ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

Issue 4 in 2019

Section 1: Theoretical problems of ecology
Eco-friendly-made selenium products of mushroom origin for use in agriculture (review)

O.M. Tsivileva
Exometabolites of soil cyanobacteria as a survival strategy in natural and technogenically disturbed ecosystems

L.I. Domracheva
A.I. Fokina
A.L. Kovina
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

Section 2: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
Concept of environmental safety of air environment of cities in natural-technical systems of mountain-hollow type

A.P. Shcherbatyuk
4Approaches for evaluation and quality management of urban ecosystem components using neural network modeling methods

Y.A. Tunakova
S.V. Novikova
A.R. Shagidullin
V.S. Valiev
A.J. Morais

Lichenoindication methods for assessing atmospheric air pollution by phosphorus compounds

E.А. Domnina
S.Yu. Ogorodnikova
S.V. Pestov
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

Ursus arctos horribilis: dynamic modeling of Canadian population

I. Bica
M. Solomonovich
K. Deutscher
A. Garrett
K. Burak
H. Peacock

Using a system of differential equations to predict the long-term dynamics of stocks of medicinal plants in forest phytocenoses

N.I. Fedorov
S.N. Zhigunova
O.I. Mikhaylenko
K.I. Mikhaylenko
L.G. Naumova
V.P. Putenikhin

Section 3: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Floodplain meadow phototrophic organisms succession on the technogenic territory

L.V. Kondakova
E.V. Dabakh
A.P. Kislitsina

9Degradative activity of fungi towards oil hydrocarbons under high temperature

N.N. Pozdnyakova
S.А. Balandina
О.V. Turkovskaya

Occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in sewages of Rostov-on-Don and lower Don River

I.S. Sazykin
E.Yu. Seliverstova
L.E. Khmelevtsova
T.N. Azhogina
E.M. Kudeevskaya
M.I. Khammami
N.V. Gnennaya
A.A.K. Al-Rammahi
A.V. Rakin
M.A. Sazykina

Section 4: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
11Sorption of heavy metals by melanin pigments of wood-destroying fungi

N.V. Sushinskaya
V.P. Kurchenko

Formation of near-tundra forests on open pit mines

I.А. Likhanova
G.V. Zheleznova
Т.N. Pystina
Е.М. Lapteva

Section 5: Population ecology
13Projection of carbon sequestration in riparian reforestation

D.G. Zamolodchikov
V.V. Kaganov
O.N. Lipka

Assessment of sorption abilities of various species of Fusarium micromycetes in relation to heavy metal ions

S.G. Skugorevа
G.Ya. Kantor
L.I. Domracheva
T.K. Sheshegova

Distribution of microfungi in the permafrost peat soil of the flat-hilly bog of the forest-tundra

Yu.A. Vinogradova
E.M. Lapteva
V.A. Kovaleva
E.M. Perminova

Section 6: Greening of production
In vitro adaptive responses of Fragaria ananassa Duch. plantlets induced by the mechanocomposite based on amorphous silica and flavonoids of green tea

E.V. Ambros
O.V. Kotsupy
E.A. Karpova
E.G. Trofimova
Y.G. Zaytseva
T.I. Novikova

Section 7: Agroecology
17Effect of salt stress on the expression of genes of K+/Na+ -transporters HKT, SOD and Nfn in Triticum durum and Triticum aestivum

L.I. Fedoreyeva
To the mechanisms of antiviral activity of Bacillus bacteria on potato plants

R.M. Khairullin
G.F. Burkhanova
A.V. Sorokan
E.R. Sarvarova
S.V. Veselova
E.A. Cherepanova
S.G. Vologin
F.F. Zamalieva
I.V. Maksimov

19Signal regulation of activity of protective proteins in potato plants in vitro with the defeat potato late blight

L.G. Yarullina
A.V. Sorokan
G.F. Burkhanova
V.O. Tsvetkov

The toxicity comparison of antitumor substances: the mushroom Hericium erinaceus BP 16 polysaccharides, dialderon and methotrexate

M.A. Azyamov
А.А. Shirokikh
T.Ya. Ashikhmina

Section 8: Chronicle
I All-Russian forum “Utilization and recycling of production and consumption wastes”

P. 150
T.Ya. Ashikhmina


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007