ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

2 issue of the journal in 2023

Мoustafa Hassan Hussein

Мoustafa Hassan Hussein

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
University of Assiut, Egypt, Professor

Biography, scientific achievements

He made a significant contribution to the development of beekeeping and plant protection in Africa and the Arab countries. Project leader for the establishment of a large-scale monitoring service for the eastern hornet (Vespa orientalis) in Egypt. Member of the Community of Public University Professors to Promote Progress in Plant Protection, including Beekeeping, at Al-Azhar University. Author of three encyclopedias: "Beekeeping" (2004), "Sericulture" (2004) and "Entomology" (2013) in Arabic. Author of more than 100 scientific papers in international journals.

Main publications

Rateb S.H., Haddad N., Hussein M.H. Pollen Spectrum and Foraging Plants for the Red Dwarf Bee in Jordan // Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. 2020. A. Entomology. V. 13 (4). P. 239‒245.

Hussein M.H. Beekeeping in Africa. Assiut Univ., Assiut. 2014. 1111 p. Hussein M.H. Beekeeping in Egypt: Practices and Science// Pchelovodstvo. 2008 V. 7. P. 60‒61 (in Russian).

Hussein M.H. A review of beekeeping in Arab countries // Bee World. 2000. V. 81 (2). P. 56‒71.

Scopus AuthorID: 7201898701


Place of work: University of Assiut, Egypt


Phone: 088 2313629; 01223496906; 088 2333896


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007