ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Rational disposal of sulfur-containing waste

N.V. Syrchina, S.G. Skugoreva, T.I. Kutyavina
Section: Agroecology
Storage of sulfur extracted from hydrocarbon raw materials in open areas (sulfur pads) leads to soil contamination of sulfur. The sulfur-soil mixture is not suitable for further chemical processing, and its separation into individual components is not economically viable. In this regard, it is sent to specialized landfills as hazard class IV waste called “soil contaminated with sulfur during the repair of sulfur storage pits, sulfur pads, sulfur pipelines”. The production of ameliorants for alkaline saline soils is one option to utilize this waste without separating it into components. The application of a finely ground sulfur-soil mixture into alkaline saline soil decreases pH and the carbonates and bicarbonates content, increases specific electrical conductivity and the phosphorus and potassium mobility, as well as leads to the active displacement of Na+ cations from the soil absorption complex into the solution. The ions transition from the soil absorption complex into solution considerably facilitates the removal of excess salts from the soil by washing. The main effect of sulfur-soil mixture application is during the first three weeks after applying the ameliorant. It depends on the amount of sulfur applied to the soil. The introduction of technology for processing sulfur-soil mixtures into ameliorants will minimize the amount of sulfur-containing waste stored in landfills and bring to the market a budget-friendly, natural and effective agrochemical to restore the fertility of alkaline saline soils. The results obtained can be used as an experimental basis for the development of new processing of sulfur-soil mixtures into marketable products.
Keywords: industrial waste, sulfur, soil contaminated with sulfur, rational disposal, saline soils, ameliorants
Article published in number 4 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-4-151-156
Views: 21

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The journal was founded in 2007