ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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The effectiveness of oil gathering devices in ice conditions and methods for its increase

А.V. Salnikov
Section: Theoretical problems of ecology
The article presents the world experience of testing to assess the effectiveness of oil gathering devices (skimmers) of various designs during their operation at low temperatures and in ice conditions. The conditions and factors affecting the efficiency of skimmers during such operation and methods for increasing it are considered. The relevance of the article is associated with the constant need to improve industrial safety when working in water (marine) facilities and water areas and the use of the energy value of waste oil waste. The novelty is due to the consideration of modern existing oil gathering devices with an indication of their effectiveness in ice conditions.
Keywords: oil spill response, icy seas, ice concentration, sludge ice, broken ice, skimmers, oil gathering equipment
Article published in number 1 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-1-030-039
Views: 32

36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

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The journal was founded in 2007