ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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An unconventional approach to solving the problem of restoring damaged ecosystems in the North

I.А. Likhanova, E.G. Kuznetsova, Е.М. Lapteva
Section: Remediation and rehabilitation
The work is devoted to the problem of disturbed lands recovering in the north-east of the European part of Russia, where an intensive development of natural resources in recent decades has been made. The specialists of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed the concept of accelerated «nature restoration» taking into account the natural conditions of the northern territories. Nature restoration – is a system of similar to zonal ecosystems restoration approaches in the disturbed territories. The concept is based on the system principles (interrelations of the ecosystem components) and the concept of self-recovering ecosystems as succession process. The composition and structure of the plant community are used as an integral indicator of the state and dynamic status of the ecosystem. Based on the concept, we developed two-stage system of practical approaches of controlled «nature restoration». At the first stage («intensive»), an artificial ecosystem is created using the agro-technical methods. At the second stage («assimilation»), the ecosystem is replaced by the zonal type during the managing succession process. Based on the concept and «nature restoration» scheme, we prepared the structure of technological scheme of restoration. It includes a scientifically based algorithm for the restoration of zonal ecosystems (or those close to them), taking into account different types of disturbances in the tundra and taiga zones. The scheme consists of three main interrelated sections. Based on the section 1, an accelerated succession scheme is being developed, measures are formulated for the technical and biological stages of the «intensive» stage (Section 2), which depend on the bioclimatic conditions of the area, the characteristics of soils, the level and degree of their disturbance (pollution), and the regenerative capabilities of the ecosystem. Section 3 includes the monitoring of a restored ecosystem and the managing a succession process in order to fastest inclusion of the post-technogenic ecosystem to the biosphere dynamics. In the northern regions, the concept of «nature restoration» and its practical implementation are an alternative to traditional recultivation.
Keywords: North, Komi Republic, disturbed ecosystems, recultivation, nature restoration concept, technological map
Article published in number 2 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-2-145-151
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007