ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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A multi-factor model as the basis for the environmental quality management of urban аreas

E. V. Sokolskaya, B. I. Kochurov, Yu. A. Dolgov, V. A. Lobkovsky
Section: Research methods. Models and projects
The article considers mathematical approach to environmental quality management to improve the ecological comfort of living for the population. The problem of environmental management is described using a multi-factor model of quality of the environment with the weight coefficients of the importance of its components: atmospheric air, acoustic impact, soil, water resources, and green spaces, accessibility of natural and recreational areas. The values of weight coefficients of importance of influencing factors for environmentally comfortable living are determined by the method of expert assessment. A multi-factor model is used for detailed assessment of the ecological quality of the urban environment. The proposed quantitative approach also allows to compare the environmental comfort of the different residential districts or to study the dynamics of environmental comfort of specific urban area. Much attention is paid to scientific and methodological principles of management and the formation of the concept of «environmental quality». The strategy of environmental management with ecological foundation of various practical solution is shown. The plan of measures on organization of optimal management of quality of the environment to improve comfort of living for the population of the residential microdistrict of Tiraspol is presented. Graphical scheme of the results of integral analysis of various environmental indicators and assessments for improving the comfort of the environment is given. Realization of environmental quality management of the urban areas on the basis of a multi-factor model contributes to the gradual change of dangerous ecological conditions of environmental factors, to increase a comfort of the territory taking into account the real preferences and needs of the population.
Keywords: environmental quality management, environmental factors, ecological comfort, generalized desirability function, expert assessment, complex indicator
Article published in number 2 for 2018
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2018-2-026-034
Views: 51

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The journal was founded in 2007