ISSN 1995-4301

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Control of odor pollution of atmospheric air (review)

N.V. Syrchina, L.V. Pilip, T.Ya. Ashikhmina
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
Monitoring odor pollution (OP) of air is a complex analytical problem. Standard gas analysis equipment can be used to detect and measure the concentration of individual odor-forming substances (OFS) in the air. However, the presence or absence of odor on the basis of instrument readings is practically impossible to prove. The reasons are the subjective perception of odors, the complex multicomponent composition of the OP, the effects of synergism, masking, neutralization, which are manifested in the combined effect of various OFS on the human olfactory system. Today olfactometric method is used to measure the concentration of odors (group of experts are used as sensors). Measured by the olfactometric method the concentration of odor is expressed in odor of units per cubic meter (OU / m3). The most objective information about the OP can be obtained on the basis of a combined approach, including olfactometric and physicochemical research methods. The results of olfactometric research can be used to construct mathematical models of the dispersion of odors and to establish standards for OP. In addition to instrumental methods for monitoring the OP are used methods that do not require special equipment. There are methods of public opinion, analysis of complaints people about OP and method Citizen Science. Citizen Science is scientific work (collection of information, analysis of array of information, joint decision-making and so on). Citizen Science is carried out by citizens (volunteers) together with scientists or under the guidance of scientists. The experience of various countries shows that regulations aimed at control and minimization of OP can be established at the regional level. This approach will allow to maximally take into account the socio-economic characteristics of specific territories and optimize the costs of the budget and enterprises – sources of OFS for the implementation of measures to protect the environment and the people from OP.
Keywords: odor pollution, atmospheric air, olfactometry, odor perception, odor analysis, odor control
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-026-034
Views: 33

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The journal was founded in 2007