ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Atmospheric air monitoring in the area of enterprises for the disposal of hazardous industrial waste

T.Ya. Ashikhmina, G.Ya. Kantor, A.S. Timonov, Е.А. Domnina, E.V. Dabakh, N.V. Syrchina, L.V. Kondakova, T.I. Kutyavina, S.G. Skugoreva, S.Yu. Ogorodnikova, V.V. Rutman, D.A. Kuznetzov
Section: Monitoring of natural and anthropogenically disturbed areas
Based on the materials of engineering and environmental surveys for the design of an industrial and technical complex (ITC) for the processing, disposal and neutralization of waste of I and II hazard classes ‘‘Mirny’’, an analysis of the calculated emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air was made, the list of which includes 49 substances of various chemical nature and degree of danger. The pollutants were ranked according to the magnitude of the hazard criterion of these substances, taking into account their toxicity and volumes of emissions into the atmosphere. According to the data received, it is recommended to include 22 priority indicators in the program of environmental monitoring of atmospheric air. In addition to general industrial pollutants (oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, suspended solids), they include specific pollutants characteristic of enterprises for the disposal and disposal of hazardous industrial waste – these are dioxins, benzo[a]pyrene, oxides of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, aluminum, zinc, iron(III), mercury, as well as ammonia, gaseous fluorine compounds, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide. It is proposed to include snow cover monitoring and indicators of biota response to technogenic atmospheric impact into the atmospheric air monitoring program. A map-scheme of the network has been developed and a regulation for conducting environmental monitoring of atmospheric air has been proposed.
Keywords: atmospheric air monitoring, utilization and neutralization of industrial waste, priority pollutants
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-038-046
Views: 96

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The journal was founded in 2007