ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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2 issue of the journal in 2024

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Geochemical characteristics of the Lake Chvanikha, the natural monument of the Kirov region

O.A. Lipatnikova, T.N. Lubkova, O.V. Solodyankina
Section: Chemistry of natural environments and objects
The article presents characteristics of the abiotic components (water and bottom sediments) of the karst Lake Chvanikha. The lake is located in the Nolinsky district of the Kirov region and has the status of the hydrological natural monument of regional significance. The results are based on precision analytic data (obtained by ICP-MS, X-ray fluorescence analysis, chemical methods, photometry, etc.) and on thermodynamic calculations (Visual-MINTEQ. ver. 3.1). The composition of the waters indirectly indicates to the development of carbonate karst (mainly the dissolution of dolomite) in the upper rock strata at the base of the lake basin and to the presence of minor gypsum interlayers at depth. The concentrations of dissolved forms of trace elements do not exceed the MPCs of harmful substances in the waters of fishery basins and generally corresponds to the average contents in the rivers of the world. The base forms of trace elements in water are their free ions (for Sr, Ba, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd) and carbonate complexes (for Pb and Cu). The bottom sediments are represented of fine quartz sands, which overlap the karst rocks. In the absence of a significant technogenic impact, the poor grade of sand’s ferruginization determines low contents of potential pollutants (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As, Mo, Ni, Cr, V), typical for quartz sands.
Keywords: Lake Chvanikha, karst sinkholes, macrocomponent composition of water, trace elements, thermodynamic calculations, bottom sediments
Article published in number 2 for 2024
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2024-2-082-090
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007