ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

Current issues:

1 issue of the journal in 2025

4 issue of the journal in 2024

3 issue of the journal in 2024

2 issue of the journal in 2024

Murat Zhurinov

Murat Zhurinov

Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Academician of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS),
Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Foreign Member (Academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan,
Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
Academician of the International Academy of Engineering, Academician of the International Scientific Academy of Higher educational institutions

Biography, scientific achievements

Murat Zhurinovich Zhurinov is a leading scientist in the field of electrochemistry, an active statesman and public figure, who made a major contribution to the development of science and education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Murat Zhurinov's main research areas are the study of electrochemical properties of various classes of organic compounds and the electrosynthesis of known medicinal and new biologically active substances based on natural compounds. He has defined the mechanisms of these electrochemical reactions and developed technologies for the producing medicinal and pharmacologically active substances.

Murat Zhurinov's scientific developments include new technologies for the production of phosphorus and phosphides of copper and other metals, as well as nanodispersed powders and metal alloys of interest to the defense industry. One of the electrochemical methods for obtaining nanodispersed copper powders is now known as the Baeshov-Zhurinov method, which has become world famous.

He has developed original methods for processing ferrophosphorus and phosphorus sludge, which are by-products and wastes of the phosphorus industry. He developed the technology for electrochemical dissolution of ferrophosphorus in industrial electrolysers with bipolar lumpy (bulk) electrodes. Ferric phosphate used in rubber industry as well as tungsten, molybdenum and vanadium used in high quality steel production were produced . He also has created highly efficient industrial plants for the continuous processing of phosphorus sludge to produce pure phosphorus. These methods have been patented in the USA, Germany, Great Britain and other foreign countries. Some of the results of this work have been put into production with great economic benefits.

Under the leadership of Academician M.Zhurinov, a waste and polluted water treatment technology has been developed by treatment with alternating current of varying frequency in a flow-through electrolyser with lumpy electrodes representing scrap metals. Methods have been developed for the anodic dissolution of metals considered electrochemically insoluble, such as titanium, aluminium and others. A new phenomenon of post-electrolysis autodissolution of these metals was discovered, that is, the titanium (or other easily passivated) electrode continues to dissolve actively even after the anode is disconnected from the current source. This process has been discovered for the first time in the world. The International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions has issued a diploma No 510 dated 25.01.2019 for this discovery.

Zhurinov M.Zh. has more than 800 scientific works published in national and foreign editions, including 20 monographs, about 150 certificates of authorship and patents. Under his supervision about 50 candidates of sciences and PhD-doctors, 6 doctors of sciences defended their theses, three of whom were elected as academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Main publications

  1. Zhurinov M., Miftakhova A., Shustov A., Keyer V., Solodova E. Inhibitory activity of Artemisia annua L. extracts against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2022. – Vol. 3. – P. 25-31.

  2. Zhurinov M.Z., Zharmagambetova A.K., Talgatov E.T., Solodova E.V. Analysis of medicinal plants of the flora of Kazakhstan containing compounds with antiviral activity // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series Chemistry and Technology. - 2022. - V. 1, No. 450. - Р. 35-43 (in Rus).

  3. Ait S., Tilepbergen Zh.Zh., Sultanbek U., Zhurinov M., Miftakhova A.M. Study of the electrochemical activity of santonin in methanol // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series Chemistry and Technology. - 2022. - V. 452, No. 3. - P. 5-16. (in Rus).

  4. Bekezhanova T.S., Zhurinov M.Zh., Bazhykova K.B., Rakhimov K.D., Nurgali A.T. Study of biologically active substances from the raw materials of Artemisia Cina Berg. with antiviral activity // Pharmacy of Kazakhstan. – 2022. – No6. – P. 124-130. (in Rus)

  5. Zhurinov M.Z., Teltayev B.B., Aitbayev K.A., Loprencipe G., Tileu K.B. Modeling of non-stationary temperature mode of a multi-layer road structure // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2022. - №1(451). – P. 175-180.

  6. Zhurinov M.Z., Abilmagzhanov A.Z., Ivanov N.S., Teltayev B.B., Nurtazina A.E. Titanium oxide-oxifluoride synthesis and study of its photocatalytic properties // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2021. - № 1(445). - P. 51–57.

  7. Aliyarov B.K., Zhurinov M.Zh. Features and ways of decarbonization economy of Kazakhstan // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2020. - 6(444). - P. 29–32.

  8. Statsyuk V., Bold A., Zhurinov M., Vagramyan T., Abrashov A. Using cyclic voltammetry to determine the protective ability of phosphate coatings // Functional Materials. – 2020. - № 27(3). - P. 605–610.

  9. Zhurinov M., Kolesnikov V.A., Bayeshov А.B., Kolesnikov A.V., Kuznetsov, V.V. Electroflotation extraction of lanthanum and scandium hydroxides from aqueous solutions // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2020. - № 4(442). - P. 94–101.

