ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Specifics of biogeocenoses restoration during overgrowth of coal-mine dumps of the Gorlovsky basin

A.N. Bespalov, N.A. Sokolova, D.A. Sokolov
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
Due to the increasing volume of anthracite production in the Novosibirsk region, the area of disturbed territories is also increasing. In this regard, the problem of restoring ecosystems on dumps is acute. The vast majority of researches on the restoration of man-made ecosystems is aimed at studying any one of their components. The purpose of this work was a comprehensive assessment of the specifics of recovery of waste dumps of the Gorlovsky anthracite deposit (Novosibirsk region). It included a study of the development of soil and vegetation cover, as well as an assessment of the biodiversity of soil invertebrates (on example of ground beetles). It was revealed that three types of soil are formed in the composition of the soil cover of the studied objects – initial, organo-accumulative and turf embryozems. The soil-ecological condition of sample areas was evaluated quantitatively in bonus points, taking into account the topography of the dumps (leveled and hilly areas), the density of the top layer of soil (0-10 cm), and the stage of evolution of young soils. It is shown that the succession of vegetation cover proceeds in the direction from pioneer groups to closed phytocenoses simultaneously with the development of young soils. The population of ground beetles was studied. 43 species belonging to 17 genera were found. The interaction between ecosystem components is studied. Using statistical methods, it is shown that along with the restoration of plant communities and the formation of soil cover on the studied dumps, both the number of species of ground beetles and the indices of diversity increase. Species are replaced by specialized ones, and the number of dominants increases. The species diversity of ground beetles increases syngenetically to the improvement of the soil-ecological condition.
Keywords: coal-mine dumps, embryozems, soil-ecologic condition, mesofauna, Carabidae
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-159-164
Views: 19

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The journal was founded in 2007