ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

Issue 3 in 2015

Section 1: Russia`s Fulfillment of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Russia sustainably supports all the international initiatives of general disarmament

V.I. Kholstov
Decommission of chemical weapons stores using contemporary techniques worked out in Russia

V.P. Kapashin
The system of means of chemical control over toxic substances during chemical weapons decommission

V.P. Kapashin
V.D. Nazarov
A.Yu. Karmishin
M.V. Ferezanova
I.V. Kovalenko

Section 2: Research methods. Appliances and models
Development of techniques of measuring the basic substance mass fraction in the state standard samples of organophosphorus agents, based on gas chromatography method

V.G. Mandych
I.N. Isayev
K.V. Andreev

On the possibility of voltammetric determination of highly toxic substances in objects of the environment by means of metal-polymer electrodes, by the example of hydrazine

I.V. Kovalenko
A.M. Smolin
D.V. Zhuzhelsky
N.E. Kondratiev

Section 3: Methods and technologies of chemical weapons decommission
Secure process of destructing complex construction ammunition from concept to technology

V.P. Kapashin
V.I. Kholstov
V.G. Mandych
A.Yu. Karmishin
I.V. Kovalenko
A.I. Krasnyanskiy

Combined application of enzymatic and bacterial biocatalysts in the processes of biodegradation of organophosphorous chemical warfare agents and products of their destruction

E.N. Efremenko
I.V. Lyagin
D.A. Gudkov
N.A. Stepanov
O.V. Sen`ko
O.V. Maslova
D.A.  Kovalev
N.V. Zavyalova
V.I. Kholstov
A.A. Yankovskaya

The process of encapsulating aqueous potassium fluoride solution obtained in separating the reaction mixture formed as a result of detoxification of the compound BP-55 with the degassing compound RD-4M

A.Yu. Karmishin
T.V. Vorobyov
E.A. Vasilkova
I.V. Palagina

The technological process of eliminating the consequences of the work of the storage facility and the chemical weapons destruction plant in Pochep in Bryansk region

V.S. Romanov
S.V. Limonov

Сleavage of С-Р bond in phosphonates under the action of enzymatic biocatalysts

E.N. Efremenko
V.V. Zavyalov
N.V. Zavyalova
V.I. Kholstov
A.A. Yankovskaya

Technology for producing activated carbons based on compact vegetable raw materials

V.M. Mukhin
Yu.F. Taranchenko
T.V. Gimatdinov

Bio-preparation with a broad spectrum of bio-degradative activity for soil remediation in the chemical weapons destruction plant "Maradykovsky"

A.S. Tumanov
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
A.A. Leschenko
I.P. Pogorelskiy
S.A. Sharov
V.V. Teterin
A.G. Lazykin
G.V. Filimonov
A.V. Yezhov
R.G. Permiakov

Section 4: Monitoring chemical weapons decommission plants
On the experience of using the simplest means of chemical control chemical weapons on storage and destruction plants

A.Yu. Karmishin
I.V. Kovalenko
N.D. Stepanov
A.S. Kochkin

Monitoring studies of the effect of evaporation pond on groundwater quality

I.V. Kovalenko
B.N. Filatov
N.G. Britanov
V.V. Klauchek
N.V. Krylova
L.A. Dobroshenko
A.A. Vatanskaya

Biological bases of ecocontrol of the status of habitats at the chemical weapons disposal with the use of lichen biota

I.A. Balyasnikov
T.A. Rudakova
L.N. Anischenko

Research of the impact of the chemical weapons decommission plant «Maradykovskiy» on the state of natural environment and its objects

T.Ya. Ashikhmina
A.S. Timonov
G.Ya. Kantor
O.G. Panteleyeva
E.V. Domnina
E.V. Dabakh
S.Yu. Ogorodnikova
Yu.V. Novoydarskiy
V.A. Titova

Section 5: Ecotoxicology
Ecological situation in sanitary protection zone and protective measures zone at the chemical weapons destruction plant in the settlement of Leonidovka in Penza region at the final stage of work

A.I. Ivanov
A.G. Gorokhova
A.E. Klyuster
M.I. Andreeva

Universal formulation for disinfection during eliminating the effects of chemical weapons storage and destruction plants

A.Yu. Karmishin
A.S. Lyakin
V.L. Rud
P.E. Belyakov

Evaluation of toxicity of bitumen salt mass obtained by destruction of sarin at the plant "Shchuchye" in Kurgan region

O.M. Plotnikova
B.I. Kudrin
S.Yu. Maksimovskikh

Section 6: Providing Ecological Safety
Implementation and certification of environmental management systems at the chemical weapons destruction plants

B.S. Punkevich
E.M. Zagrebin
V.N. Fokin
I.V. Kovalenko

Different approaches to remediation of contaminated areas as a part of liquidation activities at the former chemical weapons storage sites

A.Yu. Isaeva
V.S. Romanov
Yu.A. Belov

Section 7: Issues of Ecological Safety and Medical Support of the Personnel of the Plants
Hygienic security aspects of hazardous chemical productionliquidation or conversion

I.V. Kovalenko
B.N. Filatov
V.V. Klauchek
N.G. Britanov
N.V. Krylova
L.A. Dobroshenko

Implementation of programs on health protection of staff of chemical weapons storage and destruction plants, and of the citizens living and working within the areas of protective measures

S.L. Vetoshkin
O.A. Vasilenko
S.P. Los
S.N. Fil
A.S. Kochkin

The system of personal protective equipment used at the chemical weapons destruction plants

R.V. Khokhlov
A.Yu. Karmishina
I.V. Kovalenko
Yu.F. Taranchenko
E.A. Vasilkova

Evaluation of the potential health risk in the area of influence of the chemical weapons destruction plant "Kambarka"

B.N. Filatov
N.G. Britanov
L.A. Dobroshenko
V.V. Klauchek
T.I. Kolodiy
N.V. Krylova
S.P. Los

Section 8: Chronicle
IV All-Russia Conference «Chemical Disarmament 2015; CHEMDET 2015»

P. 143–145
V.G. Petrov
Section 9: Bibliography
Mind, soul, and consciousness of the age of chemical disarmament

P. 146–151
V.P. Kapashin


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007