ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

Trifonova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, professor

Biography, scientific achievements

Engaged in research in the field of scientific direction "Ecology of river basins". He has more than 350 scientific papers, including 141 articles of the Higher Attestation Commission, 56 in the Scopus database. Hirsch index according to RSCI - 19. He is the author of several textbooks: "Human Ecology", "Environmental Management", "Applied Ecology". Supervises a number of scientific grants in the field of environmental management and human ecology. Under her leadership, 24 dissertations on environmental topics for the degree of candidate of biological, geographical and technical sciences, 3 doctoral dissertations in the specialty "Ecology" were prepared and successfully defended. She heads the dissertation council in the specialty "Ecology" at Vladimir State University. Research interests: environmental management, human ecology, biological activity of soils.

Member of the editorial boards of the journals "Problems of Regional Ecology", "Ecology of Urbanized Territories".

Main publications

1. Trifonova T., Kosmacheva A., Sprygin A., Chesnokova S., Byadovskaya O. Enzymatic activity and microbial diversity of sod-podzolic soil microbiota using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing following antibiotic exposure // Antibiotics. 2021. V. 10 (8). Article No. 970. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10080970

2. Trifonova T., Mishchenko N., Shutov P. Organic matter temporal dynamics in the river ecosystem basin using remote sensing // One Ecosystem. 2021. V. 6. Article No. e61357. doi: 10.3897/oneeco.6.e61357

Scopus AuthorID: 56630654700


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007