ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

Issue 3 in 2017

Section 1: Theoretical problems of ecology
The use of physiological and biochemical reactions of microorganisms on the action of toxicants in bioassay

A.I. Fokina
Aerospace methods in the system of geoecological monitoring of natural and anthropogenic areas

T.A. Adamovich
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

Section 2: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
Possible ways to intensify mass cultivation of cyanobacteria

N.A. Kudryashov
L.I. Domracheva
E.O. Velikoredchanina

The pollution index and the index of the ecological tension in the regions of the Russian Federation

V.S. Tikunov
O.Yu. Chereshnia

Estimation of the state of urban soils by methods of biotesting using organisms of different systematic accessory and chemical analysis data

Yu.N. Zykovа
S.G. Skugoreva
E.V. Tovstik
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

Section 3: Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed areas
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Pleurozium schreberi under the aerotechnogenic impact

E.V. Yakovleva
D.N. Gabov
V.A. Beznosikov

Assessment of hydrobiocenoses in the small rivers of Argun river basin

E.Yu. Afonina
A.V. Afonin

Содержание фторид-ионов в поверхностных водах урбанизированных территорий Московского региона

D.B. Petrenko
O.A. Gladneva
K.A. Voronchikhina
N.V. Vasiliev

Algosynusiae of floodplain meadows in the technogenic territory

L.V. Kondakova
E.V. Dabah

Section 4: Ecologization of production
Production of bioorganomineral fertilizers as the direction of realization of wastefree technologies in pig-breeding

А.V. Sazanov
Yu.N. Terentyev
N.V. Syrchina
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
V.A. Kozvonin

Section 5: Population ecology
Anthophylous insects diversity and biochemical specificity of nectar and of the genus Serratula

S.V. Pestov
K.G. Ufimtsev
V.V. Volodin
S.O. Volodina
A.G. Dontsov
N.I. Filippov
I.V. Beshley

Section 6: Ecotoxicology
Using the zooindicator Viviparus viviparus L. in order to identify environmental hazards from technical aviation fluid «Skykem»

S.Kh. Soltanov
Kh.B. Yunusov

Section 7: Social ecology
Polypores of the Russian Plain as a source of polysaccharides with cryoprotective properties

T.V. Polezhayеva
A.N. Khudyakov
M.I. Sergushkina
I.G. Shirokikh
A.A. Shirokikh
O.M. Bezmeltseva
O.N. Solomina
O.O. Zaytseva

On implementation of environmental monitoring and surveillance in the Russian Federation: issues of theory and practice

D.G. Domrachev
А.А. Kirillovyh


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007