ISSN 1995-4301

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Spread of landfill leachate into groundwater

A. Longobardi, A.N. Elizaryev, E.S. Nasyrova, E.N. Elizaryeva, L.U. Kiyashko
Section: Research methods. Models and projects
Many landfills were built a few decades ago and do not meet modern requirements. In this regard, leaks in landfills occur, that have a negative impact on the environment and especially on water objects. The aim of the work is to determine the infiltration rate of landfill filtrate taking into account the natural and climatic conditions on the example of the landfill "Novye Cherkassy" (Ufa, Russia). The HELP program is used to simulate the leachate infiltration through landfill existing layers. To simulate the movement of a toxic liquid seeping through the waste layer into the soil profile, the HYDRUS program is used. Results of 10 years hydrologic evaluation by HELP program showed that the filtrate is formed 341 m3/day. Comparison of the obtained result with the other authors works showed that the increased filtrate value is due to the landfill age (old landfill - 56 years) and the lack of protective measures for prevention filtrate infiltration into the soil. The seasonality in the leachate formation at the landfill is revealed. There was no leachate in the winter (negative temperature) and volley receipt in the spring, caused by snowmelt (positive temperature). In the summer months, evapotranspiration was about 77% of the total precipitation, while infiltration did not exceed 7%. In the autumn months evapotranspiration was only 30-40 %, while infiltration increased to 16%. The calculations showed that during landfill operation toxic mass has spread over 7 km. To prevent further environmental impact, is to close the landfill or remediate it.
Keywords: landfill, solid municipal waste, leachate, pollution, groundwater, HELP, HYDRUS
Article published in number 2 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-2-036-043
Views: 21

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The journal was founded in 2007