ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

4 issue of the journal in 2024

3 issue of the journal in 2024

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

Issue 4 in 2016

Section 1: The 20th anniversary of the adoption of the federal target program «Destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in the Russian Federation»
The 20th anniversary of the adoption of the federal target program «Destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in the Russian Federation»

P. 6–11
V.Р. Kapashin
V.I. Kholstov
V.B. Kondratyev
Section 2: Methods and technologies of chemical weapons destruction
Dependence of performance of production lines of complex design ammunition destruction on strength characteristics of the localizer

A.Yu. Karmishin
T.V. Vorobyеv
I.N. Isayеv
I.V. Kovalеnko
A.V. Mandych
V.S. Yusupov
V.F. Choporov

Various aspects of safe destruction of conventional munitions using the technology of complex structure munitions destruction

A.Yu. Karmishin
A.V. Mandych
I.N. Isaev
I.V. Kovalenko
V.B. Antipov

Methodological aspects of ensuring safety at hazardous production facilities: production technology, multilevel control, complex protection

V.P. Kapashin
A.Yu. Karmishin
V.A. Voronin
T.V. Vorobyеv
A.S. Lyakin
I.V. Kovalenko
R.V. Osokin

Contemporary alternatives to state standard samples of the composition of organophosphorus degradation products

I.Kh. Ilyasov
D.O. Vetkin
V.G. Mandych
I.N. Isaev
D.S. Dubrovskiy
S.N. Kobtsov
K.V. Andreyev

Section 3: Monitoring of chemical weapons destruction facilities
Seasonal dynamics of heavy metals and arsenic content in soils of chamical weapons destruction facility protective zone in the settlement of Leonidovka, Penza region

A.G. Gorokhova
S.V. Yazynin
A.Yu. Karmishin
E.V. Kinash
R.V. Osokin

The system of state environmental control and monitoring in the chemical weapons destruction areas and the system of industrial environmental monitoring of chemical weapons storage and destruction facilities: the ways of its future use

A.Y. Karmishin
V.A. Kruglov
E.P. Pavlenko
A.V. Pomnikova
V.L. Rud

Adsorption of arsenite-ion by some soils of Udmurtia

M.A. Shumilova
V.G. Petrov

Physiological and microbiological status of soil after termination of the chemical weapons storage and destruction facility «Maradykovskiy»

T.Ya. Ashikhmina
L.V. Kondakova
S.Yu. Ogorodnikova
L.I. Domrachеva
A.L. Konovalov
K.A. Bеzdеnеzhnykh

Section 4: Analytical support of chemical weapons destruction
Titrimetric determination of basic substance mass fraction in standard samples of toxic chemicals and their degradation products

S.N. Kobtsov
S.N. Shtykov
V.G. Mandych
I.Kh. Ilyasov
I.N. Isaev
D.S. Dubrovsky

Development of new methodical approach to identification of toxic agents at utilization of complex design ammunition at the Russian facilities of chemical weapons destruction

A.Yu. Karmishin
T.V. Vorobyev
M.A. Golyshev
A.Yu. Isaeva

The calculation of the thermodynamic parameters of lewisite and mustard gas for the creation of the necessary concentration on the gas dynamic stands when testing methods and devices of environmental control

Yu.V. Anoshkin
S.V. Yazynin
A.E. Klyustеr
M.V. Fеrеzanova
R.V. Osokin

Section 5: Remediation and recultivation
Ecologically safe bioremediation of soil and water purification in situ from chemical warfare agents destruction products

А.A. Yankovskaya
I.V. Filimonov
N.V. Zavyalova
A.N. Golipad
V.A. Kovtun

Assessment of the possibility of using plant-microbial associations in biotechnology of soil remediation at the facility «Maradykovskiy»

A.G. Lazykin
A.A. Leshchenko
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
I.P. Pogorelsky
I.V. Darmov
I.A. Lundovskikh
I.A. Ustyuzhanin
S.A. Sharov

Section 6: The chronicle of events and activities
Inter-regional scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the federal target program «Destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in the Russian Federation»

P. 105–107
P.I. Chachilo
T.Ya. Ashikhmina
The opening of a memorial stele devoted to the destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles on the Vyatka land

P. 108
T.Ya. Ashikhmina


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007