Junior Research Fellow, Vyatka State University
Developer and administrator of the official website of the Theoretical and Applied Ecology journal envjournal.ru
Biography, scientific achievements
Scientific specialties: geoecology, environmental chemistry, ecology, informatics.
Specialist in the field of geographic information systems, Earth remote sensing, aerospace monitoring.
Participated in the creation of a textbook (Adamovich T.A. Application of aerospace methods in environmental research: Educational and methodological manual for university students / T.A. Adamovich, V.V. Rutman, Kirov: VESI Publishing House, 2017 -257 pp., ill.) and the development of electronic textbooks.
Scopus AuthorID: 57202891761
ResearcherID: C-5357-2019
ORCID: 0000-0002-9025-3487
Email: envjournal.ru@yandex.ru