ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

4 issue of the journal in 2024

3 issue of the journal in 2024

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

Issue 2 in 2022

Section 1: Theoretical problems of ecology
Microbes-antagonists against of phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi (review)

L.I. Domracheva
S.G. Skugoreva
P.A. Starikov
E.A. Gornostaeva
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

2Transformation products of pesticides and veterinary drugs in food and raw materials (analytical review)

L.K. Kish
A.V. Tretyakov
O.I. Lavrukhina
V.G. Amelin
M.A. Gergel
N.V. Mishchenko

3Control of odor pollution of atmospheric air (review)

N.V. Syrchina
L.V. Pilip
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

Section 2: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
4Using digital maps to identify areas of mass development of phytoplankton in small freshwater reservoirs

Т.I. Kutyavina
V.V. Rutman
Т.Ya. Аshikhmina

5Maximum entropy modelling for predicting the potential distribution of methanogens in Sundarban mangrove ecosystem, India

N. Das
A. Mondal
S. Mandal

Section 3: Monitoring natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
6Contamination of soil cover with compounds of metals, arsenic and antimony in the area of impact of fuel and energy complex

D.G. Sycheva
N.E. Kosheleva
I.V. Timofeev

7Zoobenthos and zooplankton of the foothill lakes of Subpolar Urals

O.A. Loskutova
O.N. Kononova

Section 4: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
8The chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, throughfall and surface waters in the middle taiga deciduous stands of post-cutting origin

Т.А. Pristova
Section 5: Ecotoxicology
9The effect of dried blueberries and food products enriched with them on metabolic parameters of carbon tetrachloride intoxication

A.V. Elikov
P.I. Tsapok
E.M. Karpova
D.B. Loktev
V.A. Kozvonin
L.N. Shmakova

Determination of oxidative stress indicators in Melissa officinalis under the action of micromycete Fusarium culmorum and its antagonists

A.I. Fokina
S.G. Skugoreva
L.V. Trefilova
L.V. Darovskikh

11Influence of phytopathogens on the content of plastid pigments and the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes in the leaves of woody plants

S.Yu. Ogorodnikova
S.V. Pestov
V.V. Zinoviev
A.P. Sofronov

Section 6: Ecologization of production
12Formation of a green production management model

A.A. Malyshev
N.N. Solodkov
N.A. Korobkova

13To the question of methodological support for determination of rare earth elements for industrial inspection

T.S. Ulanova
M.V. Volkova
G.A. Veikhman
A.V. Nedoshitova

Section 7: Population ecology
14Utilization of wastewaters as a nutrient medium for the accumulation of microalgal biomass

A.V. Gogonin
T.N. Shchemelinina
E.M. Anchugova

15Bacterial consortium as a model for studying the response of the microbial community of the Verkhnekamsk salt mining region to combined pollution

L.N. Anan
I.А. Kosheleva
E.G. Plotnikova

16Distribution features of Xanthogaleruca luteola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the protective plantings of the Lower Volga

O.S. Filimonova
M.N. Belitskaya
I.R. Gribust

17Microsatellite analysis of populations of the ussuri sika deer acclimatized in the European part of Russia

A.P. Kaledin
S.V. Beketov
D.V. Zhukov
V.I. Fertikov
V.M. Makeeva
A.V. Smurov
A.M. Ostapchuk
E.А. Konorov
Yu.A. Stolpovsky

18Lithophage Alces alces L. in the protected territories of Yakutia

V.V. Stepanova
A.V. Argunov
D.I. Tirskiy
R.A. Kirillin
I.M. Okhlopkov

Section 8: Remediation and recultivation
19An unconventional approach to solving the problem of restoring damaged ecosystems in the North

I.А. Likhanova
E.G. Kuznetsova
Е.М. Lapteva

20Dynamics of vegetation of the phytomeliorated deflation zone on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia

L.P. Rybashlykova
21Specifics of biogeocenoses restoration during overgrowth of coal-mine dumps of the Gorlovsky basin

A.N. Bespalov
N.A. Sokolova
D.A. Sokolov

22Degradation of poly(ε-caprolactone) under laboratory conditions during exposure to air and soil

E.S. Shirokova
E.V. Tovstik
A.V. Sazanov

Section 9: Agroecology
Local strains of actinobacteria protect peas (Pisum sativum L.) from harmful infections

I.G. Shirokikh
I.V. Liskova
Ya.I. Nazarova
T.P. Gradoboeva
S.S. Pislegina
N.A. Bokov
R.I. Abubakirova

24Study of the effect of antibiotics on the urease activity of sod-podzolic and gray forest soils

A.G. Kosmacheva
S.M. Chesnokova
T.A. Trifonova

The use of soil based on sewage sludge from urban wastewater treatment plants in the greening of urban areas

A.V. Ilinskiy
V.N. Selmen
E.V. Selmen
S.D. Karyakina
M.S. Matyukhin
V.V. Grebennikova

Section 10: Ecology and climate change
26Tree diversity and carbon stock in North Poblacion and South Poblacion (Dipaculao, Aurora, Philippines)

J.M. Bambalan
I.K.S. Palapal
R.V. Guleng
E.E. Coracero
R.B.J. Gallego
M.J.A. Suniega

27Forest carbon offsets in Russia: current legal infrastructure

Y.M. Gordeeva
I.E. Vedernikova

Section 11: Social ecology
28Problems of legal regulation of commercial use and conservation of fishery resources

A.M. Tortsev
System approach as a scientific paradigm of natural science knowledge

L.Sh. Akhmedova
A.A. Gadzhiev
N.O. Guseynova

30Actualization of the “green” image for territorial development

A.A. Sozinova
V.A. Bondarenko
М. Smokova
N.G. Rumyantsev

31Analysis of the cytogenetic status of children and adolescents in the living in areas with different environmental conditions

S.V. Ermolaeva
Е.О. Ivanov

Section 12: Information
To the anniversary of L. I. Domracheva

P. 241–242
Journal “Theoretical and Applied Ecology” improved and developed

P. 242
Т.Ya. Аshikhmina
XVII All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Ecology of the native land: problems and ways to solve them”

P. 243–244
Т.Ya. Аshikhmina
S.Yu. Ogorodnikova


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007