ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Сhemical land degradation under the influence of animal husbandry waste

N.V. Syrchina, L.V. Pilip, T.Ya. Ashikhmina
Section: Agroecology
Systematic introduction of significant volumes of liquid fraction (LF) of manure effluents into arable land leads to a significant transformation of the physical and chemical properties of agrozems. Under the influence of LF, the content of mobile forms of phosphorus (up to 980–1170 mg/kg), exchangeable potassium (up to 860 mg/kg), and organic matter in the arable horizon significantly increases, and acidity decreases. The LF of manure effluents of cattle contributes to a more pronounced increase рНКСl and a more intensive accumulation of organic matter than the LF of pig manure effluents, which may be due to the different chemical composition of manure. Cattle manure contains more Cа and Mg, which lower the pH, as well as lignin and fiber, leading to the accumulation of humus in the soil. The concentration of all studied heavy metals (HM) in arable land did not exceed the values typical for agrozems of the Kirov region. The content of gross and mobile forms Cu, Cd, Pb in the surveyed agro-ecosystems turned out to be higher than in the background territories. The amount of HM in corn stalks did not exceed the usual content of these elements in plants of uncontaminated territories. The accumulation indices of all studied HM, except Cu, were significantly higher when growing plants on acidic soils. A possible reason for the increased bioavailability of Cu for plants in neutral soils may be the formation of soluble chelate complexes. To prevent environmental pollution in the area of livestock complexes, it is necessary to improve the existing system of animal waste disposal and introduce technologies that allow waste to be transported over long distances.
Keywords: manure runoff, soil pollution, heavy metals, accumulation index, degradation of agrozem

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Article published in number 3 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-3-219-225
Views: 14

36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

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The journal was founded in 2007