ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Thermotechnical properties of municipal solid waste depending upon component and fractional composition

S. V. Polygalov, G. V. Ilinykh, V. N. Korotaev
Section: Ecologization of industry
Thermotechnical properties of municipal solid waste (MSW), in particular their moisture, ash content and heating value, determine the effectiveness of methods of thermal utilization of waste, interest in which is currently growing in Russia. The MSW heterogeneity leads to difficulties in determining their thermotechnical properties and causes the urgency of carrying out complex researches of MSW fractional and component composition with the isolation of sufficiently homogeneous components, the selection and laboratory researches of samples of such components. The article presents an approved methodological approach to MSW analysis, which includes full-scale field investigation of MSW component and fractional composition and analysis of their moisture and ash content in a laboratory with the subsequent calculation of the thermotechnical properties of the MSW flow as a whole. A distinctive feature of this approach is the provision of representative samples of MSW and individual components, consideration of seasonal and weekly fluctuations in waste composition, as well as the allocation of a large number of MSW components and separate investigation of their moisture and ash content in fractions of different sizes. Moisture and ash content of individual components within the same category differ significantly from each other and depend on the component’s material, properties and size. Heating value an individual component category depends on the component composition within the category and vary with the same water and ash content of the individual components. The obtained results allow modeling of MSW composition, heating value and other properties after different treatment technologies, including mechanical, manual and optical sorting, and select technologies and equipment for achieving specified waste quality parameters.
Keywords: component composition of waste, fractional composition of waste, moisture, ash content, heating value
Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-070-078
Views: 11

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The journal was founded in 2007