ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

2 issue of the journal in 2024

1 issue of the journal in 2024

4 issue of the journal in 2023

3 issue of the journal in 2023

Domracheva Ludmila Ivanovna

Domracheva Ludmila Ivanovna

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vyatka State Agrotechnological University", Professor
L.I. Domracheva delivers lectures and conducts practical and laboratory courses in Microbiology, Microbe Biotechnologies in Agriculture, Fundamentals of Biomonitoring of Agricultural Ecosystems, Soil Studies, Fundamentals of Biomonitoring, Soil Ecology.
L.I. Domracheva has been a supervisor of 5 candidates and one doctor of science.

Biography, scientific achievements

The role and place of the phenomenon of "flowering" of the soil, caused by the mass reproduction of algae and cyanobacteria on its surface, in the life of the soil are substantiated. It has been proved that the architectonics of "flowering" is characterized by the presence of classical types of relations between phototrophs and heterotrophic partners at the level of physical, trophic and allelopathic contacts, similar to phytocenotic ones. The reasons for the occurrence of "flowering" of the soil, structural, quantitative and specific characteristics are revealed. The role of “blooming” biofilms in the biosorption and deoxication of pollutants that enter the soil during anthropogenic pollution has been proven. The methods of bioindication and biotesting of the soil condition using algae, cyanobacteria and micromycetes with the use of species, structural-group and quantitative indicators are substantiated. It has been proven that the reaction of the microbiota to anthropogenic soil pollution consists in a decrease in its species diversity, cyanophytization of algo-cyanobacterial complexes, and melanization of mycocenoses.

Author and co-author of over 450 papers, including 15 monographs, 35 articles in Scopus journals. Hirsch index according to RSCI - 19, according to Scopus - 5.

Main publications

1. Gornostaeva E.A., Fokina A.I., Kondakova L.V., Ogorodnikova S.Y., Domracheva L.I., Laptev D.S., Slastnikova E.M. Potential of natural biofilm of Nostoc commune as a sorbent of heavy metals in water // Voda: chimiya i ecologiya, 2013. P. 93-101.
2. Domracheva L.I., Ashikhmina T. Ja., Kondakova L.V., Dabagh E.V., Elkina T.S. Comparative analysis of specific soil algo-mycological complexes in the area of the plant of storage and destruction of chemical weapons "Maradykovsky "// Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya, 2012. P. 73-78 (перевод).
3. Gayfutdinova A.R., Domracheva L.I., Trefilova L.V. Prospects for the use of Fischerella muscicola and sodium azide to inhibit the development of Fusarium solani // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya, 2013. P. 124-128 (перевод).
4. Dabakh E.V., Domracheva L.I., Kondakova L.V., Zlobin S.S. Algological and mycological assessments of the soil state in the impact zone of the Kirovo-chepetsk chemical plant // Eurasian Soil Science. V. 46. № 2. 2013. Р. 168-175 . DOI: 10.1134/S1064229313020026
5. Gornostaeva E.S., Zlobin S.S., Suntsova E.S., Elkina T.S., Domracheva L.I., Ashikhmina T.Ya. Microbiological status of the soils in the area of the Kirovo-Chepetsk chemical plant // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya, 2012. P. 90-95.
6. Domracheva L.I., Ashikhmina T. Ja., Kondakov L. V., Berezin G.I. Reaction of soil microbiota to the effect of pesticides (review) // TTeoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya, 2012. P. 4-18.
7. Efremova V.A., Kondakova L.V., Domracheva L.I., Elkina T.S., Vechtomov E.M. Specificity of "flowering" of soil in the technogenic areas of the city (by the example of the city of Kirov) // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya, 2012. P. 85-89 (перевод).
8. Domracheva L.I. Properties of some types of fungi p. Fusarium - the basis for creating biosorbent of heavy metals // Vestnik Altaiskogo State Agrarnogo Universiteta, 2012. P. 49-52.
9. Kondakova L.V., Domracheva L.I., Ogorodnikova S.Y., Olkova A.S., Kudryashov N.A., Ashikhmina T.Ya. Bioindicative and bioassay reactions to the action of sodium pyrophosphate and methylphosphonates // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya. 2014. № 4. P. 63-69.
10. Novoydarsky Yu. V., Ashikhmina T.Ya., Shirokikh I.G., Domracheva L.I., Ogorodnikova S.Y. Methodological aspects of the work on preparation of chemical weaponsstorage and destruction plants to the activities of decommissioning // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya. 2014. № 4. P. 100-104.
11. Fokina A.I., Ashikhmina T.Ya., Domracheva L.I., Gornostaeva E.A., Ogorodnikova S.Y. Heavy metals as factors of metabolic changes in the microorganisms (review) // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya. 2015. № 2. P. 5-18.
12. Domracheva L.I., Trefilova L.V., Covina A.L., Gornostaeva E.A., Kazakova D.V., Subbotina E.S. Microbial introduction and status of the native soil microflora // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya. 2015. № 2. P. 55-59.
13. Domracheva L.I., Trfilova L.V., Fokina A.I. Fusari: biological control, sorption capability. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. 192 p.
14. Ashihmin S.P., Zhdanovа O.B., Martusevich A.K., Domracheva L.I. Prospects for the use of nitrogen compounds for disinfestation of urbanozem: environmental studies and practical issues. Kirov: Izd-vo OOO "Vesi", 2013. 62 p.
15. Fokina A.I., Gornostaeva E.A., Ogorodnikova S.Yu., Zykova Yu.N., Domracheva L.I., Kondakova L.V. Adaptation of soil reserves of natural biofilm with the dominance of cyanobacteria kind Phormidium // Sibirskiy Ecologicheskiy Zhurnal. 2015. T. 22. № 6. P. 842-851.
16. Fokina A.I., Domracheva L.I., Olkova A.S., Skugoreva S.G., Lalina E.I.°, Berezin G.I., Darovskikh L.V. toxicity study urbanozem samples contaminated heavy metals // Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiyskoy Academii Nauk. 2016. Sb. 2. T. 18. P. 27-35.
17. Skugoreva S.G., Ashikhmina T.Ya., Fokina A.I., Lalina E.I. Chemical basis of the toxic effect of heavy metals (review) // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya. 2016. №1. P. 4-13.
18. Skugoreva S.G., Fokina A.I., Domracheva L.I. Toxicity of heavy metals to barley plants, soil and rhizosphere microflora // Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ecologiya. 2016. №2. P. 32-45.

Scopus AuthorID: 57202211896


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007