ISSN 1995-4301
(печатной версии)

ISSN 2618-8406
(электронной версии)

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Some aspects of aluminum detoxifying in plants: phytotoxic and genotoxic effects

B. I. Synzynys, L. N. Ulyanenko
Раздел: Экотоксикология
The separate and combined impacts of aluminum, manganese and silver ions on onion (Allium cepa L.) have been studied. The experiments have been performed in several series with different solutions of metal salts: AlCl3 • 6H2O,KMnO4, MnCl2 • 4H2O for the first and second series and Al(NO3)3 and AgNO3 – in third series. The ion concentrations of all studied metals amounted to 1 MPC according to the Russian health legislation and were 0.5 mg/L for Al,0.1 mg/L for Mn and 50 mg/L for Ag. The phytotoxic effect and genotoxic effect (such as mitotic index and the frequency of chromosome aberrations) were estimated. It was showed that aluminum ions promote negative processes in all our experiments. We found that manganese in combined presence in solution with aluminum reduced the phytotoxic and genotoxic effects aluminum on Allium cepa: the coefficients of antagonism calculated for frequency of aberrant cells and mitotic index are equal to 0.2. We have the same tendency for the silver ions. Taking into account our previously obtained data (the reducing of genotoxic effect of aluminum ions by iron ions) it is possible to conclude about similar mechanism for manganese (regardless of valency) and silver. Thus our results demonstrated this unique and at the same time universal mechanism of interaction between two metals (aluminum and other) and their detoxification effect in plant. We anticipate our assay to be a new starting point in investigation of detoxification mechanisms for heavy metals in plants: it is found that a combination of several metals reduces the negative action of each of them.
Ключевые слова: aluminum, manganese ions, silver ions, barley, separate and combined action, phytotoxicity and cytogenotoxicity of aluminum, antagonism indicies
Статья опубликована в № 2 за 2018 год
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-107/2-112
Просмотров: 27

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