ISSN 1995-4301

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Prokaryotic test models for environmental ecotoxicological research: prospects and classification

N.V. Dudchik, S. I. Sychik, V. V. Shevlyakov
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
Biological modeling in system ecology is an effective technology for assessing the biological effects of environmental factors. We provided the conceptual justification for the development of prokaryotic laboratory-analytical models, assessed the advantages and limitations of their experimental use. The classification of prokaryotic test models according to the level of the structural and ecological organization, the properties of the test object (cells, communities, populations, microbiocenosis) and a set of test reactions (bioindicators and biomarkers) is proposed. The definitions of the test model as a unified system including a test organism, a biomarker / bioindicator system, a test procedure in accordance with guidelines of good laboratory practice (GLP), a criteria apparatus for qualitative / quantitative assessment of environmental factors are given. The concepts of subpopulation and suprapopulation test models based on the properties of microbial communities as integral biological units regulating vital activity parameters depending on external factors are substantiated. Have been shown that microorganisms are relevant test objects for the development of innovative methods for assessing the impact of the physical, chemical and biological environmental factors on organism, which is based on the structural and ecological organization and the variety of metabolic, dynamic, morphological, molecular-genetic and other properties of microorganisms, integrity microbial culture as a system, cyclical development of populations of microorganisms in environment as well as their complex interaction with environmental factors.
Keywords: microbiotests, prokaryotic test-models, classification, biomarkers, bioindicators, associations of microorganisms

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Article published in number 4 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-4-005-012
Views: 36

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The journal was founded in 2007