ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Checkout of methods for isolation and preparation of basidiomycete cultures for mycorrhization of soil

N.V. Bogacheva, N.V. Pozolotina, N.P. Savinykh, I.A. Konovalova
Section: Research methods. Models and projects
Cultivation of coniferous seedlings in artificial conditions is a promising direction for solving the problem of reforestation. One of the best agrotechnical methods for adapting plants to artificial conditions is mycorrhization of the soil. The formation of mycorrhiza, which is a symbiosis of the mycelium of the fungus and the roots of a higher plant, leads to an improvement in the physiological and biochemical state of plants, which contributes to their survival and growth. Objective of the work is working out methods of selection and preparation of culture of basidiomycetes for mycorrhization of soil. In the process of work, isolation and cultural-morphological assessment of mycelium from Tricholoma equestre, Lactarius rufus, Suillus bovinus basidiomycetes was performed . The homogenization regimes of the isolated fungal mycelium were worked out, which planned to cultivate the soil when growing seedlings of conifers in artificial conditions. The optimal mode was 8000 rpm for 2 min, which led to a significant increase in the content of viable mushroom mycelium in the suspension. The optimal range of content of mycelia suspensions of the studied fungi in beer wort for application to the soil was determined experimentally as 101 to 104 of viable propagules per 1 g of soil.
Keywords: allocation of the mycelium, mycorrhization of soil, seedlings of coniferous trees

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Article published in number 3 for 2020
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2020-3-046-051
Views: 35

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The journal was founded in 2007