ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

3 issue of the journal in 2024

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

Issue 2 in 2007

Section 1: 10-years anniversary of chemical weapon destruction convence
Fulfillment of Chemical Weapon Prohibition Convention of Russian Federation : the State of Affairs and Immediate Tasks

V.I. Kholstov
Successful input and exploitation of three new objects of destruction of a chemical weapon endorsement by Russia of the obligations of the Convention

V.P. Kapashin
About principles and structure of the Russian know+hows of large+scale destruction of stockpiles of chemical weapon

V.B. Kondratyev
V.A. Petrunin

Modern condition and problems of cooperation of Russia with the foreign states in the field of destruction of stockpiles of chemical weapon

V.K. Soloviev
O.M. Ivachko
Y.E. Kuznetsova

Section 2: Realisation of federal regional target program
Realization of Chemical Weapon Destruction in Kirov region

N.G. Gorokhov
Section 3: Monitoring of chemical weapon destruction objects
Scientitic+methodological grounds of Complex Ecological Environment Monitoring in the Vicinity of Chemical Weapon Storage and Destruction Objects

T.Y. Ashikhmina
Ecological monitoring of objects of destruction of a chemical weapon experience of creation and prospect for the development

V.P. Chupis
The Experience of Creating Systems of Ecological Safety of Chemical Weapon Destruction Objects

A.V. Tolstikh
Social-hygienic Monitoring of Population Health and of the Environment in the Zone of Protection Measures in Chemical weapon Storage and Destruction Objects in Kirov region

S.V. Selyunina
L.P. Abrosimova
E.V. Luzyanina

The Structure and Principles of Building up Manystep Safety System of the Critically Important and Potentially Dangerous Object (Chemically Dangerous Object,Chemical Weapon Storage and Destruction Object)

T.G. Gabrichidze
I.M. Ynnikov

Section 4: Ecological expertise
Ecological Control in the System of Ecological Safety Management in the Process of Chemical Weapon Storage and Destruction

I.V. Orlovskaya
Section 5: Investigation methods. Models and prognoses
The Use of Living Organisms of Different Taxonomic Groups in the Environmental Bio+indication

A.V. Ivanov
Methylphosphonic Acid as a Regulator of Biological Processes in Ecological Systems, its Influence upon Micro+organisms, Enzymatic Activity and Higher Plants

T.Y. Ashikhmina
L.V. Kondakova
L.A. Domracheva
S.Y. Ogorodnikova

On the System of Ecological Observation of Environmental State in the Zone of Chemical Weapon Storage and Destruction Object in Shchuchansky district of Kurgan region

T.A. Shingarenko
O.M. Plotnikova

Section 6: Ecological education
Forms and Methods of Informing the Population, that Lives within the Territory of the Protection Works on the Object «Maradikovsky» in Orichi District ofKirov Region of Chemical Weapon Destruction

P.V. Filyov
Kirov Committee of Social Councilors

P. 96–97
N.R. Svedentsova
Realization of the Ecological Project «Chemical Disarmament: the Young Generation Chooses Healthy Future»

P. 97–98
S.Y. Ogorodnikova
Section 7: Information
Photo+exhibition of ITAR-TASU in the Hague – on Chemical Weapon Destructing in Russia

P. 99–100
M. Fedorova


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007