 · 10-5. This level of risk is assessed as the maximum acceptable. In these areas, the presence of formaldehyde in the air can provoke 5–6 additional cases of oncological diseases per year. Such values require monitoring and implementation of measures to reduce the negative impact.
Keywords: air pollution, formaldehyde, carcinogenic risks, meteorological conditions, atmosphere
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-073-079
Views: 27

The effects of clear cutting on the biodiversity of middle taiga blueberry spruce forests in the North-East of European Russia

I.A. Likhanova, E.A. Genrikh, E.M. Perminova, G.V. Zheleznova, Yu.V. Kholopov, E.M. Lapteva
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
The article discusses the biodiversity dynamics of the components of secondary plant communities grown after winter clear cutting in the series of restoration of blueberry spruce forests in the bioclimatic conditions of the middle taiga subzone. For every succession stage (1(2)-year-old, 17(18)-year-old and 49(50)-year-old secondary communities and primary forest), about 20 descriptions (81 in total) were done. The authors separately describe the plant communities of forests swaths, skidding trails in cutting strip and main skid roads. On the basis of the obtained results, we determined species richness and biodiversity indices separately for tree, shrub, herb-dwarf shrubby, and moss layers. Industrial logging has been found to have an extremely negative impact on the species richness of forest species which absolutely disappear (especially stenobionts), decrease in abundance and constancy. In secondary communities on the territory of forest swaths and skidding trails, we fixed a decrease in biodiversity in the tree, shrub and moss layers and an increase in the herb-dwarf shrubby layer due to invasion of meadow, edge, and peatland species against a decrease in the abundance of species normally dominating in forest ecosystems. At heavily disturbed areas of the cutting area (main trails), secondary communities increase in both the total species richness and biodiversity at any layer except for the woody layer. The recorded increase in values happens due to formation of communities of very active species from different ecologic and cenotic groups. The floristic composition of the disturbed forest phytocenosis does not recover in fifty years after the anthropogenic impact.
Keywords: biodiversity, succession, clearcutting, middle taiga, European North-East of Russia

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Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-056-065
Views: 23

Ecological, biological and morphological features of the causative agent of trichinosis in the Kirov Region and optimization of control measures

O.B. Zhdanova, I.I. Okulova
Section: Population ecology
Trichinellosis is one of the most dangerous zoonosis. The analysis of different methods of prevention in helminthology indicates an increasing attention to such zoonotic diseases as trichinellosis in the World and Russia. Wild animals as a source of infection play the leading role in human infection. The task of present work is diagnostics, prevention of helminthozoonosis and improved monitoring and surveillance of the dissemination of trichinellosis. Practical application of expertise of meat and meat products from hunter’s trophies allows preventing infection of human and domestic animals with dangerous zoonosis. The article considers the influence of low temperatures, and the improvement of the fight against trichinosis in the northern territories. The index and shape of the capsule of trichinella in carnivores have differences. Apparently, these features are due to the peculiarities of parasite-host relationships and differences in the morphology of muscle tissue myosymplasts in various animals, and are species-specific for the host animals of trichinella.
The conducted studies confirm the effectiveness of the combination of methods of compressor trichinoscopy and digestion in the artificial gastric juice for postmortem diagnosis of trichinosis of wild animals. When comparing these methods, it was found that the method of digestion in artificial gastric juice is more sensitive compared to compressor trichinoscopy, but it is less effective in detecting dead trichinella. New technologies for disinfection of carcasses and residual muscle mass after hides have been milled have also been developed for mechanical harvesting stations; for this, special refrigerating chambers and solutions of disinfectants have been proposed. Trichinella of the northern territories are more resistant to low temperatures, therefore, disinfection modes should be increased (both temperature and exposure time). So, for example, if pork is frozen at a temperature of -15 oC, and according to the recommendation of the International Commission on Trichinosis, it is necessary to keep the meat for at least 3–4 weeks, and carcasses of wild animals should be frozen for at least 3 weeks at a temperature of less than -20 oC.
Keywords: zoonosis, trichinellosis, animals, meat, hunting products
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-164-171
Views: 9

Improving the efficiency of biological treatment of industrial wastewater as part of urban wastewater

