ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

4 issue of the journal in 2024

3 issue of the journal in 2024

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

Issue 3 in 2013

Section 1: Monitoring of anthropogenically injured areas
Institute of Industrial Ecology: Russia`s environmental security guard is 15 years old

P. 6–7
A.P. Treghub
Section 2: Methodology and research methods. Models and Forecasts
Assessing total content of organophosphorus compounds by using of total phosphorus determination in industrial waste with the help of photometric method

O.Yu. Rastegaev
T.P. Tolokonnikova
R.M. Pankova
S.N. Chernikov

Environmental control: methods of assessing sarin and soman in industrial emissions by gas-chromo-graphic method

S.N. Chernikov
O.Yu. Rastegaev
N.I. Vasilchenko
V.E. Subbotin
S.A. Maliszewskiy

High-sensitive gas-chromatographic-mass-spectrometric assessment of o-phthaliс acid esters in water of different origin

V.V. Krylov
V.V. Volkova

Preconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the air with application of solidified water as a collector of the impurities

V.V. Krylov
P.V. Mosyagin
O.A. Saveleva

Section 3: Monitoring of anthropogenically injured areas
Establishment and optimization of the system of state environmental control and monitoring of the plant "Maradykovsky" in Kirov region

T.Ya. Ashikhmina
Biomonitoring block in ecoanalytics control chemically dangerous technogenic systems (on the example of the object for disposal of chemical weapons 1204, Bryansk region)

L.N. Anischenko
I.A. Balyasnikov
T.A. Rudakova

Distribution of Natural and Man-Made Radionuclides in soil in observation areas in Balakovo NPP

A.A. Shmeliov
S.V. Ryazanov
D.A. Silant’ev
A.Yu. Hubetsov

The analysis of results of ecological monitoring around the lewisite destruction plant in the town Kambarka of Udmurt Republic, taking into account models of behaviour of polluting substances in soil

V.G. Petrov
M.A. Shumilova
N.D. Smolina
О.S. Nabokova

Monitoring of forest vegetation in the area of protective measures of the chemical weapons decommission plant in Leonidovka village in Penza region

A.I. Ivanov
O.V. Skobaneva

Comprehensive assessment of ecological status of watercourses near the chemical weapons decommission plant in Pochep (Bryansk region)

L.V. Konnova
Section 4: Chemistry of natural environment and objects
Selenium in natural water. Finding optimal concentrations

S.N. Kurskov
O.Yu. Rastegaev

Section 5: Ecotoxicology
The possibility of using enzymatic methods for the diagnosis of influence and monoethanolamine and methylphosphonates on warm-blooded animals in the vicinity of chemical weapons decommission plants

O.M. Plotnikova
A.N. Evdokimov
M.A. Grigorovich

Section 6: Green Production
Physico-chemical properties of the samples of commercial batches of "sodium arsenite hydrolysis"

A.G. Demakhin
S.V. Akchurin
O.Yu. Rastegaev
A.M. Chentcov
A.V. Ryzhkov
S.A. Maliszewskiy

Reagent extraction of arsenic from process and waste water by means of thiourea dioxide

A.M. Chentsov
O.Yu. Rastegaev
S.A. Maliszewskiy
T.P. Tolokonnikova
I.M. Skvotrsov

Treatment of industrial wastewater from phenol in the field of electro-hydraulic impact

L.L. Zhuravleva
T.V. Holkina
V.P. Sevostianov
P.G. Nikonorov

Section 7: Social Ecology
The influence of environmental state on public health and some aspects of diagnosis and examination ecologically dependent pathology

N.I. Khot’ko
Yu.G. Radyushkin


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007