ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Bioprotection of wood from microbial damage (review)

S.G. Skugoreva, L.I. Domracheva, L.V. Trefilova, P.A. Starikov, T.Ya. Ashikhmina
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
A review and analysis of literature data on the use of biological methods in the protection of wood from the action of wood-destructing microorganisms has been carried out. Antagonist microbes such as cyanobacteria, bacilli and micromycetes of g. Trichoderma play an important role in protecting wood from destruction. Their antagonistic activity against biodegrading microbes is associated with the synthesis of volatile and nonvolatile antibiotics, lipoproteins and hydrolase enzymes that destroy certain components of cells of wood-destructing microbes or disrupt their metabolic processes. Many natural compounds of vegetable (essential oils, tannins, extractive substances of wood) and animal origin (propolis, chitosan) have great potential in the bioprotection of wood from biodamage, due to their unique natural composition, which leads to disruption of the vital activity of destructor microbes. The advantages of natural compounds over synthetic antiseptics are their renewability, cost-effectiveness of obtaining from waste, non-toxicity and environmental friendliness. Disadvantages that limit the use of natural antiseptics are high heterogeneity depending on the source from which they are obtained, easy leaching, uneven activity against certain fungal species, high susceptibility to biodegradation. Some of these shortcomings can be overcome by combining organic biocides with other wood preservatives. A brief review of the literature data shows that, along with chemical methods of protecting wood from biodamage, it is advisable to use biological methods, which, although inferior in efficiency to the first, do not have a harmful effect on the environment. The combined use of synthetic and natural antiseptics can be especially effective.
Keywords: wood, biodamage, biosecurity, antiseptics of microbial, plant and animal origin
Article published in number 1 for 2023
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2023-1-006-015
Views: 98

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The journal was founded in 2007