ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Analysis of the cytogenetic status of children and adolescents in the living in areas with different environmental conditions

S.V. Ermolaeva, Е.О. Ivanov
Section: Social ecology
Cytogenetic status can be a marker of ecological trouble in a certain area.Cytogenetic status is determined by the frequency of micronuclei in buccal epithelial cells. The largest amount of pollutants enters the atmospheric air of Ulyanovsk and the Sengileevsky district. In the drinking water of the Sengileevsky and Cherdaklinsky districts, iron appeared to be up to 10 times higher than the MAC, manganese – up to 2.5 times. The content Pb, Zn, Ni in the soil were up to 12 times higher than the MPC. This study aims to evaluate the frequency of micronuclei in the cells of the buccal epithelium of children and adolescents living in an industrialized zone, compared with that inside children living in areas without significant anthropogenic impacts. The preparations were made according to standard methods. 1000 cells per individual were analyzed. As a control measure we used indicators of the frequency of micronuclei in the cells of children and adolescents from the Veshkaimsky and Sursky districts, in which no excess of the MPC of toxic substances was detected. The analysis was carried out in 418 people aged 9–15 years, permanently residing in the study areas. The frequency of cells with micronuclei in schoolchildren of the Zasviyazhsky district of the city of Ulyanovsk was 1.46±0.87‰ is 7 times higher than the control, in the second group (Cherdaklinsky district) 1.22±0.95‰ is 6 times higher than the control, in the 3rd sample (Sengileevsky district) 1.19±0.44‰, 5 times more than control. The index of cytogenetic disorders in group 1 – 4.18 (high risk), in group 2 – 3.42 (moderate risk), in group 3 – 4.00 (high risk). The genotoxic effect of pollutants in the environment of Ulyanovsk (Zasviyazhsky district) and Sengileevsky district was established.
Keywords: ecological safety, cytogenetic status, buccal epithelium, accumulation of cytogenetic disorders, risk groups
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-234-240
Views: 9

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The journal was founded in 2007