ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

Issue 2 in 2020

Section 1: Theoretical problems of ecology
Luminescent whole-cell biosensors in detection of environmental contaminants (review)

E.Sh. Shemshedinova
E.R. Abduramanova
E.V. Morozkina
A.M. Katsev

2Application of methods for processing and analysis of satellite images for the study of eutrophied reservoirs (review)

Т.I. Kutyavina
G.Ya. Kantor
Т.Ya. Аshikhmina
V.P. Savinykh

3Septoria tritici and Stagonospora nodorum blotch of wheat: genetic control of host resistance (review)

A.V. Bakulina
A.V. Kharina
A.A. Shirokikh

Section 2: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
4Spread of landfill leachate into groundwater

A. Longobardi
A.N. Elizaryev
E.S. Nasyrova
E.N. Elizaryeva
L.U. Kiyashko
K.U. Kabanov

The use of mathematical models to assess the sorption abilities of higher mushrooms and activated carbon in relation to copper(II) ions

S.G. Skugoreva
G.Ya. Kantor
A.V. Zhukova

Study of the adsorption kinetics of trichlorethylene from aqueous solutions

T.A. Кrasnovа
A.K. Gorelkina
N.V. Gora
N.S. Golubeva
I.V. Timosсhuk
I.V. Buyanova

A new approach to the determination of cobalt in the form of cobalt(III) by inversion voltammetry

A.I. Fokina
L.V. Darovskikh
K.D. Lyalina
V.N. Kulakov

Section 3: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
Biological accumulation of chemical elements by agaricomycetes mushrooms under conditions of Volga highlands

A.I. Ivanov
A.G. Gorokhova
M.I. Andreyeva
K.A. Duryagina

Accumulation of polyarenes in soils and plants of the south tundra zone affected by coal mining and thermal power plant

E.V. Yakovleva
D.N. Gabov

Section 4: Population ecology
10Ecophysiology of Heracleum sosnowskyi plant respiration in the north

I.V. Dalke
R.V. Malyshev
S.P. Maslova

Aftereffects in chronically irradiated experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster

I.N. Yuraneva
V.G. Zainullin

Variability of morphological characteristics and the population status of brook trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario Linnaeus, 1758) at the headwaters of the rivers Samur and Sulak

N.I. Rabazanov
R.M. Barkhalov
A.M. Orlov
G.N. Markevich
J.A. Ustarbekova

Section 5: Greening of production
Reducing emissions to the environment in the production of petroleum coke on delayed coking units

I.Yu. Shlekova
A.I. Knysh

Section 6: Agroecology
Transformation with a bacterial gene for choline oxidase doesn’t lower tobacco sensitivity to aluminum in acidic soil

I.G. Shirokikh
Ya.I. Nazarova
S.Yu. Ogorodnikova
O.N. Shupletsova
A.L. Blinova
G.N. Ralduginа
S.V. Evsukov
E.N. Baranova

Soil Streptomyces sp. strain 2K1: phylogenetic position, effect on Fusarium proliferatum growth

D.V. Petukhov
E.V. Tovstik
А.V. Bakulina
M.L. Sazanova
A.A. Burkov

Glauconites of the Vyatka-Kama phosphorite-bearing basin

N.V. Syrchina
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
N.N. Bogatyryova
G.Ya. Kantor

Section 7: Remediation and recultivation
Assessment of the state of oil-polluted ecosystems of European Subarctic: a multidisciplinary approach

E.N. Melekhina
V.A. Kanev
M.Yu. Markarova
S.M. Nadezhkin
A.B. Nowakowski
A.A. Taskaeva
D.V. Tarabukin
I.O. Velegzhaninov
E.E. Rasova

The ability of certain oil destructive bacteria to produce biosurfactants

S.M. Kuznetsov
A.A. Alalykin
E.O. Lobanova
O.A. Novikova
V.G. Komosko
S.G. Litvinets
E.A. Martinson
A.V. Nikolaeva
M.A. Troshin

Evaluation of the microorganisms consortium efficiency to cleaning soils polluted by oil products in the Kola North conditions

A.A. Chaporginа
M.V. Korneykova

Section 8: Ecotoxicology
Lipid peroxidation in plants cells under conditions of environmental heavy metal contamination

A.S. Petukhov
N.A. Kritokhin
G.A. Petukhova
T.A. Kremleva

Evaluation of the effect of ampicillin and tylosin antibiotics on the enzymatic activity of sod-podzolic soil and their toxicity to cultivated plants

T.A. Trifonova
S.M. Chesnokova
A.G. Kosmacheva

22Early and remote effects of gamma irradiation and uranyl nitrate in the liver lipids of mice

А.G. Kudyasheva
N.G. Zagorskaya
L.N. Shishkina

Section 9: Social ecology
Influence of polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus BP 16 on phagocytic activity of human blood neutrophils

T.V. Polezhaeva
I.G. Shirokikh
M.I. Sergushkina
Y.I. Nazarova
A.A. Shirokikh
A.N. Khudyakov
O.О. Zaytseva
O.N. Solomina
I.G. Paturova

Importance of cellular immunity factors in application of the environmentally safe split-conjugated anti-brucellosis vaccine in combination with immunomodulators

D. Abdessemed
V.A. Agoltsov
S.Yu. Veselovsky
O.M. Popovа
E.S. Krasnikova
A.M. Semyvolos
D.A. Devrishov

25The estimation of total and a water-soluble fluorine content in common brands of large-leaf and packaged tea

O.I. Baykova
D.B. Petrenko
N.D. Sverdlova
N.V. Vasiliev

Public and municipal environmental control: problems and prospects of development in the Russian Federation

D.G. Domrachev
А.А. Kirillovykh
V.N. Pugach


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007