ISSN 1995-4301

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Urban protected areas in green infrastructure of Khabarovsk City

I.D. Debelaya, G.Yu. Morozova
Section: Social ecology
Urban specially protected natural areas (SPNAs) are an important element of the city’s green infrastructure, which is being formed to support its sustainable development. The aim of the work is to identify the main trends in the functioning of the SPNAs in Khabarovsk. Geobotanic, forest taxation, statistical, cartographic research methods are used. Using the example of the oldest city park, Dynamo, an assessment of ecosystem services was carried out. The total area of SPNAs is 1.5 % of the Khabarovsk area. The system of Khabarovsk SPNAs includes 28 objects of regional and local importance, which are differentiated into 7 categories: natural monuments of regional and local importance, park areas, recreational areas, protected natural objects, squares and natural and recreational complexes. The development of SPNAs in Khabarovsk is influenced by the rapid pace of urbanization, the overall unfavorable environmental situation, high natural and anthropogenic risks and high demands of residents to form a comfortable urban environment. The main problems of the formation of the urban SPNAs system are the lack of a single authority and stable funding; small total area of protected objects; uneven distribution within the city limits; the disparity of protected objects; low representation of natural landscapes, despite the short period of development of the territory; loss of the function of self-regulation of plant communities, loss of biodiversity; multifunctional use of the territory of protected objects. SPNAs are poorly integrated into the economy of the city. The prospects of increasing the total area of specially protected natural areas and expanding the range of their categories due to the reserved urban land are determined. Application of the results: improvement of urban development planning, municipal management.
Keywords: urban specially protected natural area, urban planning, green infrastructure, ecosystem services.
Article published in number 3 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-3-203-209
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007