ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Gas-air emissions from glass container production as a risk factor for public health

T.А. Trifonova, A.А. Martsev, O.G. Selivanov
Section: Problems of environmental protection
Therefore, the purpose of this work was to assess the impact of environmental pollution on the health of the city, which operates a modern enterprise for the production of glass products. The paper uses the statistical data of the official services of the region in the Gorokhovetsky district of the Vladimir region, as well as the data of their own research. Determination of heavy metals in the soil was performed by x-ray fluorescence method on the spectrometer "SPECTROSCAN MAX-G". Determination of anion content in soils was carried out using water extracts of soil samples by capillary electrophoresis on the device "Drops-104". Statistically significant positive correlation coefficients between population morbidity and emission dynamics from stationary sources were obtained. Data on the content of heavy metals (HM) and anions in different parts of Gorokhovets were obtained. It is established that the main stationary source of environmental pollution is a glass plant, by-products of which are primarily nitrogen oxides. Statistically significant correlation between the dynamics of emissions of pollutants from stationary sources and a number of classes of diseases, as well as the excess of nitrates in the soil of the city, in comparison with the control, suggests a possible dependence of the development of pathological processes in the population from the receipt of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. The solution to the problem of reducing harmful emissions of glass container production can be innovative changes in the technology of glass cooking and furnace design, the use of new devices for burning organic fuel, the transition to cooking using electricity, which practically eliminates the entry of harmful volatile pollutants into the atmosphere.
Keywords: glass production, heavy metals, nitric oxide, morbidity
Article published in number 4 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-4-155-161
Views: 22

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The journal was founded in 2007