ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Influence of microbiological preparations on yield of spring soft wheat

I.U. Ivanova, D.A. Dementiev
Section: Agroecology
Thousands of tons of chemical products are used annually in the world industrial production of agricultural products, both mineral fertilizers and toxic chemicals, aimed at combating diseases, pests and weeds. These chemicals actively influence not only the object of the struggle, but also the soil flora and fauna. The inhabitants of the soil, which loosen the soil, as well as the microorganisms involved in the processes of humification and mineralization of humus, are dying. The vacant ecological niches are occupied by organisms pathogenic for plants. This leads to the need to apply disinfectants and fungicides in even larger quantities. One way to break this destructive chain is to replace chemical fungicidal drugs with microbiological ones. In these preparations, microorganisms are natural competitors of phytopathogens, which have an antibiotic effect, protecting the cultivated crop from diseases. In addition, these microorganisms are able to assimilate free nitrogen of the air, supplying them with plants and soil, transfer inaccessible phosphorus compounds to plants that are readily available for plants, produce growth stimulants and other biologically active substances that positively affect the growth, development and productivity of the crop. Also, the soil is saturated with microflora useful for the soil and plants. On the experimental base of the Chuvash Research Institute of Agriculture, the effect of microbiological preparations on biometrics, yield and economic efficiency of cultivation of spring soft wheat varieties Moskovskaya 35 was investigated. The greatest increase in yield on average for 2 years was given by the joint use of preparations based on nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms - up to 1.5 t / ha. At the same time, the cost of bio-fertilizers amounted to 1.9-5.4% of the total cost structure. The profitability of cultivation increased from 14.4% with the use of only one strain of microorganisms, up to 43.5% with the use of 2 types of microbiological fertilizers, in comparison with the control.
Keywords: microbiological fertilizers, growth stimulants, spring soft wheat, yield

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Article published in number 2 for 2021
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2021-2-128-133
Views: 9

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The journal was founded in 2007