ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Scientific and methodological aspects of the organization of environmental monitoring of near-aerodrome territories

Zh.Yu. Kochetova, O.V. Bazarsky, N.V. Maslova, I.S Lazarev
Section: Methodology and research methods. Models and forecasts
A new approach to environmental monitoring of depositing media of near-aerodrome territories is proposed, aimed at increasing its accuracy and information content while reducing the cost. For this purpose, on the basis of correlation analysis of the results of eleven-year monitoring of the adjacent territory to the airfield of state aviation, the choice of analyte-marker of soil pollution by major pollutants is justified; developed a predictive model of soil pollution specific pollutant (aviation fuel) as a result of his kapleobrazovanie and scattering when the aircraft engines in afterburner at takeoff-landing; the developed method piezosensors rapid determination of analyte-marker in the field; the necessity of accurate calculation of the total score and presented to the ranking scale of total pollution of soils paartronic territories the main pollutants to describe the environmental situation. The proposed scheme of geoecological monitoring includes: prediction of soil pollution with an analyte-marker (kerosene) at different distances from the runway; construction of pixel maps of soil pollution with an analyte-marker based on the results of measurements in the field using a mobile and economical piezosensor measuring device; allocation of related areas with high content of analyte-marker on pixel maps; sampling of soils in the selected associated areas and determination of the content of priority pollutants (kerosene, formaldehyde, nitrates, heavy metals) by standard laboratory methods; calculation of the specified total indicator of soil pollution and construction of analog maps with subsequent decision-making on the rehabilitation of environmentally unfavorable areas. The proposed scheme of geoecological monitoring was tested in the adjacent territories to the airfields «Baltimore» and «Engels-2».
Keywords: environmental monitoring, soil pollution, kerosene, formaldehyde, heavy metals, nitrates, state aviation airfield

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Article published in number 4 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-4-071-075
Views: 6

36, Moskovskya street, Kirov, 610000, Editorial Board "Theoretical and Applied Ecology."

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The journal was founded in 2007