ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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An influence of urbanization on the processes of biological invasions in Arctic (on example of Yamal Autonomous Region)

E.M. Koptseva, I.Yu. Popov, D.Yu. Vlasov, E.V. Pershina, E.E. Andronov, E.V. Abakumov
Section: Social ecology
Urbanized ecosystems of the Arctic environment are considered as the most important example of invasive species redistribution into inhabitats which are not typical for them. In this context, urbanized ecosystems has been investigated in terms of biological invasions and local natural communities transformation into antropogenic ones. It is shown, that transformation of the flora and micro fungi is caused mainly by transformation of hydro thermic regime under the changing of surface of soil cover, which is considered as frequent consequence of the urbanization (construction, mining). Urbanogenic floras are considered as relatively stable and competitive. Indexes of α- and β- biodiversity of microorganisms are very different in soils of technogenic and mature landscapes, which is caused by the presence of the invasive species. The diversity of microorganisms show tend to increase due to antropogenic and ornitogenic translocation, newly formed communities become comparatively stable and results in sanitary-hygienic risks, related to the pathogenesis. An intensification of the tourism, transport activity and increasing of urbanization results in intensive transformation of the local faunas. Urbanized territories increment and expansion results in extending of the area to margin terrestrial borders of Eurasia, this also has an effect in formation of the food chains and holistic changes in ecosystems.
Keywords: Arctic, invasions, flora, microorganisms, fauna
Article published in number 3 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-3-210-216
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007