M.Yu. Dyagelev
Section: Ecologization of industry
The article presents the results of studies of treatment of industrial wastewater as a part of urban wastewater. A biosorption method using powdered activated carbon was used as a method to increase the efficiency of biological purification. The research was carried out on a pilot plant consisting of four tanks simulating the operation of an aerotank. In each series of experiments, wastewater, activated sludge and special solutions simulating industrial effluents of different origin were added in equal proportions to the tank. Based on the presented results, an assessment of the effectiveness of biological wastewater treatment in the presence of powdered activated carbon with a different content of industrial effluents in the composition of urban wastewater was carried out. At the concentration of coal in the tank 0.1 g/dm3 efficiency of wastewater treatment of simulated effluent from the food industry on the generalized indicator “chemical oxygen demand’’ was 67.9%, and the efficiency of treatment of wastewater containing petroleum products reached 95.5%.
Keywords: biological treatment, industrial effluents, active sludge, biosorption, powdered activated carbon

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Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-096-103
Views: 16

Potential of three plant species for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils in northern conditions

D.V. Tarabukin
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
The aim of this work was to assess the potential of three plant species (Brassica juncea L., Trifolium repens L., Agrostis stolonifera L.) for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils. The germination time of seeds and their survival rate after sowing into the model oil-contaminated soil were found. The influence of the procedure of encapsulation of seeds in alginate gel was assessed. Green manure plants seeds are preferably added after 30 days of self-cleaning of the soil due to the absence of a continuous oil film and restoration of air exchange. Brassica juncea L. was found to have the shortest germination time, at the same time the encapsulation of seeds in a polymeric complex increased the time for the development of vegetative organs. The encapsulation of T. repens L. and A. stolonifera L. seeds in alginate gels, on the contrary, reduced the germination time. A. stolonifera was also found to be more drought-resistant. It was concluded that the use of an auxiliary gel coat is most effective for small plant seeds and increases the survival rate on oil-contaminated soil.
The contribution of the green manure plants root rhizosphere to the processes of biochemical transformation of oil was assessed by comparing such diagnostic indicators of the state of the soil as the activity of dehydrogenase and urease. The dehydrogenase activity in all versions of the experiment was higher than in the oil-free soil. Moreover, for T. repens and A. stolonifera the values were 20–25% higher than in the contaminated soil without plants. The urease activity also increased, however, in the experiments with plants it was less than in the control experiment with the oil. In general, the selected plants can act as green manures for the accelerated formation of phytomass and restoration of species diversity on the recultivation territories.
Keywords: green manure plants, petroleum pollution, alginate beads, encapsulation, enzymatic diagnostics

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Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-120-125
Views: 15

Status of coenopopulations of legumes (Fabaceae) on steppe pastures of the Altai Republic

N.A. Karnaukhova, G.K. Zvereva
Section: Population ecology
The influence of grazing on the species of the Fabaceae family in the steppe communities of the Altai Republic was studied. It was found that on the steppe pastures of the middle mountains, there is a wide manifestation of signs of pasture digression, which mainly indicate the presence of intensive grazing of farm animals. The participation of leguminous plants in living aboveground phytomass in emerging transitional communities ranges from 25–50% in meadow steppes to 5–28% in real ones and up to 11–17% in desertified cenoses, which is largely determined by the peculiarities of their adaptation to pasture load and to natural and climatic factors. Under the influence of intensive grazing on the steppe pastures of the Altai Republic, accelerated aging and a decrease in the productivity of the aboveground mass are observed in most legume species. Enhanced grazing negatively affects both the morphometric parameters of all studied species and the ontogenetic structure of their coenopopulations. The degree of resistance to anthropogenic impact of each species is largely determined by its belonging to a particular life form and its lability. The least resistant to grazing and mowing were long-shoot caudex perennials, which are found only in the initial stages of herbage suppression, since with regular alienation of shoots they do not form seeds and quickly fall out of the herbage. Rhizomatous (Medicago falcata, Astragalus tibetanus) species can be kept in communities in the absence of seed renewal. Semi-rosette (Astragalus austrosibiricus, Hedysarum gmelinii) and rosette (Astragalus laguroides, A. testiculatus, A. dilutus, Gueldenstaedtia monophylla, Oxytropis pumila) tap-rooted perennials are capable of restoring cenopopulations after cessation of pasture load due to renewal buds remaining on perennial parts of the caudex. When growing conditions change (temporary cessation or reduction of pasture load, good moisture), adaptive reactions are activated aimed at the rapid growth of shoots after the removal of the negative factor.
Keywords: Fabaceae, pasture digression, aboveground phytomass, coenopopulations
Article published in number 2 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-2-172-180
Views: 8

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The journal was founded in 2007