ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Application of a complex of biologically active substances of Аronia melanocarpa in parapharmaceutical phytofilms

V.A. Kozvonin, E.V. Tovstik, V.K. Tupitsyn, S.A. Votintseva
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
The article presents the results of using non-pharmacopoeial plant raw material – dried leaves of the perennial cultivated chokeberry shrub Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott. as a source of substances with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The development of a parapharmaceutical phytofilm based on a complex of biologically active substances from A. melanocarpa is described. The results of preclinical evaluation of the developed phytofilm in an experimental model of skin wound on outbred white rats are presented. The developed phytofilm is environmentally safe compared to synthetic analogues which production is accompanied by a negative environmental impact. Substances with antioxidant properties which can play the role of a medicinal base were found in the composition of aqueous extracts from chokeberry leaves: polyphenols – 7.4±0.7, tannins – 4.6±0.5 mg/cm3. The safety of using A. melanocarpa leaves as raw material for phytofilm has been confirmed in heavy metal tests. The composition and film-forming ability of chokeberry leaves aqueous extract, including polyvinyl alcohol (098-15(G)) (6%), food grade gelatin P-11 (0.5%), glycerin (GOST 6259-75) (0.4%), colloidal silver solution 200 mg/dm3 (1%) has been established. A. melanocarpa leaves extract application to the film-forming solution increases the final vapor permeability by 48% and solubility by 14%. The model experiment shows the effect of using the created phytofilm in the reparation of linear wounds, manifested as significant decrease in their length by 30% by the fifth day, by 25% by the seventh day compared with the control, as well as normalization of the skin histological structure by the tenth day.
Keywords: polyvinyl alcohol, gelatin, glycerin, colloidal silver, polyphenols, tannins, antioxidant properties, linear wound model, histological methods
Article published in number 1 for 2024
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-1-097-105
Views: 37

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The journal was founded in 2007