ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Environmental monitoring waters of Kumo-Manych depression

E.B. Dedova, V.I. Ivanova, G.N. Konieva
Section: Monitoring of anthropogenically disturbed areas
The reservoirs of the Kumo-Manych depression are of relict origin and function due to leaching of the sea sediments composing the depression by surface and ground waters. The article presents the results of long-term environmental monitoring of reservoirs of Manych group of lakes with high mineralization, which contributes to the formation of a specific biocenosis. The study of ecological features of water bodies under the conditions of limiting influence of salinity showed that a high degree of water salinity (80-200 g/l) contributes to the active development and reproduction of Artemia Salina. in lakes Big Yashaltinskoe and Jama. The main source of nutrition of the parthenogenetic population of Artemia are microphytes Dunaliella salina, Nitzschia, Navicula, Surirella, which have high plasticity and are able to withstand sudden changes in water mineralization. 24 species of diatoms and 1 species of green algae were found. The analysis of the results showed that the composition, dynamics of abundance and Genesis of biota are subject to fluctuations, depending on the cumulative effect of environmental factors. The strongest degree of mineralization of surface waters in the lakes of Manych group formed during the summer period when the value of hydrothermal factor of 0.3-0.4. In lakes the development of two-three generations of crustaceans Artemia salina, the average number of different age crustaceans for the period April – August in the lake Big Yashaltinskoe-23,07 – 61,14 thousand ind./m3, in lake Jama-10,05-23,15 thousand ind./m3. The dependence between the mineralization of water (Y) and the average body length of crustaceans (X) is approximated by the equation of the form: Y=7.88879+0.0109·x (r=0.64).
Keywords: mineralization of water, Kumo-Manych depression, hyperhaline reservoirs, artemia, algae.

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Article published in number 3 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-3-084-090
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007