ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Economic effect of environmental safety of galvanic production

A.A. Nester, O.O. Nikitin, O.V. Romanishina, V.V. Mysliborskiy, S.V. Ataev, O.S. Tyutyunnik, N.M. Gordiy
Section: Ecologization of industry
Purpose. Dumping and preserving spent pickling solutions on the territory of enterprises leads to environmental pollution, requires significant costs for their neutralization at the enterprise and at treatment facilities at the production sites. The purpose of the article is to present the results of research and tests carried out to create environmentally friendly equipment. Methodology. In this work, individual processes of regeneration of copper-ammonia pickling solutions with the production of dense copper precipitates, the release of which sharply reduce the formation and storage of waste in the form of sludge on the territory of enterprises, are studied. Results. It is noted that the chemical correction of pickling solutions leads to the formation of a significant amount of wastewater, which contains heavy metals, which negatively affect soils, groundwater, flora and humans, as the top of the food chain. The creation of equipment for the recovery of used solutions with the release of metal in a form suitable for remelting is becoming an important element in saving the environment. Scientific novelty. The research carried out made it possible to create promising equipment on their basis. The diagram of the etching line with the withdrawal of the used etching solution for regeneration to restore operating parameters is presented. The research-based etching line for printed circuit boards provides for the reuse of rinsing waters in the technological process to replenish the withdrawn pickling solution or after their recovery and use for rinsing the printed circuit boards. For the regeneration of a copper-alkaline solution based on CuCl2, a continuous-operation unit was proposed using a stainless steel or titanium cathode 3 mm thick and a graphite anode 30 mm thick. Practical significance. The use of a dense precipitation copper recovery process facilitates metal removal by simple mechanical operations and avoids the complex design for recovering copper in the form of metal powders. Separate dimensions of structural elements are given to ensure the operation of the regenerator of the used pickling solution.
Keywords: regeneration, sludge, pickling solution, titanium, cathode, wash water
Article published in number 4 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-4-086-092
Views: 32

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The journal was founded in 2007