ISSN 1995-4301

ISSN 2618-8406

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Problems of state regulation of the organization of protection zones for hunting resources

I.A. Grebnev
Section: Social ecology
The subject of the research is the legislation regulating the organization of zones of protection of hunting resources. On the basis of theoretical assumptions, analysis of normative-legal acts, the author identifies areas and proposes concrete measures to improve legislation and law enforcement practice in the field of territorial protection of hunting resources (wild animals being objects of hunting). Work was carried out on the basis of a systematic approach using formal-logical and comparative legal research methods. The author comes to the conclusion about the absence of Federal legislation defining zones of protection of hunting resources, their inventory, and regulatory uncertainty of their legal status. Therefore, at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation there is a wide practice of organization of natural-territorial complexes as zones of protection of hunting resources, self-determination of the regions of their legal regime that does not always meet the requirements of Federal law and is based on a single evidence-based paradigm. The study identified a conflict of norms of the Federal faunistic legislation, the effect of having a different understanding of the order of creation of such territories. In particular, it is shown on concrete examples that the zone of protection of hunting resources can be established by decisions of the Supreme officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, higher Executive bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation, competent Executive authorities of special competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, long-term hunting users (business entities, which hunting resources made available for a period of 20 to 49 years). Based on the analysis of legal acts in the field of protection and use of objects of the animal world, it is concluded that only decisions on the organization of these territories accepted by the Federal executive bodies or the highest executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation are valid. Defects of legal matter do not contribute to ensuring the sustainability and rational use of hunting resources, which is a violation of public environmental interests in order to improve legal regulation in this field. It is offered to define the list of protection zones of hunting resources in the branch normative-legal acts, their legal status, fix the organization of zones of protection of hunting resources as suggested in the articl
Keywords: zone of protection of hunting resources, biotechnical measures, hunting, biological diversity
Article published in number 1 for 2019
DOI: 10.25750/1995-4301-2019-1-122-128
Views: 82

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The journal was founded in 2007