ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

3 issue of the journal in 2024

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

Issue 2 in 2023

Section 1: Theoretical problems of ecology
1Ecological features and biotechnological possibilities of soil actinobacteria (review)

L.N. Grigoryan
Yu.V. Bataeva

2Ecological factors determining natural and anthropogenic invasion of Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden., measures to combat it (review)

T.Ya. Ashikhmina
E.V. Tovstik
T.A. Adamovich

Section 2: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
3Application of geoinformation modeling and fractal analysis in the geoecological assessment of urban geosystems

B.I. Kochurov
M.A. Movchan

4Heavy metals in soils of various functional zones of urbanized territories: assessment of the content and environmental risk

T.A. Trifonova
I.N. Kurochkin
Yu.N. Kurbatov

Section 3: Monitoring natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
5Monitoring of soil algocyanoflora in the technogenic territory

L.V. Kondakova
E.V. Dabakh

6The effects of clear cutting on the biodiversity of middle taiga blueberry spruce forests in the North-East of European Russia

I.A. Likhanova
E.A. Genrikh
E.M. Perminova
G.V. Zheleznova
Yu.V. Kholopov
E.M. Lapteva

7Spatio-temporal changes of macrophytobenthos in coastal landscapes at Cape Kosa Severnaya (Sevastopol)

T.V. Pankeeva
N.V. Mironova

Section 4: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
8Formaldehyde air pollution and risk assessment of carcinogenic effects

V.A. Sedykh
S.A. Kurolap
L.N. Belyaeva
G.I. Mazurov
A.T. Kozlov
V.P. Zakusilov

9Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and other toxic elements in the muscles of fish in the Volga River basin

A.V. Gorbunov
B.V. Ermolaev
D.B. Petrenko
O.I. Okina
G.A. Granovskaya

Section 5: Ecologization of production
10Galvanic sludge is a source of secondary material resources in the production of filler pigments for paints and varnishes

L.N. Olshanskaya
E.N. Lazareva
E.A. Tatarintseva
O.A. Aref’eva
E.V. Yakovleva
Z.A. Simonova

11Improving the efficiency of biological treatment of industrial wastewater as part of urban wastewater

M.Yu. Dyagelev
Section 6: Agroecology
The influence of the composition of peat mixtures on the biochemical parameters of Melissa officinalis plants

A.I. Fokina
S.G. Skugoreva
E.A. Kislitsyna

13Spatio-temporal analysis of soil moisture in the experimental agricultural fields

D.S. Fomin
A.N. Chashchin

Section 7: Remediation and recultivation
14Potential of three plant species for phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils in northern conditions

D.V. Tarabukin
Section 8: Ecotoxicology
15Identification of the toxic effects of heavy metals on phytoplankton by the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves using machine learning

Т.Yu. Plyusnina
R.N. Chervitsov
S.S. Khrushchev
D.G. Kiseleva
Т.V. Drozdenko
E.I. Tikhomirova
G.Yu. Riznichenko
Т.K. Аntal

Section 9: Population ecology
16Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in commercial fish in the Russian Arctic

Yu.I. Varakina
A.S. Aksenov
D.E. Lakhmanov
T.Yu. Sorokina
L.F. Popova

17Zoobentos of the Severnaya Dvina River

M.A. Studenova
I.I. Studenov
D.V. Chupov

18The state of larch forests and prospects for growing Siberian larch in the subzone of coniferous-deciduous forests

N.P. Savinykh
A.A. Teterin

19Ecological, biological and morphological features of the causative agent of trichinosis in the Kirov Region and optimization of control measures

O.B. Zhdanova
I.I. Okulova

20Status of coenopopulations of legumes (Fabaceae) on steppe pastures of the Altai Republic

N.A. Karnaukhova
G.K. Zvereva

21Finding of the thermophilic fungus Laetiporus sulphureus on the territory of Kirov

D.V. Popyvanov
A.A. Shirokikh
Yu.A. Zlobina

Manure runoff impact on soil phototrophic microorganisms

L.V. Kondakova
N.V. Syrchina
L.V. Pilip
I.A. Kondakova

Section 10: Social ecology
23Rational forest management in Russia: problems and prospects of improving the organizational and legal mechanism

D.G. Domrachev
А.А. Kirillovyh
V.N. Pugach

Bioremediation of technogenically degraded lands after the completion of a special military operation on the territory of new subjects of the Russian Federation

T.Ya. Ashikhmina
L.I. Domracheva
I.P. Pogorelsky
A.A. Leschenko
A.Yu. Mironina
V.S. Lobastov
A.V. Senkin

Section 11: Chronicle
Anniversary of N.P. Savinykh

P. 218
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
XVIII All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Ecology of the native land: problems and ways to solve them”

P. 219–220
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
S.Yu. Ogorodnikova


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007