ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Influence of radioecological pollution on heart rate variability in young men of different somatotypes

O.V. Kalabin, F.B. Litvin, T.M. Bruk, I.V. Bykova, E.V. Udovenko
Section: Social ecology
Monitoring of the influence of radioactive contamination as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was carried out using morphophysiological and statistical research methods. The sources of the data are our own research, the data of Bryanskstat, Rostekhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor. Groups of normosthenics, asthenics and hypersthenics were raced and identified among young men permanently residing in the areas with different levels of radioactive contamination. Different frequency of somatotypes occurrence, depending on the area of residence, was stated. Normally clean territories are dominated by normosthenics. In the areas with an increased level of radioactive contamination the number of asthenics and hypersthenics is growing. As for normostenics, moderate autonomic and moderate central mechanisms of heart rate regulation dominate. Asthenics are characterized by increase in the pronounced central mechanism of regulation. As for hypersthenics, the influence of a pronounced autonomous mechanism of regulation of the heart rate prevails. The pronounced dominance of the central circuit of heart rate regulation in asthenics and the autonomous circuit of heart rate regulation in hypersthenics is a consequence of tension, and in some representatives of depletion of the reserve capabilities of the systems under study in conditions of prolonged exposure to low doses of radiation. The identified variants of autonomic regulation of the heart rate are largely genetically determined, but at the same time, they are finally formed under the influence of external (radiation load on the environment) and internal (constitutional) factors. The data obtained make it possible to identify groups of persons susceptible to maladjustment phenomena and to use the heart rate variability results for physical rehabilitation of young people in extreme living conditions.
Keywords: age, radiation, somatotype, heart rate, type of regulation
Article published in number 4 for 2022
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2022-4-232-239
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007