  10. Zhurinov M.Z., Abilmagzhanov A.Z., Khussain B.K., Teltaev B.B. Synthesis of anatase modification titanium dioxide nanopowders // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2020. - № 1(439). - P. 197–200.

  11. Zhurinov M.Z., Statsyuk V.N., Fogel L.A., Abrashov A.A., Kostiuk A. Determination of the optimal deposition conditions of oxide-zirconium coating on steelbase // Rasayan Journal of Chemistry. – 2019. - № 12(3). - P. 287–1293.

  12. Bayeshov А., Bayeshova А.K., Abduvaliyeva U.А., Zhurinov M. Formation of ultradispersed copper powder in the cathodic space // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2018. - № 6(432). - P. 95–101.

  13. Shokobayev N.M., Zhurinov M.Z., Zhumabayeva D.S., Ivanov N.S., Abilmagzhanov A.Z. Development of sorption technology of rare-earth metals recovery from uranium in-situ leaching solutions // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2018. - № 6(432). - P. 77–84.

  14. Bayeshov A.B., Ibragimova G.N., Konurbayev A.B., Abduvaliyeva U.A., Zhylysbayeva G.N. Electrochemical rules of ferrum-aluminium electrodes pair dissolving when polirized with alternating current // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2018. - № 1(427). - P. 69–73.

  15. Statsyuk V.N., Ait S., Fogel L.A., Zhurinov M.Z., Abrashov A.A. Corrosion effect on iron electrode in presence of heterocyclic amines // Oriental Journal of Chemistry. – 2017. - № 33(6). - p. 2868–2874.

  16. Bayeshov A.B., Zhurinov M.Z., Abduvaliyeva U.A., Gaipov Т.E., Myrzabekov B.E. Research of regularities of electroreduction of nickel powders at polarization by the cathodic impulse current in the ultrasonic field // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2017. - № 6(426). - p. 178–185.

  17. Zhurinov M.Z., Bayeshov A.B., Ivanov N.S., Myrzabekov B.E., Sarsenbayev N.B. Electrochemical oxidation of phenol on lumpy electrodes at a surge current polarization // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2017. - № 6(426). - p. 201–206.

  18. Statsyuk V.N., Sauyk A., Zhurinov M.Z., Fogel L.A., Abrashov A.A. Electrode reactions of phosphonic compounds of ATMP and HEDP on a platinum and glass-carbon electrodes // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2017. - № 5(425). - p. 220–226.

  19. Aubakirova A.Zh., Nurkenov O.A., Gazaliev A.M., Baikenova G.G., Zhurinov M.Zh. Synthesis of N-acetonitrile derivatives of cytisine alkaloid // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. – 2001. - № 71(1). - p. 151.

  20. Fazylov S.D., Gazaliev A.M., Khrustalev D.P., Zhurinov M.Zh. Reaction of ethynylmagnesium halides with substituted 1,3-oxazolidines // Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2000, 70(1), p. 156–157

  21. Gordienko M.G., Katalevich A.M., Ivanov S.I., Men’shutina N.V., Zhurinov M.Zh., Abil’magzhanov A.Z., Khusain B.K. Evaluation of the Significance of the Factors Influencing the Microstructure of Silicic Acid Gels // Glass and Ceramics. – 2016. – Vol.72. – P. 465-468.

  22. Gazaliev A.M., Fazylov S.D., Zhurinov M.Zh. Electrochemical extraction of alkaloids from ephedra herbage // Chemistry of Natural Compounds. - 1988. - № 23(6). - P. 718–720. DOI: 10.1007/BF00596651

  23. Gazaliev A.N., Zhurinov M.Zh., Fazylov S.D., Balitskii S.N. Isolation, analysis and synthesis of ephedrine and its derivatives // Chemistry of Natural Compounds. - 1989. - № 25(3). - P. 261-271. DOI: 10.1007/BF00597698

  24. Gazaliev A.M., Fazylov S.D., Sim E.P., Zhurinov M.Zh. Anodic behavior of ephedrine at solid electrodes // Chemistry of Natural Compounds. - 1990. - № 25(4). - P. 447-450. DOI: 10.1007/BF00597654

  25. Zhurynov M., Mirkind L.A., Fioshin M.Ya. Electrochemical alkoxylation of organic compounds // Uspekhi khimii. - 1973. - V. 12, No. 4. - P. 677. (in Rus)

  26. Zhurynov M., Zakharov V.P., Imangaliev T.A. Electrosynthesis of medicinal substances based on narcotine // News of electrochemistry of organic compounds. - 1973. - No. 38. - P. 101. (in Rus)

  27. Zhurinov M.Zh., Baeshov A.B., Baeshova A.K., Iztleuov G.M. The phenomenon of post-electrolysis dissolution of titanium // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 5-8. (in Rus)

Scopus AuthorID: 6602177960

ResearcherID: AAQ-2918-2020

ORCID: 0000-0001-5314-1219


Place of work: “D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry” JCS (Almaty, Kazakhstan)


Phone: +7 (727) 291 64 73


36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

Phone/fax: (8332) 37-02-77


The journal was founded in 2007